


我是Wind, 以前是字幕組組長. 我每天早上聽寫1分鐘美劇, 已經堅持7個月了. 你想不想找一種輕鬆愉快的方式提升自己的英語? 跟我一起每天做聽寫吧!


每天早上我會創作一張Wind大長圖, 精講1分鐘美劇對白. 每天我會從大長圖中節選一條講解放在這裡. 想要學習完整的Wind大長圖, 歡迎加入甩掉字幕社群~

1 As you can see, I was born without fingers on my right hand. and also my right leg was several inches shorter than my left one.

inch=英寸, 縮寫為in.

foot=英尺, 縮寫為ft.

1 foot=12 inches

我是這樣記的, inch你從音譯的話想把它譯作英尺, 但結果它卻很不聽話地是英寸的意思, 而foot卻是英尺的意思, Bazinga~

我們有句老話叫做: 尺有所短, 寸有所長, 因此尺是比寸更大的單位, 即foot>inch

1 foot是多長呢? 其實差不多就是一隻腳的長度, 好吧, 每個人的腳大小不一.

anyway, 1 foot大約是0.3m, 而1 inch大約是2.5cm. 即inch比centimeter稍微大一些, foot卻比meter小許多.


從第141篇開始, 我不再放出我自己聽寫的版本, 而是改為在答案上標記重難點, 大家特別注意一下我加粗的地方.

1 As you can see, I was born without fingers on my right hand. and also my right leg was several inches shorter than my left one.

正如你們所看到的, 我出生時右手就沒有指頭. 並且我的左腿比我的右腿要短几英寸

2 They broke the bones in the leg, then they screwed metal spikes into the bone. It has not only spikes, but wires that go all the way through the leg to stabilize it.

她們把腿里的骨頭斷開, 然後把金屬的長釘擰到骨頭裡. 不光有長釘, 還有金屬線在腿里繞來繞去讓腿穩固一些

3 I have to walk on it. I have to stretch it out so that my muscles dont just get all atrophied.

我得用它走路. 我得儘力伸展它, 這樣我的肌肉才不會萎縮

4 People always ask me, "Does it hurt?" Yes, it does, but I focus on what I can do, not on what I cannot do, I want to talk with you guys about overcoming obstacles.

人們總是問我: 它疼嗎? 疼. 但是我把注意力集中在我能做的事情上, 而不是我不能做的事情上, 我想要跟你們聊聊關於克服困難

5 Everybody has obstacles, a disability, a hurdle. We face a choice: let the obstacle overcome you or overcome the obstacle.

每個人都有自己的困難, 一個殘疾, 一個障礙. 我們面臨一個選擇: 讓困難征服你, 還是你征服困難.



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