

The Taking of

the Teas



mentioned earlier in 「The Principles Behind the Regimen,」 the importance of

taking specific herbal teas in this approach to healing psoriasis cannot be overemphasized.

The purpose of taking the teas is twofold: 1)The healing of the inner walls of

the intestines, and 2) The flushing out or cleansing of the alimentary canal.

儘管之前提到過「治療方法背後的原則」,飲用草藥茶治癒牛皮癬的重要性,怎麼強調都不過分。喝茶有兩個方面的目的:1 治癒腸壁 2 沖洗或者清潔消化系統。

Slippery Elm

Bark Powder is used for healing the walls of the intestines. It is prepared by

putting 1/4 to1/2 teaspoon of the powder in a cup of warm water and allowing it

to steep for about 15 minutes. Stir occasionally and sip down. This is to be

done in the morning, 30 minutes before breakfast. If for any reason this timing

is not possible, it may be taken just before retiring the night before. It is

taken five days of the week for about 10 days, then every other day until the

condition clears. If it seems difficult to take, add ice to the mixture-the

colder the better. The slippery elm is also available in the form of capsules

or Thayer』s Lozenges, and they now come

in different favors which children prefer. In the event that the slippery elm

bark powder is difficult to take, the capsules or lozenges are an acceptable

alternative. Taking Omega-3 Fish Oils or Flaxseed Oil is an excellent

substitute in the healing of the intestinal walls.(see below)

榆樹皮茶用來癒合腸壁。把1/4到1/2茶匙的榆樹皮粉放在一杯溫水中,浸泡十五分鐘。攪拌喝下。這些在早飯前半個小時完成。如果由於一些原因不能在不能在這個時間段完成,那麼也可以在睡前喝。十天五次,每次隔一天,直到病情消除。如果難以下咽可以混入一些冰塊,越冷越好。榆樹皮粉可以用膠囊或者顆粒代替,現在它有了不同的口味,兒童更喜歡。如果榆樹皮粉實在難以下咽也可以用膠囊或者含片代替。服用 Omega-3 魚油或亞麻籽油是治療腸道壁的絕佳替代品。(見下文)

The American

Yellow saffron Tea (not Spanish) is used for the purpose of flushing out the liver and

kidneys. About 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon of the Saffron Tea is placed in a cup and

hot water is added. Let is steep for about 10 to 15 minutes, then drink it . it

is best taken between meals or on a relatively empty stomach. Two or three cups

can be had if desired-but there is one hard and fast rule to follow: Do not

drink the slippery Elm Bark Powder Tea and the American yellow Saffron Tea too

close to each other. They should be taken separately at opposite ends of the


美國黃色的藏紅花茶 (不是西班牙的) 用於沖洗肝臟和腎臟。1/4到1/2茶匙的藏紅花茶放在杯子里,加入熱水。浸泡十五分鐘,然後飲用。最好在兩餐之間或者空腹時候引用。如果需要, 可以有三杯, 但是有一個硬性的規則要遵循:不要喝榆樹皮茶和藏紅花茶的時間太接近。應該分別在一天的兩端喝。

[see list of

Suppliers on page 537 to find out where to obtain which are two essential

componenets of the regimen.]

查看537頁的供應商名單, 了解在哪裡可以獲得這是方案的兩個基本產品。

Saffron water: A

very cleansing and healthful measure is to prepare gallon of Saffron Water and

keep it in the refrigerator at all times. Brings a gallon of pure mountain

spring or distilled water to a boil. Turn off the heat and add one full

teaspoon of the saffron to the water and return it to the container the water

originally came in ,then refrigerate it at least one full glass of this water

is taken each day as part of your 6-8 glasses of water . it is a most effective

way to flush out the system.


The taking of

Omega-3 Fish Oils and/or Flaxseed Oil five days out of the week has been added

to my regular regimen in the past few years, since these oils have been

recognized as being very effective in the regeneration and reconstruction of

the intestinal walks, thus helping to repair the 「leaky gut」. These , as well

as l-glutamine, may help considerably in this function, particularly when the

breakdown of these walls can be traced to excessive use of antibiotics or drugs

used in psoriasis such as Methotrexate(MTX).


These items, the

teas and oils, should be kept refrigerated at all times white in their

packages. They may be obtained from any well-supplied natural health food

store. The American Yellow Saffron tea is the most difficult to obtain ,

therefore , I suggest my readers go straight to the product suppliers listed at

the back of this book and order from them directly.

這些東西, 茶葉和油,,應該裝在透明的包裝里並放在冰箱。這些都可以在正規的天然保健品店獲得。美國黃紅花茶是最難獲得的,

因此, 我建議我的讀者直接到本書後面列出的產品供應商, 並從他們那裡購買。

NOTE: These teas

may be taken provided they do not interfere with the absorption of any

medication such as heart medication or diabetes. Always seek the advice of your

licensed health practitioner for any contraindication before taking these teas.

注: 如果這些茶葉不干擾任何藥物的吸收, 如心臟藥物治療或糖尿病, 那麼這些病人就可以服用這些茶。在服用茶之前,請諮詢執業醫生的意見。


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