
雅思大作文- 社會類- 高分地道搭配77個 (雙語)

V信:icy 的框架寫作小樂園

topic-specific vocabulary 第四回合 (教育類/科技類/媒體類已發)

rapid urbanization 快速城市化

counter imbalance 治理不平衡

in the long run 從長遠角度而言

build infrastructure 建造基礎設施

booming economy繁榮發展的經濟

tertiary industry 第三產業

levy tax徵稅

tax revenue 稅收

traffic congestion 交通擁擠

over-crowdedness 過度擁擠

unemployment rate失業率

wealth distribution 財富分配

social instability 社會動蕩

urban construction 城市建設

population explosion 人口激增

a rising crime rate 犯罪率上升

consumption of energy and resources 能源和資源消耗

offer more job opportunities 提供更多的就業機會

a rapid pace of life 快節奏生活

stress-related illnesses 與壓力有關的疾病

high cost of living 高額生活費用

social welfare 社會福利

give special care to …給予…特殊關照

urban expansion 城市擴張

convenient transportation means 便捷的交通工具

better medical services 更好的醫療服務

pressure of modern life in city 城市生活壓力

be vulnerable to …易於患上…

waste disposal 廢物處理

put the blame on …歸咎於…

be attributed to …歸因為…

ways of consumption 消費方式

suffer heavy losses 遭受重大損失

inhabitant/dweller/occupant/resident 居民

be confronted with…面臨著…

breed crimes 滋生犯罪

vicious cycle 惡性循環

a feasible measure 一種可行的措施

give priority to …優先考慮…

city planners 城市規劃者

introduce guidelines 提供指引

enforce laws 實施法律

enact laws ,makelaws, introduce laws 立法

strengthen enforcement 加強執法

take rigorousaction against 採取嚴厲的措施打擊

introducetougher legislation 頒布嚴厲的法律

impose tighterrestrictions on, 實施嚴厲的限制

tightenregulations 收緊法律

strict/tough/stringentregulations 嚴格的法律

Live in poverty 生活在貧困中

Live below the poverty line 貧困線下

Struggle financially 有經濟問題

The gap betweenhaves and have-nots貧富差距

the gap betweenthe rich and poor貧富差距


lift … out ofpoverty 擺脫貧困,

fightpoverty 解決貧困

eliminatepoverty 消除貧困

economic inequality貧富差距,

work closely with others 緊密和別人工作

Collaborate with others 和別人合作

ordinary citizens 老百姓

departments concerned 有關部門

take effective measures 有效的措施

invest money into… 投入

the authorities當局

rules and regulations規章制度

allocate moneyto sth.為...撥款

subsidise/be apatron of/invest in sth.為...撥款


tax revenue 稅收

government spending/expenditure on sth.政府某方面的開支

cut back削減

give priority to sth.把...當成當務之急

violate one』s right侵犯某人權利

infringe on one』sprivacy 侵犯某人隱私

socialequality 社會平等

boost employment/consumption促進就業/消費



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