Basic Dietary
1 Dietary
Balance: It is most important to establish a dietary balance of foods. Thedaily diet should consist of 70-80% alkaline forming foods and 20-30% acid
forming foods. The desired proportion should be 4 vegetables (especially greenleafy and carrots)and 2 fruits to 1 protein and 1 starch.1 飲食平衡:最重要的是建立飲食平衡。日常飲食應該包括70-80%的鹼性食物和20-30%的酸性食物。所需的比例應該是四份蔬菜(特別是綠葉蔬菜和胡蘿蔔)兩份的水果和一份蛋白質以及一份澱粉。
2 Acid vs.
Alkaline: One must guard against having too much of the same type of food atthe same meal, especially the acid formers. More alkaline reacting foods shouldbe eaten particularly if the patient does not engage in exercise, manualactivity, or if he or she is under exceptional emotional stress.2酸性和鹼性:你必須注意要在同一餐中吃太多同一類型的食物,尤其是酸性食物。如果病人不進行運動,體力活動,或者如果他在異常的情緒壓力下,那麼應該吃更多的鹼性食物。
3 Food Combinations:
Certain combinations of food can be very detrimental to the body, whereas thesesame foods , if consumed separately, are beneficial. Desirable and undesirablecombinations are included elsewhere in the book.3 食物組合:某些食物組合對人體是有害的,然而單獨食用時對人體是有益的。可取的和不可取的組合包含在書中其他部分。
4 Vitamins: If
there is a proper balance if food in the diet, supplementary vitamins areusually not necessary. However , the recommended daily allowance (RDA) ofvitamins A combined with D,B-1,and B-Complex, vitamin E, Selenium andFiber),and a reduced intake of animal proteins and fats , will help to promotea healthy , clear skin.
5 Lecithin
(granular, soy-balanced preferred) should be part of the daily diet five daysout of the week. I recommend that my patients take 1 tablespoon of lecithin in the morning, 1 atnoon, and 1 in the evenying each day, until the condition clears. Lecithin maybe added to any liquid, salad, or cereal; or, if preferred, it may be taken byitself.5 卵磷脂(顆粒狀的大豆卵磷脂是首選)因該是每周五天正常飲食的一部分。我建議我的病人每天早,中,晚,分別吃一湯匙的卵磷脂,直到病情清除。卵磷脂可以被加到任何液體沙拉和穀物中,如果你願意的話也可以直接食用。
6 Fruits and
Vegetables: Eat a great deal of fruits and vegetables that are yellow and/or
green in color, such as lemons , grapefruits, yellow peaches, yellow cookedapples ,yellow corn, oranges, carrots, Romaine lettuce, celery, spinach,broccoli , watercress, parsley, et.[Avoid citrus fruits and their juices incases of eczema and/or psoriatic arthritis.]6水果和蔬菜:吃大量的黃色的或者綠色的水果和蔬菜,如檸檬、葡萄柚、黃桃、黃色的熟蘋果、黃色的玉米、橘子、胡蘿蔔、生菜、芹菜、菠菜、花椰菜、西洋菜、歐芹等。【如果有濕疹和關節炎性牛皮癬要避免柑橘類水果以及果汁】
7 Juices: Buy a
juicer and blender for making fresh fruit and vegetable juice. Drinking freshlymade juice is on of the most effective measures to take for good nutrition andinternal cleansing.(See Dr. John』s jungle Brew on page 437)7果汁:買一個榨汁機和攪拌機來製作新鮮的水果和蔬菜汁。飲用水果和蔬菜汁是最有效的營養和內部凈化措施。
8 Water: It is
impossible to overemphasize the importance of drinking plenty of pure waterdaily. In addition to all other beverages, the recommended amount of waterconsumption is 6-8 glasses, unless contraindicated due to some underlyingmedical condition of the bladder or urinary tract.8水:再怎麼強調每天喝大量純凈水都是不為過的。除了其他飲料,建議每天喝6到8杯水,除非由於膀胱或者尿道潛在的疾病。
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