

Why is static typing in programming languages so important for people that they dislike more expressive languages like Python that dont have it?


Under the discussion , of which the topic is "Why is static typing in programming languages so important for people that they dislike more expressive languages like Python that dont have it?", there is an answer written by Robert Brown . For practicing,i read it and translate the view of Yann LeCun into Chinese . Because of the mindset of the practicing , i will not strictly translate the answer word by word , but just write down my explanation .

這是Quora上關於「為什麼在編程語言中靜態類型對人們來說如此重要,以至於他們不喜歡像Python這樣沒有的表達性語言?」上Robert Brown,回答的翻譯,他是Facebook公司的智能開發人員。

And it is my duty to provide the link of the discussion (in Quora)(問題鏈接如下):

Why is static typing in programming languages so important for people that they dislike more expressive languages like Python that dont have it??



Really it comes down to this. When I call a function I can tell immediately what the parameters are supposed to look like and do. With a dynamic type I have to go try to find documentation or if I』m lucky and have the code I can go try to read through it and figure out what is expected and how it』s used. Even though knowing what a function does can be helpful, it can also waste a lot of time.


The other thing that static typing does is that your errors appear at compile time for compiled languages.


That means that if I didn』t understand the function I called perfectly and wind up(緊) passing an object/structure that doesn』t implement the foo function which is used in one path through the function, runtime errors can occur(出現) after it hits production.


With static typing that kind of error is less likely to appear once it』s compiled.


Personally, while I do find anonymous types useful occasionally, I find it』s far to easy

to miss something when using dynamic types.


Note that writing tests( that basically enforce static types) is basically simply passing the buck to the dev and you really are using static types. So saying 「If you write your test correctly you won』t get the runtime errors」 is basically saying that static types are necessary even if you have to implement them yourself.

There are other speed issues where a compiler can do things more efficiently if it doesn』t have to worry about being able to convert things and determine type while running. For example a + b in javascript requires the compiler to test to determine whether a and b are strings or integers or decimal by back tracing every usage, and if the originating value comes from a user input then it can』t make ANY assumptions on the data type and has to test during runtime every time the code is called to determine what to do. That』s far less efficient than if a and b are declared as int and the compiler knows that it can simply produce an integer addition.

There are a bunch of IDE optimizations that can occur too especially when you are talking about objects or structures.



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