

來源:雙語:李克強總理在第十一屆夏季達沃斯論壇開幕式上的致辭 | 英文巴士


Address atthe Opening Ceremony of Annual Meeting of the New Champions 2017

中華人民共和國國務院總理 李克強

H.E. Li Keqiang, Premier of theState Council of the People』s Republic of China


Dalian, 27 June 2017





ProfessorKlaus Schwab,

YourExcellencies Heads of Government,


Ladiesand Gentlemen,


It』s a great pleasure to meet youagain in this beautiful city of Dalian. On behalf of the Chinese government,let me offer our warm congratulations on the opening of the Eleventh AnnualMeeting of the New Champions, and extend a sincere welcome to all guests comingfrom afar and to members of the media.


Yesterday evening after my meetingwith Professor Schwab and some of the delegates, we went to a viewing deck andenjoyed the sceneries around us. We saw green hills in the distance shrouded ina thin mist, which sometimes hid them from view. But it was only temporary. Themist eventually cleared away, and the mountain is always there. This sceneryreminded me of the current state of the global economy. On the one hand, signsof world economic and trade recovery have begun to emerge and the new round ofindustrial revolution has given people new hope. Economic globalization hasbecome an irreversible trend. On the other hand, global economic recoveryremains weighed down by lack of growth drivers and structural imbalances thatare yet to be fundamentally addressed. Backlash against globalization hasworsened, compounded by rising geopolitical risks. If the hills representstability of the global economy and the mist uncertainty, then stability willprevail over uncertainty as long as we harden our resolve and make relentless efforts.


In his keynote speech at the AnnualMeeting of the World Economic Forum early this year, President Xi Jinpingelaborated on China』s firm commitment to economic globalization and free trade,which has been widely acclaimed by the international community. The theme ofthis annual meeting, 「Achieving Inclusive Growth in the Fourth IndustrialRevolution」, is highly relevant to our times.


A review of world history showsthat each of the industrial revolutions has brought about leapfroggingexpansion of productivity and huge progress of civilizations in general. Thisround of industrial revolution, fostered in the era of economic globalization,is changing our world in a way unseen before in terms of speed, scope and depthof transformation, giving a strong boost to economic growth of all countries.However, if not managed properly, this round of change may also lead to lack ofinclusiveness in growth. Some people may benefit more than others, traditionalindustries and jobs may take a hit, and returns on capital and labor maydiverge further. Addressing these issues well is of both social and economicimportance. Lack of inclusiveness will render part of the workforce andresources idle, and deepen the divide within society and between regions. Thiswould hinder the tapping of market potential, aggravate the social divide, andmake growth unsustainable. In contrast, inclusive growth makes societies fairerand development more widely beneficial. Realizing inclusiveness and achievingsustainable development are therefore two sides of the same coin.


Compared with the previous times,the new industrial revolution offers greater promise in fostering inclusivegrowth. Driven by Internet, digital and intelligent technologies, it hascreated new supply and demand, greatly expanded development space and broughtunprecedented opportunities for equal participation. Now, it is much easier foranyone to log on the Internet to start a business, pursue innovation and createwealth. SMEs can get on the same starting point as big companies and foster newchampions through integrated innovation. Developing countries can betterleverage their comparative strengths and latecomer advantage. The key is totake vigorous and effective steps to turn these possibilities into reality andhelp more people, businesses and nations achieve greater progress in the newindustrial revolution.


Promoting inclusive growth in ourtimes calls for upholding economic globalization, which has greatly facilitatedthe flow of goods, capital and people, and provided bigger markets forproducers and more choices for consumers than ever before. All countries arebeneficiaries in this process. At the same time, countries, both developing anddeveloped, have encountered challenges of different forms in adapting toeconomic globalization. However, these problems cannot be blamed on economicglobalization per se. What is important is how to adapt or respond to it. Togive an analogy, one cannot blame the uneven ground for his sprained ankle andstop walking altogether. Instead, we must better adapt to and steer economicglobalization forward, uphold the authority and efficacy of the multilateralsystem, and promote investment and trade liberalization and facilitation. Inthe meantime, we need to reform and improve international economic and traderules to secure equal rights, equal opportunities and equal rules for allcountries in international economic cooperation.

