
未婚De facto澳洲留學陪讀簽證DIY申請指南

未婚關係申請陪讀簽證時,發現網上相關信息很少,很多中介直接說沒結婚的辦不了陪讀,這裡寫一下自己和男朋友未婚De facto關係申請陪讀下籤的經驗,希望可以幫到有需要的人。

首先是De facto關係的說明,大家通常認為的事實情侶關係可能就是男女朋友還沒結婚的狀態,然而官方對其定義範圍遠不止這一種情況,還包括同性間因為法律原因無法結婚;或者雙方是真實情侶,因為其中一方目前未能離婚成功,而暫時不能結婚;或者雙方在一起不需要結婚來證明感情的情況等等。要知道簽證官在審查De facto的時候面對的是多種人群,準備材料的時候不要局限在說明情侶關係,更多的是側重共同生活的事實及意願。

To satisfy this requirement,the couple must demonstrate that they have been in a de facto relationship for at least 12 months before the visa application is made. For migration purposes,a person is in a de facto relationship with another person if they:

? are not married to each other

? have a mutual commitment to a shared life to the exclusion of all others

? are in a genuine and continuing relationship

? live together or do not live separately and apart on a permanent basis

? are not related by family.

官方對此的要求是,簡單來說申請簽證前共同生活超過12個月,並且1.沒結婚 2.互相承諾只與彼此共同生活 3.真實而持續性的關係 4.共同生活並沒有長期分居 5.不是親屬關係。這個要求非常的抽象,而申請簽證時候都是需要提供證據的,應該從哪些方面來提供證據呢?

When submitting evidence of a de facto relationship, applicants must be able to demonstrate that their relationship has existed for at least one year before the application is made.

Evidence may include but is not limited to:

1.The history of the relationship through a signed statement regarding:

? how, when and where the couple first met

? how the relationship developed

? the couples domestic arrangements, that is, how they support each other financially, physically and emotionally and when this level of commitment began

? any periods of separation, when and why the separation occurred, for how long and how the couple maintained their relationship during the period of separation

? the couples future plans.

2.Financial aspects of the relationship, such as:

? joint ownership of the house or joint names on a lease

? correspondence addressed to the couple at the same address

? details of financial commitments including bank statements, and any joint liabilities.

3.The nature of the household, such as:

? any joint responsibility for the care and support of any children

? the couples living arrangements including sharing responsibilities within the home.

4.Social context, such as:

? evidence that the couple is generally accepted and recognised as a couple socially such as joint invitations

? evidence of common friends

? assessments by the couples friends and family of the relationship

? joint travel or joint participation in sporting, social or cultural activities.

The couples commitment to each other, such as:

? the duration of the relationship including knowledge of each other

? intention to have a long term relationship, for example, through terms of their wills

? correspondence and telephone accounts to show that the couple maintained contact during any periods of separation.

也就是說,1.關係歷史 2.經濟方面 3.日常生活 4.社交方面, 落實到上傳的材料種類就是


1.戶口本,族譜 國內未婚大家基本都沒有




5.結婚證 未婚沒有

6.其他(並分類) 所以不屬於註明標籤的材料都放這裡







13.聯名公共設施通知單 也就是水電費,燃氣費等的單子





首先是關係說明Relationship Statement,雙方都要寫,我是分別從

History of our relationship 怎麼認識,關係如何發展,何時認定為de factor關係寫個感人的love story,

Living together 在一起住在哪裡,為什麼想要一起住中間搬家的原因,

The nature of our household 日常家務分工,分擔的家庭責任,買東西誰付錢順便把日常financial的問題也交代下,

Social context of our relationship 雙方一起參加的活動,與雙方家人朋友的交流,

Our commitment to each other 相互承諾,雖然沒結婚但在心裡是今生認定的唯一,

Our future plans together 去澳洲陪讀,然後一起回國的打算,這六個方面寫的。

Relationship Statement相當於一個總括,說清楚前因後果,同時註明We have attached further evidence of our relationship in the evidence folder,把其他會上傳的材料簡要描述一下。

第二個上傳材料是Evidence of Living Together,一起生活的證明,including

letters and parcels to the same address 同一地址的快遞及信件,記得相同類型的證據只用一個,比如快遞單不要全用淘寶的,更有說服力的比如信用卡賬單(可以申請補寄到指定地址),雅思成績單,買合約機或手機卡通訊公司寄的帶地址的小票,帶地址的發票(比較方便的是淘寶或者滴滴上可以申請帶地址的電子發票)

letters and parcels to the same address 同一地址的快遞及信件,記得相同類型的證據只用一個,比如快遞單不要全用淘寶的,更有說服力的比如信用卡賬單(可以申請補寄到指定地址),雅思成績單,買合約機或手機卡通訊公司寄的帶地址的小票,帶地址的發票(比較方便的是淘寶或者滴滴上可以申請帶地址的電子發票)

medical record of the same address 病歷上的相同地址,澳洲很認可這個,雖然國內很多病歷是不填地址的,很簡單自己填上就好。

water bills of our address 水費單,雖然上面是房東的名字,但對應地址是我們居住的地址。

第三個上傳材料是Photos showing our daily and social life 日常生活的照片including

photos with family and friends 和家人朋友一起的照片,比如聚會或者一起出去玩的照片,還可以讓家人朋友給寫證明信,證明家人朋友知道雙方的關係。照片可以選的巧妙些,比如我男朋友是攝影師,剛好我倆為我一好朋友拍攝了婚紗照,便提供了當時四人都入鏡的一起拍婚紗照的照片(photos with friends),並附上後來她結婚發給我們的請柬(joint name invitation),這種互相呼應的證明能更大增加可信度。

timeline photos from iPhone album iPhone 的相冊有個功能是把兩個人的合影按時間地點顯示出來,截屏後一目了然,簽證官沒時間看大家太多的合影照片的,這樣一張截屏圖片可以替代很多合影照片來說明關係了。

tickets together 一部分票據,包括電影票啊,去動物園的票等等。

Electronics bought in pair 我和男朋友有三個手機都是同款不同色的那種,情侶機的感覺,時間跨度大,有14年出的LG G3也有去年出的iPhone 7,就也放上當證明了。




出國一定要注意, 在機場千萬不能做這事!

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