

美國超5萬人喪命後瘋搶中國「神葯」 價格飆7倍?


知乎用戶 @空一格 大概讀了一下中文報道,就發了一篇文章,吹捧一番中藥,順便噁心了一下反中醫人士:




中醫藥在美國被歸類於替代醫學,替代醫學包括了冥想療法、催眠療法、順勢療法、按摩療法、香味療法、維生素療法等,傳統的草藥和針灸也歸在其中。中醫中藥和這些奇奇怪怪的東西歸在一起,被排除在美國主流醫學界之外,怎麼突然變成救命稻草了?用腳趾頭想想都覺得不可能。所以我特意讀了一下華爾街日報的原文,順便翻譯了一下。關於枇杷膏在美帝火了的報道的源頭是華爾街日報的一片文章:《Herbal Supplement Has Some New Yorkers Talking, Instead of Coughing》,華爾街日報可能被牆了,所以引用了牆內可見的鏈接:

18.02.22 Herbal Supplement Has Some New Yorkers Talking, Instead of Coughing ?



HerbalSupplement Has Some New Yorkers Talking, Instead of Coughing

取代討論咳嗽,一些紐約人開始討論草藥補充劑(注:感謝 @Alastor Moody 指正,標題應譯為《 草藥補充劑讓一些紐約人能說話了,而不是一直咳嗽》)

If there』s one thing New Yorkers love more than discovering a new secret remedy,

it』s telling other New Yorkers about it.


half and couldn』t stop coughing,」 said Alex Schweder, an architect and

professor of design at Pratt Institute.

普拉特研究所的建築師兼設計教授亞Alex Schweder說:「我病了超過一周半,無法停止咳嗽。

That』s when his girlfriend gave him a bottle of Nin Jiom Pei Pa Koa, an

「herbal dietary supplement with honey and loquat,」 according to the label.


「This started working in 15 minutes,」 said Mr. Schweder. 「I』ve probably

gotten about five people to try it, but I』ve told many more.」

「在15分鐘內就有藥效了,」施韋德先生說。 「大約有五個人因為我的推薦試過枇杷膏,但我已經講了更多人這個治療方案。」

Mr. Schweder』s girlfriend, Oberon Sinclair, owner of a creative agency,

first learned about the herbal supplement nearly 30 years ago when she was

living in Hong Kong.

Schweder先生的女朋友Oberon Sinclair是一家創意機構的老闆,大約30年前當她住在香港的時候,第一次了解到草藥補充劑。

The remedy, often referred to simply as Pei Pa Koa, is sold both in

cough-drop form and more commonly in 10-ounce bottles in Chinese markets and

Chinese pharmacies for approximately $7 as well as online through third parties

for up to $70.


Taking herbal supplements can involve health risks, including when they

are used with medicines, consumed in excess or taken instead of prescription

medication, said Dr. Keith Brenner, specialist in pulmonary medicine at

Columbia University Medical Center at the New York Presbyterian Hospital.

紐約長老會醫院哥倫比亞大學醫學中心肺科醫學專家Keith Brenner博士表示,服用草藥補充劑可能會帶來健康風險,包括草藥與化學葯一起使用導致的過度用藥風險和只服用草藥而不服用處方葯的風險。

「I think people that use these things may not even disclose them to the

physician, and it』s a problem,」 he said. 「There』s been well-established

interactions between herbal and prescription, and the doctor can pick up on it

if the patient discloses it.」

「我認為使用草藥人可能甚至不會向醫生透露他們,這是一個問題,」他說。 「草藥和處方之間已經建立了明確的的相互作用,如果患者披露它,醫生可以接受它。」

The Food and Drug Administration advises consumers to speak to a

health-care provider before taking a supplement and to be wary of any product claims

that sound too good to be true. The agency doesn』t have the authority to review

dietary supplements for safety and effectiveness.


Herbal remedies with loquat have been produced in China for hundreds of years. The Nin Jiom Medicine Manufactory began producing Nin Jiom Pei Pa Koa in

Hong Kong in 1946. The Chinese characters on the bottle translate to 「Beijing,

in memory of my mother loquat thick paste.」 The company began marketing it to

mainland China, North America, and Europe in the 1980s. Competing loquat syrup

remedies are still produced in Hong Kong, but they remain less popular.


