English grammar in use 學習筆記(一)

一、現在進行時(i am doing)



a、Kate wants to work in Italy, so shes Learning Italian. (but perhaps she isnt learning Italian at the time of speaking)

b、Some friends of mine are building their own house. They hope to finish it next summer


get change become increase rise fall grow improve begin start

二、一般現在時(i do)

使用一般現在時表示普遍真理或經常重複發生的事 (表狀態?)


a、I get up at 8 oclock every morning.

b、How often do you go to the dentist?

c、Julie doesnt drink tea very often.

d、Robert usually goes away two or three times a year.

2、Sometimes we do things by saying something. For example, when you promise to do something,you can say I promise ... ; when you suggest something, you can say I suggest ... :

a、I promise I wont be late. (not Im promising)

b、What do you suggest I do? I suggest that you ...

In the same way we say: I apologise .. . / I advise ... / I insist ... / I agree ... / I refuse ... etc




The water is boiling. Can you turn it off?

Listen to those people. What language are they speaking?

Lets go out. lt isnt raining now



We use the simple for things in general or things that happen repeatedly.

Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius.

Excuse me, do you speak English?

It doesnt rain very much in summer.


Im Living with some friends until I find a place of my own.

A: Youre working hard today.

B: Yes, I have a lot to do


My parents Live in London. They have

lived there all their lives.

Joe isnt lazy. He works hard most of the time.

3、i always do表示每次都是如此 I always do (something) = I do it every time:

I always go to work by car. (not Im always going)

i』m always doing表示重複的太頻繁,超過正常狀態

Im always Losing things = I lose t hings very often, perhaps too often, or more often than normal

Youre always playing computer games. You should do something more active.(=You play computer games too often)

Tim is never satisfied. Hes always complaining. (=He complains too much)

4、現在進行時表示動作已經發生但尚未完成(一般使用ing,如they『re eating/it『s raining), 但有些動詞不用這種方式表示,如:

like want need prefer

know realize suppose mean understand believe remember

belong fit contain consist seem

5、 think

a、當think表示『believe』或者』have a opinion』時,不使用現在進行時:

I think Mary is Canadian, but Im not sure. (not Im thinking)

What do you think of my plan? (=What is your opinion?)


Im thinking about what happened. I often think about it.

Nicky is thinking of giving up her job. (=she is considering it)

6、 see hear smell taste 一般用於一般現在時:

We often use can + see/hear/smell/taste:

I can hear a strange noise. Can you hear it?

7、look feel 既可用於一般現在時也可用於現在進行時:

You Look well today. or Youre Looking well today.

How do you feel now? or How are you feeling now?


I usually feel tired in the morning. (not Im usually feeling)

8、Hes being= Hes behaving I Hes acting. Compare:

I cant understand why hes being so selfish. He isnt usually like that.

being selfish = behaving selfishly at the moment)

He never thinks about other people. He is very selfish. (not He is being)

He is selfish generally, not only at the moment)

We use am/is/are being to say how somebody is behaving. It is not usually possible in other


its hot today. (not it is being hot) Sarah is very tired. (not is being tired)


007 大海撈針 a needle in a haystack

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