{就餐禮儀} 您知道喝香檳的正確禮儀嗎?


Ladies, gentlemen and also teenagers who are about to become adults, in our classes we have noticed you know very well the champagne glass called 「flute」, but not the other one, called 「coupe」. However, the coupe is very common in Western countries, especially in Europe and France. The new year evening is coming, it is then the right moment to revise the proper etiquette for drinking champagne.


Champagne coupe 「Harcourt」, from Baccarat


This is not for cocktail (it would have a triangle shape) or for icecream, but for Champagne, just like the flute.


Champagne flute 「Harcourt」, from Baccarat


How to hold champagne glasses


Here is where you should hold your flute, not with a plain hand, but three fingers, four if you have a small hand. Do not grab it by the balloon, it would let to many finger prints and warm up the champagne.


At which level shall the champagne be served?


The rule is simple. For the flute, never less than the half or more than three fourth of the glass. Two third is a good option. Concerning the coupe, you have less variation possible: it has to be slightly above or under the curve of the glass, like on the photo below.


So why do we keep two glasses for champagne? Two reasons, one is practical, one is historical.


Why do we have two different glasses of champagne: practical reasons


Champagne professionals would give you thousands of explanations, and we let them getting deep into details. Here is a summary to make it simple:



The flute is long and narrow. Therefore, there is less chance for you to knock over some liquid when holding your glass and walking at the same time. The flute is thus particularly convenient for drinking champagne at social occasions during which you may have to walk, like standing galas, cocktail parties etc. Also, the length of the glass preserves the bubbles, as they have to go through more liquid before reaching the air, and the bubbles are those making the special taste of champagne.



With a coupe you have to be careful. No fast movement, no people walking around who could push you. Thus, it would be preferred for occasions you will have to remain seated, such as gala dinners, home reception etc. Moreover, because the open part of the coupe is larger than the flute the bubbles will disappear faster in the coupe. Bubbles are what make alcohol reaching your blood faster, so if you don』t want your guests to be drunk to fast, serve them in a coupe!


The historical reason: the perfect breast of Madame de Pompadour


Wine has been produced in Europe since 800 AD, but champagne is more recent: since the late 17th century in France. Later, during the 18th century, only young fashionable people in Paris were drinking champagne, but not the aristocrats at the court of Versailles.


Madame de Pompadour



In 1745, Madame de Pompadour become the mistress of the King of France Louis XV, she was from Paris and brought champagne with her at the royal court. The legend says that a new glass has been then created for champagne 「shaped on Madame de Pompadour』s perfect breast」. The coupe was born.

Later, in 1938, the American ambassador in Paris refused to drink in a coupe because he 「didn』t want his lips to touch a woman』s breast」. And a flute was served to him.


I hope this advice has been useful and help you understanding more the western traditions. If you have any questions, or your want to organize etiquette classes for your company, you are more than welcome to write to us!


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Academie de Bernadac


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