「All of a sudden, everybody is talking about it,」 said Ching Weh Chen,

owner of Pearl River, a Chinese market in New York City where the syrup is sold

for $7.80. 「Chinese people have known about it for a long, long time. It goes

back to Qing dynasty, but now it』s Caucasian customers coming in and asking for


「突然間,大家都在談論這件事,」紐約市的一家叫做珍珠河的中國商店的老闆Ching Weh Chen說,糖漿的售價為7.80美元。 「中國人很早就知道這件事了。它可以追溯到清朝,但現在是高加索客戶(指白人)進來並要求買它。」

Sue Decottis, a physician in internal medicine at New York University

Langone Medical Center who also has a private practice, says herbals can have

some value and she will, on occasion, recommend them to her patients. She

hasn』t prescribed Pei Pa Koa. 「There』s also the placebo effect with anything

like that, but there』s no real money behind it to do big studies,」 Dr. Decottis


紐約大學Langone醫學中心的內科醫生Sue Decottis也有私人執業經驗,他說草藥可以有一定的價值,她有時、偶爾會把草藥推薦給她的病人。她目前為止還沒有開出包含枇杷膏的處方。「類似於枇杷膏這種東西的也有安慰劑效應,但是沒有錢來做大規模的研究,」 Decottis博士說。

「I got a bottle of it in the height of my flu which seemed to hang about

this year for two months deep in my chest and not let go,」 said Matthew Modine,

the actor currently starring in Netflix』s 「Stranger Things.」 Mr. Modine bought

the product on Amazon and paid about $30.

「我得到了一瓶枇杷膏在我感冒的高峰期,我的感冒今年似乎在我的胸部深處停留了兩個月,並且沒有消失,」目前擔任Netflix「陌生人事物」主演的演員Matthew Modine說。 Modine在亞馬遜購買了該產品,並支付了大約30美元。

「My only trepidation was that it was coming from a country with different

standards,」 said Mr. Modine, who was familiar with loquat from his childhood in

Los Angeles. 「They』d fall off a tree and we』d pick them up and throw them at


「我唯一的擔心是它來自一個標準不同的國家,」Modine先生說,他在洛杉磯從小就熟悉枇杷。 「他們會從樹上掉下來,我們會把它們拿起來扔到車裡。」

「With respect to influenza, the most critical time to get attention is

when the virus hits because antivirals like Tamiflu need to be administered

within the first 48 hours if they』re going to be effective,」 said Dr. Brenner.

「If herbals are the first line of defense, we』d lose that window, especially if

someone has other medical problems, and there』s a higher risk the flu virus

will lead to hospitalization or even death.」

Brenner博士說:「就流感而言,獲得關注的最關鍵時刻是當病毒剛開始入侵時,因為像達菲這樣的抗病毒藥物,如果它們要奏效的話,需要在頭48小時內給葯。 「如果草藥是第一道防線,我們會失去這個窗口期,特別是如果有人有其他的醫療問題,並且流感病毒導致住院甚至死亡的風險更高。

New York State Department of Health Commissioner Howard Zucker urged

everyone to get a flu shot and said anyone with flu symptoms should see their

health-care provider.

紐約州衛生局局長Howard Zucker呼籲每個人都要接種流感疫苗,並表示任何有流感癥狀的人都應該去看看他們的醫療保健提供者。

Poet Max Blagg, who learned about Pei Pa Koa from an acupuncturist in

Chinatown, said: 「I was a little apprehensive. If you look on the label,

there』s a thousand herbs you』ve never heard of.」

從唐人街針灸師那裡了解枇杷膏的詩人Max Blagg說:「我有點擔心。 如果你看標籤,有一千種草藥你從來沒有聽說過。」

Mr. Blagg passed the recommendation along to painter James Gilroy, who had

the flu for three weeks. 「He showed me a bottle with some crazy Chinese writing

on it and I thought no, I』m going to go to a doctor,」 said Mr. Gilroy.

Blagg先生將枇杷膏推薦給了流感三周的畫家James Gilroy。「他給我展示了一個上面寫著一些瘋狂的中文文字的瓶子,我想不,我要去看醫生」,Gilroy先生說。

通篇讀下來,放在國內怎麼看都是一篇中醫黑寫出來批判中醫的文章,怎麼傳回國內,搖身一變成為中醫粉肯定中醫的依據。華爾街日報這篇報道中,京都念慈菴枇杷膏的效果沒有得到任何美國醫療行業相關人員的肯定,擋不住少部分腦袋發熱的美國人非要嘗試這種來自遙遠東方的「神葯」,美帝醫療從業者苦口婆心勸誡患者及時接受正規治療,不要迷信草藥,以免耽誤病情,連那個偶爾會給病人推薦草藥的醫生都沒有給被流感折磨的處於水深火熱的美國人推薦枇杷膏。一個普通美國人對念慈菴枇杷膏的評價更有可能是「寫著一些瘋狂的中文文字的瓶子」。知乎作者 @空一格大概只看了國內斷章取義的報道,誤以為念慈菴枇杷膏在美帝這次流感中大放異彩,殊不知只是少部分患者病急亂投醫的選擇。以此來肯定中醫中藥,未免貽笑大方。

更新1:我第一時間在 @空一格 文章下貼了本文鏈接,結果被他刪了。鴕鳥心態,真是可笑。

更新2:感謝 @Alastor Moody 指正,這篇報道的標題應譯為《 草藥補充劑讓一些紐約人能說話了,而不是一直咳嗽》



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