
在雅思聽力的主流題型中,配對題一直是眾多烤鴨心中的痛,面對這類題型,考生們總是迷茫而無助。通過分析今年上半年的考題回顧以及劍10, 劍11真題發現,配對題出現的比例比去年及以往有所上升,所以今天我們一起來學習一下這個題型。



大家在拿到一份試卷後的第一件事應該先瀏覽一下整套test的題型,如果section 2, 3有大量選擇和配對,我們應該將前面section 1 example的時間以及每個section結束後的半分鐘檢查時間充分利用起來,特別是本來閱讀速度就奇慢無比的烤鴨們更應該如此。


例:劍10 Test 2 Section 2


A. ancient forts

B. waterways

C. ice and snow

D. jewel

E. local animals

F. mountains

G. music and film

H. space travel

I. volcanoes

Areas of the world

15. Asia __________

16. Antarctica __________

17. South America __________

18. North America __________

19. Europe __________

20. Africa __________



例:劍 10 Test 3 Section 3


A. be on time

B. get a letter of recommendation

C. plan for the final year

D. make sure the institution』s focus is relevant

E. show ability in Theatre Studies

F. make travel arrangements and bookings

G. ask for help

Stages in doing the 『year abroad』 option

26. in the second year of the course ______________

27. when first choosing where to go ______________

28. when sending in your choices ______________

29. when writing your personal statement ______________

30. when doing the year abroad ______________

我們一起來看一下這個例題,與剛才列舉的劍10 Test 2 Section 2不一樣的是這邊的題干並不是專有名詞,那上面下面都替換了是不是連題目都定位不到了呢,要不要先看題干呢?


Mia: so next year when you are in the second year of the course, you need to work really hard……



Rob: So how did you choose where to go?

Mia: I decided I wanted a programme that would fit what I want to do after graduate……



You have to email the scheme coordinator with your top three choices. I had a friend who missed the deadline and didn』t get her first choice.

雖然和題干句子並不是一模一樣,但題干里的關鍵詞choice也沒有出現替換。如果是選項里有這個詞,一般考官都會把該詞換成option, 或詞性出現替換變成choose。


劍11 Test 3 Section 2

題干:16. railway station car park ________

原文:As you will know if you regularly use the car park at the railway station



例:劍11 Test 3 Section 2


A. It will move to a new location

B. It will have its opening hours extended

C. It will be refurbished

D. It will be used for a different purpose

E. It will have its opening hours reduced

F. It will have new management

G. It will be expanded


例:劍6 Test 1 Section 2

A. doubled in number

B. given separate entrance

C. reduced in number

D. increased in size

E. replaced

F. strengthened

G. temporarily closed



因為配對是選擇題的一個分支,選擇主要就是考查替換和定位,所以做配對題時要有替換意識。我們還是以劍6 Test 1 Section 2這題為例:

選項:A. doubled in number

原文:……, and now there are twice as many

選項:B. given separate entrance

原文:……, with its own access from the side of the building

選項:C. reduced in number

原文:we have increased the leg-room between the rows. This means that there are now fewer seats.

選項:D. increased in size

原文:the small, dark dressing rooms we used to have been converted into two large airy rooms.

選項:G. temporarily closed

原文:we hope to reopen the shop in the next few months.


例:劍9 Test 3 Section 2

14-18中的選項C. building

原文:Duncan has been a stalwart of the park for the last ten years, taking over from me in the area of construction


例:劍10 Test 1 Section 4

題干:36. Habitat is being lost due to deforestation and construction of_______

原文:……by cutting down a large number of trees. In addition, they have built roads…

例:劍10 Test 2 Section 3

題干:27. What was the most important to Heyerdahl about his raft journey?

A. the fact that he was the first person to do it.

B. the speed of crossing the Pacific.

C. the use of authentic construction methods.

原文:The most important factor seems to have been that he used only ancient techniques and local materials to build his raft.

例:劍10 Test 4 Section 2

題干:What did the MANHAM Trust hope to do?