Some people talk about the questionof 「fair trade」. In fact, free trade, as the underlying driving force foreconomic globalization, is the prerequisite for fair trade. Restricting freetrade will not make trade fairer. Fairness is an inherent requirement of freetrade, and unfair trade will not be sustainable. When problems and tradedisputes arise, it is advisable to take into account the national conditions ofthe other side, conduct consultation on the basis of equality and mutualaccommodation, seek areas of converging and balanced interests and find win-winsolutions through complementarity. All countries should be treated equallyunder international and multilateral rules. Imposing unilateral rules on othersis much less advisable than pursuing all-win outcomes.


Promoting inclusive growth requiresthe hard work of countries themselves. Against the backdrop of economicglobalization and new industrial revolution, a country』s ability to seize theopportunities to speed up economic development and address challenges of unemployment,widening income gap and poverty is very much shaped by its own choices andactions. We should put in place better institutional arrangements incentivizingefficiency and equity, develop a model of balanced and inclusive growth, andprovide opportunities for equal participation by all. We should make educationfuture-oriented to help the workforce better adapt to industrialtransformation, remove structural hindrances to employment, and give moresupport to vulnerable groups to enable all to benefit from development. Talkingabout sustainable development, one should not fail to mention responding toclimate change, which is the shared responsibility of the internationalcommunity. China will honor its commitments under the Paris Agreement and carryout climate response measures on the ground, as this is also required for China』sgreen development.


Not long ago, China successfullyheld the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation. The Belt and Road Initiative, which followsthe principles of extensive consultation, joint contribution and sharedbenefits, provides a wide platform for inclusive development and offers newopportunities for all countries and businesses. We look forward to the activeparticipation of all sides for interconnected and win-win development throughmutually beneficial cooperation.


Ladies and Gentlemen,


China has been an activefacilitator of inclusive growth. More inclusive growth in our country has beenan important reason why the Chinese economy has maintained steady growth inrecent years despite the sluggish world economy. In keeping with the principlesof innovative, coordinated, green, open and shared development and the trend ofeconomic globalization and the new industrial revolution, we have highlightedinclusiveness in our development strategies, and worked to promote inclusivegrowth through providing institutional guarantee and policy support. This hashelped us to blaze a path of inclusive growth with distinctive Chinesefeatures. Naturally, we are still feeling our way forward along this path.


We have given priority toemployment in pursuing development. Employment is the foundation for achievinginclusive growth. Without relatively full employment, inclusive growth wouldnot be possible, and there would be no solid foundation for generating greaterincome and wealth. China has a workforce of over 900 million. Every year, about13 million students graduate from colleges and secondary schools and a largenumber of rural surplus labor migrate to towns and cities. We see employment asa key indicator of economic performance and promoting steady growth is mainlyfor the purpose of securing employment.

We have implemented a proactiveemployment policy to boost total employment, address key employment issues andhelp vulnerable people. We encourage the creation of jobs by businessstart-ups. We have launched targeted employment programs for college graduates,supported migrant workers in starting up businesses back in their hometowns,and provided employment assistance to laid-off workers from industries withexcess capacity, vulnerable urban residents and people with disabilities. Theaim is to make sure that each family has at least one person on a stable job.Over the past few years, over 13 million new urban jobs have been created on ayearly basis, and surveyed urban unemployment rate has been kept at around 5%.A recent survey conducted by an authoritative international organization onvarious development indicators has ranked China』s performance on employment atthe very top of the world. In the meantime, people』s income has been rising intandem with economic growth, the Gini Coefficient is gradually going down andthe ranks of middle-income earners have steadily swelled. This is a trulyremarkable achievement for a major developing country with more than 1.3billion people and an important contribution to inclusive growth.


We have encouraged more people togo for entrepreneurship and innovation. It also helps broaden the channel ofemployment. To make sure that everyone takes part, contributes and shares thebenefits is the essence of inclusive growth. It is also what drivesentrepreneurship and innovation in today』s China. In recent years, China hasearnestly implemented the strategy of innovation-driven development, andpromoted mass entrepreneurship and innovation by fostering enabling conditions.These efforts have yielded better-than-expected results.

