
OSU建築史 (2):古埃及建築

題圖Cross Section of the Temple of Khonsu


Haptic/Optic(Alois Riegl)



Solid, space-displacing, available to the sense of touch

The thing in itself

"near seeing"

e.g.ziggirat of Ur


Void, space-enclosing, available to the sense of vision

The relationship between subject and object

"far seeing"


古埃及的建築哲學:3000 years, one continuous style

Hieroglyph for "World"

North-South:Path of Nile

East-West:Path of Sun


Nile Flooding > Surveying > Occupying idle agricultural work force during flood season > Orthogonality > Geometry

Geo + Metry = earth measure



This mathematical precision, this desire for the orthogonal and they geometrically clear begins to give form to everything they do.

examples pf Egyptian measuring tool:

rope knotted into 12 sections strethed out to form a 3-4-5 right triangle

Egyptian Canon(Standard of proportion)標準化製圖

Egyptian Form:

stereometric (do with solid mass, haptic, having to do with three-dimensional solids),

hieratic (haveing to do with ritual, ritually or religiously stylized, extremely formal),

abstract (to distill or draw out some essential characteristics),

substractive form (shape which is revealed by carving and removal),

axial (organized by a conceptual connecting or dividing line), symmetrical(an organization mirrored around an axis),


formulaic(ahering to prescribed rules and/or cannons),

Lke writing more than figuration,like hieroglyphs


"sculptor" in Egyptian = He who keeps alive


Eygptians triple concept of the spirit:

ba = soul 靈魂

ka = life force, animated spirit,活力

akh = heaven dwelling being, reunification of ba & ka, 復活

mummy = vessel, shelter of what?




term "Type" : a class or group of buildings distinguished by shared formal characteristics and derived from the same historical sources

"Typology": The study of building types and formal organizations

examples of a specific type: mastaba, pyramid > tomb

建築學的術語「類型」、「類型學」 類似編碼規則

So in Egypt, anybody seeing "mastaba" would say,"Huh, dead person there. I know whats going on."

mastaba > step pyramid of Djoser(stocking of mastabas ziggurat) > Giza Pyramid

deified architect: Imhotep


"articulation": a method of clarifying the relationship of parts to the whole

"bay": the space between two columns

the method by which these things are been articulated: mimetic of nature > imitation

現代建築 效仿傳統、自然

傳統建築 效仿自然

mimetic of river weeds(lotus, papyrus) > presevation of the body of the architecture

mummy made of river weeds >presevation of the body of the human

建築裝飾背後的埃及人生死觀:Petrifying the ephemeral and making it last forever

"trabeation": post and beam construction, columns and lintel

Egyptian lintel:stone beam (stone good for column/compression bad for beam/tension)

> narrow spacing between the columns

step pyramid of Djoser (the type was identified) > bent pyramid of Sneferu(ambitious and goofy at the same time) > pyramid of Cheops (the type was identified and perfected)

類型 從被確定 到被完美



paradigm of New kingdom monumental architecture:

morutary temple

Temple of Khons 卡納克月亮神廟(底比斯)


1.notion of access and procession derived from the valley temple and courseway to the pyramid > theres a big axis

2.establishing hierarchy: axis-destination (tomb chamber, sarcophagus), telescoping scale (space is gathered together and made more and more condensed)

3.pylon: mimetic of vernacular architecture

Mortuary Temple of Hatshepsut 哈夏蘇特祭廟

Every time you cross a threshold, you get yo a space that is increasingly dense, increasingly compact, telescoping to the holy of holies

but not only does it move up the mountain, but also into the mountain

Hatshepsut used nature as her pyramid

"proto-Doric" columns (captial, fluting)


the landscape itself was being engaged in an aggressive way to amplify the scale of the building, and to make connections to the notion of the mountain

the rock cut temple: Temple of Ramesses II

using mountain as pylon

the Armana period/the period of Akehenaten(1353-1335 BCE)


"Ancient Egypt Art Nouveau": pulsing life of organic form, rather than the kind of ciphering of Egyptian form

Edfu Temple (Ptolomeic Perid):

Egyptian canon applied to both painting(human body) and architecture


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