A. discover the location of the original port

B. provide jobs for the unemployed

C. rebuild the port complex

原文:It then brought in paid professionals to match installations with maps of the original port complex and set about reconstructing it.




the press & newspaper

access & entrance

drink & water &refreshment

gift & present

expense & cost & money & financial

animal & wildlife

timetable & schedule

pupil & student

employer & boss

college student & young adult

landlord & house owner & house holder & owner of property

film & cinema & documentary

staff & worker

engine & mechanical


reserve & book

require & request & ask

handle & cope with & deal with

relocate & move

specialize in & focus on & emphasize

hear & been told

see & recognize


extremely & very

approximately & about

main & major

existing & available &current

annual &per year

dangerous & risky

elementary & easy & basic & beginning & primary

standard & fixed

two & double & twice


1. 同近義詞替換 例:advantage & benefit

discovery & breakthrough

2. 同近義片語替換 例:tourist attraction & scenic spot & places of interest

3. 詞性替換 例:modification & modify

attract &attraction & attractive

4. 綜合替換 例:disruption & interrupted(劍4 Test 2 Section 2 Q14 原文是interrupted, 題目在近義詞替換的基礎上又出現了詞性的替換)

change & modification

5. 上下義詞替換 例:drink & mineral water(劍4 Test 2 Section 1 Q1)

animal & wildlife(劍8 Test 2 Section 2)



例:劍 10 Test 3 Section 3


A. be on time

B. get a letter of recommendation

C. plan for the final year

D. make sure the institution』s focus is relevant

E. show ability in Theatre Studies

F. make travel arrangements and bookings

G. ask for help

Stages in doing the 『year abroad』 option

26. in the second year of the course E

27. when first choosing where to go D

28. when sending in your choices A

29. when writing your personal statement G

30. when doing the year abroad ______________

我們以劍10 Test 3 Section 3 第30題為例,假使前面幾題都已做對,那現在的選擇範圍就是B, C, F這三個選項。Section 3一般都是學生和學生或者學生和老師的對話,並圍繞學生校園生活展開講述一些諸如課程討論,論文選題,實地考察,作業等內容。F選項關於旅遊安排和預訂,如果出現在雅思真題中一般此表述會在section 1, section 2生活場景里的可能性更大。所以排除了F後B和C二者選其一,答對的幾率也增大了一些。

例:劍10 Test 4 Section 3

Sources of information

A. company manager

B. company』s personnel department

C. personal tutor

D. psychology department

E. mentor

F. university careers officer

G. Internet

選項裡面涉及了很多人,B選項是人事部門,找過工作的考生應該都知道公司的人事部門一般負責通知面試以及面試等步驟,28 responding to invitation for interview回復面試邀請應該就是學生和人事部門的聯繫。C選項是personal tutor自己的導師,考生一般都了解過申請大學或研究生的步驟,一般大學的申請資料里都得有兩封推薦信,其中至少有一封得出自your personal tutor。所以30題requesting a reference應該就選C選項。



例:劍10 Test 2 Section 2

15. Asia __________ snake, tiger

16. Antarctica __________ climb, mountain

17. South America __________ mine, precious stone

18. North America __________ rocket, international space station

19. Europe __________ traditional, medieval castle

20. Africa __________ river


比如該題的16題原文:we couldn』t run to an ice rink I』m afraid but opted instead for climbing blocks in the shape of mountains. 出現了not …… but……, 答案肯定是but後面的內容。

再比如18題原文:I know the contribution of cinema and jazz, but the designers finally opted for rockets and international space station. 首先前面用了一個I know表示讓步,實在不理解我們可以打一個比方,比如你向人家小姑娘表白,人家小姑娘說我知道你是一個好人,相信後半句話你不聽都知道結果是什麼了吧。這邊也是一樣,既然cinema and jazz是I know後面出現直接排除G選項的music and film(我們只是說正確選項一般都會替換,沒有說錯誤選項不會替換)。考點在but後面rockets火箭,international space station國際空間站都與space travel出現了替換。

從劍3劍4開始出現配對題,到現在劍10劍11 BC對於配對題的樂此不疲。配對題在所有題型中的出現比重也慢慢變大,甚至某些場次考試中section 2, section 3都出現了該題型。所以不擅長配對的同學在考試前一定要勤加練習,並且熟悉我們上面講的所有的做題方法。



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