China』s entrepreneurship andinnovation are based on extensive public participation. Not only enterprisesand research institutions are engaged in this effort, but more and moreordinary people are also joining in to make the best of their creativecapabilities. This is aptly described by a Chinese idiom: Eight immortalscrossing the sea, each with their own magical power. For the past three years since2014 when we first put forward this initiative, an average of 40,000 new marketentities have been set up every day, including some 14,000 newly registeredenterprises. Business activity rate has stood at around 70%, and in May, thedaily count of newly registered enterprises even reached 18,000.

China』s entrepreneurship andinnovation are driven by cooperation among different market entities. We havebuilt open and sharing platforms of mass entrepreneurship and innovation, whereinnovation players of various kinds interact online and offline. Pooling theirwisdom and efforts has made entrepreneurship and innovation more efficient,less costly and faster. The Global Innovation Index 2017 issued by the WorldIntellectual Property Organization and others a few days ago put China at 22ndplace, 13 spots higher from 2013 and topping the middle-income economies. China』sentrepreneurship and innovation have delivered benefits to all. The Chinesegovernment has adopted an accommodating and prudent regulatory approach towardnew industries, new business forms and models, such as e-commerce, mobilepayment and bike-sharing, which have enabled their fast and healthydevelopment. As a result, people』s lives are made more convenient and a largenumber of jobs are created. Of all the new jobs created last year, about 70%were contributed by new growth drivers.

Mass entrepreneurship andinnovation have given more people the opportunity to better their lives andthus improved opportunities for vertical social mobility. China』sentrepreneurship and innovation have greatly advanced economic transformationand upgrading and raised our competitiveness. It has brought about fast growthof emerging industries and re-energized traditional ones, boosting new drivingforces for development. Last year, the market value of China』s sharing economyreached 3.5 trillion yuan, growing by more than 100% year-on-year, and 600million people got involved in sharing. Thanks to the large populationinvolved, China』s entrepreneurship and innovation have gained a fast and strongmomentum and provided an effective means to achieve inclusive growth.


We have continued to raise thestandards of basic social welfare for our people. China is the world』s biggestdeveloping country. Meeting the basic needs of the over one billion people,such as subsistence, housing, education and medical care, is a huge challenge.Through painstaking efforts, China has put in place three social safety netscovering the entire population, i.e. basic pension, basic medical care andcompulsory education. We have made utmost efforts to improve the living andworking conditions of the low- and middle-income group, especially peopleliving in poverty, and carried out major projects to improve people』slivelihood, including rural poverty alleviation and rebuilding of run-downareas in cities. As a result of our efforts in the past 30 years and more, over700 million Chinese have been lifted out of poverty, creating a Chinese miraclein the history of poverty reduction. We are now putting in targeted povertyalleviation efforts with the goal of taking the remaining 40 million rural poorout of poverty by 2020.

There used to be about 100 millionpeople living in urban run-down areas in China. In the past eight years, wehave invested over six trillion yuan in cumulative terms to ensure properhousing for over 80 million people by rebuilding more than 30 million run-downhousing units. This is equivalent to housing the whole population of arelatively big country. Inclusive growth has delivered a better and moredignified life to our people and made our economy and society more dynamic andsustainable. That being said, China remains a developing country, and it stillhas a long way to go before the fruits of development can be shared among allits people and modernization realized.


Ladies and Gentlemen,


The Chinese economy has maintaineda momentum of steady and sound growth this year. The first quarter saw 6.9%growth with marked improvement in economic performance, and major economicindicators have continued to move in a positive direction in the secondquarter. Power generation, freight volume and new business orders haveincreased notably. Profits of industrial companies above the designated scalehave increased at double-digit rates. Foreign exchange reserves have started togrow again, and the RMB exchange rate has been basically stable. In particular,employment has been strong with surveyed unemployment rate for urban areasfalling to 4.91% in May, the lowest level in years. Citing the growing strengthof new drivers and steady progress in economic rebalancing in China, a numberof international organizations and research institutions have recently revisedup China』s growth forecasts, reflecting optimistic market expectations.


Pleased as we are with solidperformance of economic indicators, we feel even more encouraged by valuablechanges in our economic structure. In recent years, facing downward pressure,we did not resort to massive, indiscriminate stimulus measures or follow theprevious pattern of excessive investment and resource consumption. Instead, wehave kept readjusting our economic structure through reform and innovation andsecured a major shift from too much reliance on export and investment to generatinggrowth through consumption, the service sector and domestic demand. Last year,consumption became a primary growth driver, contributing 64.6% to economicgrowth; The added value of the service sector accounted for more than half, or51.6% of GDP; Current account balance to GDP ratio dropped to 1.8%, showingthat domestic demand has become a strong pillar of the economy. These majorchanges point to the qualitative improvement in the Chinese economy and havemade our growth more stable and sustainable.


