
維多利亞時代,一個講求氣質和奢華的時代,這是唯一 一個男性可以花24小時打扮而不讓人感覺奇怪的年代,這是女性走出中世紀禁錮走向自由的轉折點,帥氣聰明的福爾摩斯大人就是描寫在在這個爛漫狂熱的時代。維多利亞時代的女性社會地位比從前高了很多,沙龍女主人都擁有一群狂熱的男粉絲,每逢節日都會收到成打的禮物。

約瑟夫 安吉拉(Joseph Angell II),維多利亞時代的著名銀匠,參加過1851年國際博覽會,以 伊斯特魯亞花瓶 這件作品獲獎,被授予國家獎章,獲1853年紐約國際博覽會銅牌,在1862年倫敦國際博覽會上再次得到勳章,他的後代一直經營他留下的銀器公司直到現在。


The decoration to the anterior surface of the box incorporates the contemporary engraved inscription Presented to Mrs G. H. Barnes on her birthday by a few attached friends as an humble testimony of her kind, generous and hospitatble qualities, Feby 5th 1861.

這個超贊的維多利亞時代古董純銀茶葉罐有一個堅挺的矩形輪廓。每一面都用約瑟夫親手刻制的高拋光線裝飾,在四個角上裝飾著螺旋柱。盒子的前表面上的裝飾框內用心鐫刻著題詞 「獻給G·H·巴恩斯女士的生日禮物。卑微而知心的朋友見證了你的善良、慷慨和熱情。1861年2月5日」。

Antique Victorian Sterling Silver Locking Tea Caddy | 1855 London

Each side of the box is embellished with impressive bright cut engraved scrolling leaf strapwork decoration accented with floral sprays, festoons and suspended pendant motifs.

The sides of the box are further ornamented with a paralleling border accented with circular motifs with a central cross pattee to the lower corners.


Antique Victorian Sterling Silver Nine Piece Tea and Coffee Service 1843 London

This exceptional antique Victorian English sterling silver tea and coffee service consists of two coffee pots, two teapots, two sugar bowls, two cream jugs and a bachelor teapot.

The body of each piece is embellished with bright cut engraved decoration depicting columns and scrolling designs, intertwined by trees supporting birds and squirrels.

The covers are embellished with bright cut engraved scrolling leaf designs to each panel; the panels to the finials reflect a simplified scrolling design to that of the covers.

The teapots, coffee pots and small, bachelor teapot are all fitted with hinged domed panelled covers surmounted with hallmarked silver compressed baluster octagonal shaped finials.

This exceptional tea and coffee service was crafted by the renowned London silversmiths Joseph Angell I & Joseph Angell II.


Antique Victorian Sterling Silver Three Piece Tea Service 1852 London £2,750

The pieces of this unusual antique Victorian sterling silver three piece tea service have a pear shaped form onto four bracket style feet.

he body of the teapot, cream jug and sugar bowl is ornamented with four large and four smaller shaped panels embellished with fine bright cut engraved Arabesque style decoration.

The cover retains the impressive original hallmarked flower and leaf finial.

也許,真正的大師就是如此的浪漫,手下才生出了驚艷不朽的花,更多我的文章在訂閱號 大師手工 歡迎關注投稿

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