
// (『重讀) (_輕聲) (x ~ x連讀) (#跟讀) (##聽讀) (+##複習時跟/聽讀) (xxx下劃線是測試題答案) (天藍色是生詞) (藍色是片語習慣搭配)

L05U01 1-1 Listening (Jessica』s class reunion)

Jessica is 35 years old.

She graduated from middle school 20 years ago.

This year her middle school class had its 20 years reunion.

## All ~ of her classmates and teachers were invited to attend.

It was going to be at a hotel near where their school used to be.

+# (Their reunion was going to be held at hotel near where their school used to be.)

## Like may other buildings, the school had been torn down.

+## It had been replaced by some apartment buildings.

1) # At first, she wasnt sure if she could go to the reunion.

2) +# One reason was that there wasnt anyone in particular she wanted to see.

3) ## Another reason was that she was very busy.

4) +# She was a working mother, with a boy 8 years old and a husband who was rarely at home.

# Going to the reunion meant that she would have to arrange for someone to take care of things while she was away.

That wouldn』t be easy.

She didnt want to take her boy with her, and her husband wouldnt take time off from work.

Then +## she got a message from Sharon, one of her old classmates.

# Sharon was contacting people from their class and was urging everyone to come.

+# In their school days, Sharon was class monitor, and now she was helping to organize the reunion.

1) They exchanged messages and Jessica said she couldnt make it. (she wouldn』t be able to come.)

2) Then Sharon gave her a call, and they told for almost an hour.

3) Sharon really wanted her to come, and so did coupe of Jessicas old friends.

4) +## They were all wondering how she was doing.

None of them had seen or heard from her since graduation.

# They were especially curious since she hadnt gone to their first reunion 10 years before.

1) # Jessica decided to arrange things so that she could go.

2) +## Her husband finally agreed to take care things while she was away.

3) He agreed to do it because her mother had offered to come and stay for awhile so Jessica could attend the reunion.

4) Since he and her mother didnt get along, he decided to change his schedule and work from home for a few days.

He really didnt want her mother to come, thought he didnt say so.

+## Once she got ~ to the reunion, she was shocked.

## Everyone had aged so much, and many were out of shape.

+# Some who used to be good looking had lost their looks completely and anthers looked much better than before.

(+## They had lost their looks completely.)

## It was strange how time had changed people in such different ways.

Anyway, she decided that since she was there, she would try to enjoy it.


L05U01 1-2 Vocabulary ()

## To replace something means that to put something else in ~ its place.

## When something gets old and begins to break down, it may needs to be replaced.

(When a person leaves a company, the person may need to be replaced by someone else.)

(The person who replaces someone is the person』s replacement.)

## To tear something down means to break it apart.

To tear a person down means to hurt them by saying negative things about them.

+## (It may take a long time to tear down a big building.)

(When the old school building was torn down, it was replaced by a hotel.)

+# (The earthquake destroyed several buildings and left many people without homes.)

+## To construct something means to build it or put it together.

Large construction projects include buildings, bridges and organisations.

+## The opposite of constructive is destructive(tear down).

(Constructive comments in a discussion can be very helpful.)

+# (Destructive comments in a discussion can be very negative and cause bad feelings.)

(To be constructive means to help build an idea or process by contributing something helpful, such as positive feedback.)

To organize something means to arrange things in an orderly, logical way.

An organization is something has logical structure, such as a well managed company.

+## (Some people are poorly organised, so they have a hard time finding things.)

+## (They are too disorganized to get anything down on time.)

+## (When things are not arranged well, you need to organise.)

# (An event or party can be well organised, poorly organized or completely disorganized.)

To support something such as an idea, it』s to help or add strength to it.

## The opposite of support is to undermine or weaken.

#(To work against someone means to undermine them, or make then less effective.)

## (They are too disorganised to get anything done one time.)

## (If you support someone, it means you are trying to help them succeed.)

## Public information is available to anyone who wants to know it.

+## If a store is open to the public, it means anyone can come in.

(A public company makes its share available for purchase by any investor.)

## (Many people make money by investing in public companies.)

+## (Anyone can invest in a public company by buying its shares.)

## Private information is not open to everyone, but it』s only available to trusted friends and family.

# (You had better keep information about your passports private or you may lose a lot.)

Information about one』s secret hopes and dreams is usually private.

## (Most people keep their personal information private.)

+## (The password to your bank account is private information.)

+## Confidential information is secret information.

+## Confidential information is not supposed to be share with others.

## (Revealing confidential information may be illegal.)

+# (The details of a secret design or how a company makes decisions are often confidential.)

Gossip is information that is often exchanged because it』s exciting or fun, even though it may not be true.

Office gossip is often entertaining, but it can also be damaging.

## (Gossip may hurt or embarrass the person being gossiped about.)

(When people gossip, they may hurt someone by spreading false or embarrassing information.)

(Gossip is information that may made up, or exaggerate.)

Opinions are what people think or feel about something, as a pose to factual information.

## (Someone』s opinion is what they think or feel about something.)

+## (Opinions are often differ, and when they do people may argue.)

+# Factual information is based on facts or evidence, but opinions are what people think or feel.


L05U01 1-3 Dialogue (Make a complain)

## M: Is this the Ace service center?

W: Yes it is sir.

May I help you.

M: Yes, I』m calling to complain about your service.

W: Certainly sir, I』m sorry to hear that.

## Let me see if theres something I can do to help you.

Please tell me what happened.

# M: I ordered a 『new washing machine on your website.

It was more than a week ago.

# W: Before you go on(before you continue), may I have your order number, please.

M: Sure, it』s ABC1005.

