WDO Academy |維渡國際學園
WDO Academy是一家總部坐落在加拿大多倫多的國際教育機構,旗下涵蓋兒童早教,少兒教育及特色培訓,國際遊學交流,海外留學等。以其獨特的教育課程體系和國際交流項目深受北美家長和孩子的歡迎。WDO ACADEMY 是加拿大早期最科學、最專業、最權威的兒童早起教育品牌之一,加拿大兒童教育協會成員,代表了北美(機拿大,美國)兒童早期教育行業的最高水平,也是全球兒童語言,感知,藝術,智力發展,綜合能力和運動技能等領域的領導者和先行者。
機構涵蓋Infants, Toddlers, CASA 和Elementary課程體系。該機構和多倫多,蒙特利爾,渥太華,Oakvile, 倫敦,紐約,華盛頓DC, 愛德華王子島,東京,首爾等三十家機構開展教育課程相關的深度合作項目。其宗旨就是培養孩子多維度思維,開發語言,情商,領導力,邏輯思維,禮儀等全方位潛力,打造具有國際前瞻性視野格局的新生代。
www.wdoacademy.caAbout WDO Academy
Mission & Values
Our mission at WDO Academy is to empower children to reach their fullest potential as confident, creative and compassionate young people and to joyfully cultivate a genuine desire for life-long learning. By providing an intellectually stimulating and developmentally appropriate learning environment, we engage young minds, create opportunities for them to find their passion, and become ethical and responsible contributors to their local and global communities. We pride ourselves on being a uniquely warm and nurturing school community, which enhances each child』s learning experience. We recognize and embrace the importance of community, cooperation, kindness and the acceptance of each person as a unique individual.
As a school community we value
- Respect for self and others
- Honesty and integrity
- Grace and resilience
- Creativity and imagination
- Critical thinking and creative problem solving
- Curiosity and innovation
- Courage and determination
- Inclusion of diverse perspectives and cultures
- Safety and security in our school environment
- Environmental responsibility, compassion and kindness
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