Having said that, we are alsofacing significant economic difficulties and challenges, which we are fullyprepared to tackle. Given the complex and volatile external environment,short-term and marginal fluctuations of some economic indicators are inevitableat this crucial stage of transformation and upgrading of China』s economy, butthe overall trajectory of stability and growth will remain unchanged, and weare fully capable of fulfilling this year』s main targets and tasks ofdevelopment. We will stay committed to seeking progress while maintainingstability, accelerate economic transformation and upgrading through supply-sidestructural reform, and strengthen the internally-driven development.


We will deepen reform across theboard and unleash greater dynamism of economic development. Reform will bestepped up in fiscal, taxation, financial, SOEs, state-owned asset and otherkey areas. Focus will be put on streamlining administration, delegatinggovernment powers, and cutting taxes and fees to lower institutionaltransaction costs and ease burdens on companies. Efforts will be made to expandmarket access, promote fair competition, provide better services, and removeinvestment and development barriers for private enterprises. Structural taxreduction policies will be implemented and charges on businesses overhauled. Ontop of the two trillion yuan worth of cuts in taxes and charges for businessesin previous years, we will introduce a further reduction of one trillion yuanthis year, and make sure that market entities can truly feel the benefit ofthese measures.


We will continue to advancestructural adjustments and accelerate the shift from old growth drivers to newones. We will keep to innovation-driven development, seek greater progress inmass entrepreneurship and innovation, and push forward integrated innovationamong large companies, SMEs, research institutions and makers. This will helpfoster new clusters of emerging industries, and encourage the transformationand upgrading of traditional industries with new technologies and new businessforms. We will continue to cut excess capacity and phase out backward capacityin such areas as steel, coal and coal-fired power generation in a market- andlaw-based way. As China joins the ranks of middle-income countries, consumptionis of crucial importance. Greater consumption will expand market potential inbig ways and stimulate job creation. To upgrade consumption, we will keepimproving the consumption environment, stimulate consumption demand andcultivate new areas of consumption. These measures will not only improve people』slives, but also provide new impetus to economic growth.


Proactive efforts will be made toexpand opening-up and build a globally competitive business environment. Wewill move faster to develop a new, open economic system in keeping witheconomic globalization and the new industrial revolution. We will further easemarket access in service and manufacturing sectors, relax foreign equity capsin some areas of interest, advance and improve the negative-list regulationmodel. Domestic and foreign companies are treated equally in the application ofsupportive policies. We will roll out measures to help them get registered atone-stop services and have their application handled within a time limit. Wewill encourage foreign-invested companies to reinvest their profits in China,support multinational companies in setting up regional headquarters in China,and encourage foreign investment in Central and Western China and oldindustrial bases such as Northeast China. In the coming five years, China willimport US$8 trillion worth of goods. A Chinese economy which enjoys a soundmomentum in the long run and becomes increasingly open will bring moreopportunities to the rest of the world and remain the most attractiveinvestment destination. We welcome businesses from across the world to investin China and grow stronger with the Chinese economy.


We will step up efforts to preventand control economic and financial risks and stave off systemic risks.Potential risks do exist in some areas, but they are generally under control.We are taking effective measures to tackle and remove them in a timely way. ForChina, the biggest risk is that of stalling growth. We will continue to takecoordinated measures to prevent and address risks in the course of promotingeconomic development. With a relatively low government debt ratio among majoreconomies and a relatively high savings rate, capital adequacy ratio ofcommercial banks and provision coverage ratio, we are fully capable of fendingoff risks and ensuring that the economy performs within a reasonable range,maintains medium-high growth rate and moves to the medium-high level.


Ladies and Gentlemen,


As a Chinese saying goes, 「The seais vast as it admits all rivers.」 An inclusive world will be a more splendidplace. We are ready to work with all countries to achieve inclusive growth ineconomic globalization and the new industrial revolution, build a community ofshared future, and create an even brighter tomorrow for mankind.


To conclude, I wish this AnnualMeeting a complete success.

Thank you.



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