


T[i][k][0] = max(T[i-1][k][0],T[i-1][k][1]+prices[i])T[i][k][1] = max(T[i-1][k][1],T[i-1][k-1][0]-prices[i])


1. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock - LeetCode

Say you have an array for which the i th element is the price of a given stock on day i.

If you were only permitted to complete at most one transaction (ie, buy one and sell one share of the stock), design an algorithm to find the maximum profit.

Example 1:

Input: [7, 1, 5, 3, 6, 4]Output: 5max. difference = 6-1 = 5 (not 7-1 = 6, as selling price needs to be larger than buying price)

Example 2:

Input: [7, 6, 4, 3, 1]Output: 0In this case, no transaction is done, i.e. max profit = 0.

這是股票買賣問題的最基礎版本:給定每日股票價格序列,只允許做1次交易即k=1,求最大收益。本題的遞推條件將k=1帶入即可。由於T[i-1][0][0] = 0,直接將0帶入:

T[i][1][0] = max(T[i-1][1][0],T[i-1][1][1]+prices[i])T[i][1][1] = max(T[i-1][1][1],0-prices[i])


def maxProfit(self, prices): """ :type prices: List[int] :rtype: int """ if len(prices) is 0: return 0 T_ik0 = 0 T_ik1 = float(-inf) for i in range(len(prices)): T_ik0 = max([T_ik0,T_ik1+prices[i]]) T_ik1 = max([T_ik1,0-prices[i]]) print(T_ik0,T_ik1) return T_ik0

2.Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II - LeetCode

第二題與第一題差別在於k變為任意次數,即k= inf,在這種情況下T[i][k-1] = T[i][k]。

T[i][k][0] = max(T[i-1][k][0],T[i-1][k][1]+prices[i])T[i][k][1] = max(T[i-1][k][1],T[i-1][k][0]-prices[i])


def maxProfit(self, prices): """ :type prices: List[int] :rtype: int """ if len(prices) is 0: return 0 T_ik0 = 0 T_ik1 = float(-inf) for i in range(len(prices)): T_ik0 = max([T_ik0,T_ik1+prices[i]]) T_ik1 = max([T_ik1,T_ik0-prices[i]]) print(T_ik0,T_ik1) return T_ik0

3. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock III - LeetCode


T[i][2][0] = max(T[i-1][2][0],T[i-1][2][1]+prices[i])T[i][2][1] = max(T[i-1][2][1],T[i-1][1][0]-prices[i])T[i][1][0] = max(T[i-1][1][0],T[i-1][1][1]+prices[i])T[i][1][1] = max(T[i-1][1][1],-prices[i])


def maxProfit(self, prices): """ :type prices: List[int] :rtype: int """ if len(prices) is 0: return 0 T_i20 = 0 T_i21 = float(-inf) T_i10 = 0 T_i11 = float(-inf) for i in range(len(prices)): T_i20 = max([T_i20,T_i21+prices[i]]) T_i21 = max([T_i21,T_i10-prices[i]]) T_i10 = max([T_i10,T_i11+prices[i]]) T_i11 = max([T_i11,0-prices[i]]) #print(T_i20,T_i21,T_i10,T_i11) return T_i20

4.Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock with Cooldown - LeetCode


T[i][k][0] = max(T[i-1][k][0],T[i-1][k][1]+prices[i])T[i][k][1] = max(T[i-1][k][1],T[i-2][k][0]-prices[i])



def maxProfit(self, prices): """ :type prices: List[int] :rtype: int """ if len(prices) < 2: return 0 T_ik0 = [0 for _ in range(len(prices))] T_ik1 = [float(-inf) for _ in range(len(prices))] for i in range(len(prices)): T_ik0[i] = max([T_ik0[i-1],T_ik1[i-1]+prices[i]]) T_ik1[i] = max([T_ik1[i-1],T_ik0[i-2]-prices[i]]) print(T_ik0[i],T_ik1[i]) return T_ik0[len(prices)-1]

5.Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock IV - LeetCode


k>i/2時,等同於k = inf,變為第二題。



def maxProfit(self, k, prices): """ :type prices: List[int] :rtype: int """ if len(prices) is 0: return 0 if k is 0: return 0 if k > (len(prices)/2): T_ik0 = 0 T_ik1 = float(-inf) for i in range(len(prices)): T_ik0 = max([T_ik0,T_ik1+prices[i]]) T_ik1 = max([T_ik1,T_ik0-prices[i]]) print(T_ik0,T_ik1) return T_ik0 else: T_ik0 = [0 for _ in range(k)] T_ik1 = [float(-inf) for _ in range(k)] for i in range(len(prices)): for j in range(k-1,-1,-1): #T_ik0_old = T_ik0[j] T_ik0[j] = max([T_ik0[j],T_ik1[j]+prices[i]]) if j is not 0: T_ik1[j] = max([T_ik1[j],T_ik0[j-1]-prices[i]]) else: T_ik1[j] = max([T_ik1[j],0-prices[i]]) return T_ik0[k-1]

6. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock with Transaction Fee - LeetCode


T[i][k][0] = max(T[i-1][k][0],T[i-1][k][1]+prices[i])T[i][k][1] = max(T[i-1][k][1],T[i-1][k][0]-prices[i]-fee)


def maxProfit(self, prices, fee): """ :type prices: List[int] :rtype: int """ if len(prices) is 0: return 0 T_ik0 = 0 T_ik1 = float(-inf) for i in range(len(prices)): T_ik0 = max([T_ik0,T_ik1+prices[i]]) T_ik1 = max([T_ik1,T_ik0-prices[i] - fee]) return T_ik0



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