平面設計|羅德島 PK 紐約視覺 先驅和顏控 ,你選誰?


RISD』s graduate program in Graphic Design prepares students for professional practice by emphasizing the roles of social context, media and aesthetics in the production of visible language systems.



接著官網上的第二句話,就完全證明了我的理解,他說:「the program encourages a nimble and intelligent response to constant change and burgeoning technology, 」他們鼓勵學生用敏捷聰明的方式去回應緩慢的平面設計視覺進程與快速的科學技術發展。也就是說,他們招的學生是平面設計界的先驅者,不滿足於現在的平面設計語言,勇於運用新型的工藝技術創造出新的視覺傳達語言。

聽起來有一種革命宣言的感覺。。。然後他們接地氣的補充一句:「while building a strong foundation of formal, aesthetic and analytical knowledge.」-我們還是要建立一種有條理的、審美上的善於分析知識的能力。好吧,這也明確了羅德島這所學校還是學術性比較高的,在專業審美要求下,還得有學術知識的理論儲備,邏輯思維等。





Graduates of the MFA programs are prepared to: ? interrogate the use of contemporary and historical tools, software and theory while contributing innovative and critical formal responses to the field of graphic design? produce visual form as proof of concept and demonstration of theory ? contribute, evaluate and critique visual communication work at an advanced strategic level? participate effectively in a professional graphic design studio environment? initiate an individual or collaborative studio practice? convey their expertise through teaching and/or mentoring? curate exhibitions of their work and that of others ? conduct original research and convey it through appropriate modes of writing, publishing, curating and/or exhibiting









縱觀SVA的官網,裡面形形色色的作品,簡直就是顏控的最愛。誰讓人家是視覺藝術學院呢?不好看的作品不能活不去吧。。。他們研究生的平面設計不叫graphic design也不叫communication design而是直接霸氣的改成了Design,也很自豪的說他們是紐約最好的設計項目。他們對平面設計的定義是這樣的:「As a profession, graphic design weds art and commerce, form and content, and aesthetics and function. 」平面設計是藝術與商業結合、形式與內容結合、美學和功能結合的專業。這裡提到了藝術、商業、形式、內容、美學和功能。所以他們更注重的是視覺上的功底,還有把概念想法視覺化的能力。

為顏控的大家奉上兩張美圖,人家從背景顏色就很好看有木有,糖果色有木有。項目名字是:「Create the branding for a place that you walk by every day and that you may or may not like".創造一個地點的品牌,這個學生不斷的從內容挖掘視覺元素,不斷在探討風格和表現。

就如一直強調的,研究生並不是隨便能讀的專業,學生必須是有了一定基礎和設計理解然後意願深造的。學校是這麼定位他們研究生項目方向的: 「For more than a decade advances in media have created many new creative opportunities, changing the role of graphic designers by forcing them to go beyond simply framing ideas into content development. Although production skills are necessary, graphic designers are increasingly in demand to contribute original 「design thinking」 into such fields as branding, publishing, editorial, packaging and products.」


有意思的是SVA強調創業,他們在介紹里說:「We emphasize entrepreneurship as an alternative to conventional practice, and as a means to raise the level of design expertise and achievement.」用創業來替換傳統的設計練習,從而提升設計的專業能力。更是把現在設計師的角色提升到了一個主要的地位:「At this crossroads, designers were given the choice to become glorified production 「artists,」 framing and finessing others』 ideas, or building upon their expertise, develop concepts integral to the success of a client』s wares. The MFA Design / Designer as Author +Entrepreneur program was the first in the country to emphasize an entrepreneurial course of study that raises the level of design expertise and achievement.設計師可以用專業的技術能力滿足和實現別人的想法,或者他們更可以用自己的設計想法滿足客戶的要求。通過設定創業項目,從自身的角度了解客戶,提升設計能力和成就。

最後,SVA是非常強調平面設計技術基礎的。不然哪來的高顏值。他們說:Students must be fluent in the languages of analog and digital graphic design and, particularly, typography, and increasingly more adept in motion and sound as well. They must be able to explain their ideas verbally and visually, for a good idea is nothing if it cannot be well articulated. We do not teach students how to design, but rather how to optimize their abilities to rise to the next professional level. In addition, we welcome those who have backgrounds in other fields and media.學生必須有一套流利的視覺設計語言,特別是字體設計、動畫與聲音。







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