
原文:Valentine Low,The Times



Three and easy? Not for William the worrier


The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge showed off their new-born prince to the world last night with pride, smiles and a confession from William of 「thrice the worry」 in life.


Twelve hours after the duchess went into labour, they introduced their third child to the hundreds of cameras gathered in front of the Lindo wing of St Mary』s hospital in west London. The boy, who was born on St George』s Day, arrived weighing 8lb 7oz at 11.01am, about five hours after the duchess was admitted to the private maternity unit.

自公爵夫人進入醫院12個小時後,他們將他們的第三個孩子介紹給倫敦西部聖瑪麗醫院林都院區樓前聚集的數百台攝像機。 這位出生在聖喬治節的王子於上午11時01分出生,重約8磅7盎司(約3.82KG),大約在公爵夫人進入私人產房後五個小時出生。

His name is yet to be announced. As William prepared to drive his wife and baby home, he held up three fingers and joked that he had 「thrice the worry now」. He added: 「We didn』t keep you waiting too long this time.」

王子的名字尚未公布。當威廉準備把他的妻子和寶寶送回家時,他舉起三根手指,開玩笑說他現在已經「三倍的憂愁了」。 他補充說:「這次我們沒有讓大家(指記者們)等太久。」

The duke, 35, who arrived at the hospital with the duchess, 36, was present at the birth, as he had been for Prince George, four, and Princess Charlotte, two. The baby, who is fifth in line to the throne, is the Queen and Duke of Edinburgh』s sixth great-grandchild, and the Prince of Wales』s third grandchild. He is an HRH and a Prince of Cambridge. Predicted names include Arthur, Albert, Frederick, James and Philip.

35歲的公爵,與36歲的公爵夫人,在醫院門口展示了他們的第三個出生的孩子,正如喬治王子(4歲)和夏洛特公主(2歲)出生時那樣。 這位英國皇位的第五順位繼承人是伊麗莎白女王和菲利普親王的第六個曾孫,威爾士親王(查爾斯王子)的第三個曾孫。他是一位王子殿下(His Royal Highness),冠以劍橋王子的頭銜。預計他的名字包括亞瑟、阿爾伯特、弗雷德里克、詹姆斯和菲利普等。

For his first photo call, aged just over five hours, the baby was wrapped in a white lace shawl and matching hat. Minutes after the appearance, the couple headed home to Kensington Palace, with the duke emerging from the hospital carrying his son in a car seat and holding his wife』s hand.


The palace said: 「Their royal highnesses would like to thank all staff at the hospital for the care and treatment they have received. They would also like to thank everyone for their warm wishes.」


A notice of the birth was placed on an easel in the forecourt of Buckingham Palace and a Union Jack was raised from the roof. Gun salutes will be fired today from Hyde Park and the Tower of London.


While Kensington Palace did not use the phrase 「paternity leave」, it said that the duke would spend the next two weeks supporting the duchess.





英國哈里王子5月完婚 600人獲邀出席婚禮

TAG:威廉王子 | 英國王室 | 三胎 |