W: ## And may I have your last four digits of your social security number?

M: I don』t have a social security number.

I』m an illegal alien.

W: Very funny sir.

Ok then, what is your first pet』s name?

M: Mr. Kitty

W: OK, I see order information.

Now, what』s the problem?

M: ## I ordered the washing machine and paid for it.

# Then I chose a delivery date from a set of choices.

It was supposed to be deliver today, but it』s still not here.

W: Did anyone contact you?

M: No, I haven』t receive any messages.

W: I』m sorry to here that sir.

W: # I see here that the washing machine you ordered hasn』t arrived in our warehouse yet.

## I can』t be delivered until next week.

M: ## You don』t even have it yet?

Why haven』t I been notified?

I told time off from work to be at home today.

W: You shouldve been notified by phone or email.

M: I wasn』t.

I haven』t received any notification.

This is very upsetting.

W: I understand sir.

I』m really sorry for this.

M: Being sorry isn』t enough.

I』m really upset.

This is no way to do business.

W: Yes sir, I understand.

W: I can sent you a $50 gift coupon as a way to express our precaution for your patience.

M: I don』t care about the money.

I don』t blame you of course, but I want to you to know how disappointed I am with Ace.

## I expected much better service.

W: I』m really sorry sir.

## Is there anything else I can do for you?

M: Yes there is.

## I』d like to cancel the order and get a refund.

W: I』m sorry to hear that sir, but I understand.

I』ll see to it that you get your refund.

M: How long will ~ it take before I get the refund.

W: # You should see the credit on your next months credit card billing statement.

M: Thanks for your help.

W: # You』re welcome sir, and once again, please accept my apologies.



//Speaking——20171020, 4 stars, 94』, +70, +114, +30


Grammer——20171020, 4 stars, 100』, +66, +117, +66

//Matching——20171020, 4 stars, 100』, +80, +207, +80


L05U01 2-1 Listening (Class reunion II)

Jessica』s 20 year class reunion was held at a fancy hotel.

## When she arrived, she wasn』t sure she was in the right place.

## At first she didn』t recognize anyone.

## She felt a bit awkward and out of place.

But it wasn』t long before a strange man came up to her.

He was already losing his hair and he was wearing thick glasses.

「Don』t you remember me?」 He asked.

When he said who he was, she barely remembered him especially since he had changed so much (a lot).

Then he told her that he had alway had a crush on her.

1) He said she looked beautiful and he immediately took a selfie of them, with his arm tight around her waist.

2) This made her feel a bit strange(uncomfortable).

3) She smiled at him and pretended to be happy to see him.

4) But in fact, she wasn』t how to react through he seem nice. (wasn』t happy at all)

She finally excused herself and went to the lady』s room.

She was beginning to regard having come to the reunion.

She had aways been shy and she still was.

# When she returned to the party, Sharon invited her to sit at her table.

# Dinner was going to be served soon, and some of the classmates were going to give speeches.

+# Sharon asked Jessica to say few words too, because people were curious.

This was a surprise.

# Jessica had never been very popular and she didn』t think everyone had noticed her.

She had alway felt like an outsider with only a couple of close friends.

Still, she had been one of the best students, and people remembered her.

# As the evening wore on Jessica began to really enjoy herself.

(wear on 緩慢地進行;時間消逝)

She told to her old friends, and was amazed by how some others had changed.

+## For example, Tom used to be a good-looking and athletic.

He was one of the most popular students and a star basketball player.

His one problem was math.

## He had had a hard time in math, especially in geometry.

This was because he wasn』t a logical thinker.

Except for basketball, he didn』t want to do anything unless it was easy.

## Tom was no longer good-looking.

# His nose, which had always been large, had grown even larger.

He had also gained a lot of weight.

## His wife had left him, so for the first time ever, he was alone.


+# He looked lonely and depressed, not at all like he used to be.

Steve was a nobody in middle school.

People hardly noticed him.

+# He was small, quiet and a bit ugly, with crooked teeth.

What he was good at was english.

His english was even better than their teachers.

After graduated, he went to a low-rent university and eventually draped out.

+## For a while he worked as a tour guide.

# Then, 10 years ago, he and some friends started a little company which is now a great success.

In fact, he had became a rich, generous man.

+# He had a nice, warm smile and his success hadn』t gone to his head.

(go to one』s head 沖昏頭腦;使自負,得意洋洋)

+## It was a pleasure to be around him.

1) ## Betty used to be the most beautiful girl in school.

2) She wasn』t very smart but she was a great singer.

3) ## She made a video of her singing, and it went viral.

(go viral 瘋狂傳播, 快速傳播)

4) She became famous overnight, but it only lasted for about two years.

After that her fans lost interesting in her.

+## She tried to become an actress, but she failed.

She had been too stiff and nervous in front of camera.

Betty had a nice husband who seem to adore her.

The one tragedy in her life happened about 5 years ago when she lost her daughter to a rare form of cancer.

+## Because of that, her hair had begun to turn grey.

+## Jessica couldn』t help but feel sorry for her.

Betty had had such high hopes and tremendous energy as a girl, but things didn』t work out.

And then, there was Jone.

Jone used to the school bully.

He had been big, strong and mean.

He hadn』t been nice to anybody.

It seem that he was alway angry and readied to hit someone.

After graduating, he joined the army(military) and went to overseas to fight in the war.

He saw many people die, and he grew to hate fighting of any kind.

Then one day, he was nearly killed when the helicopter he was in was shoot down.

He survived the crash but he lost a leg and was hospitalised for nearly a year.

Now he had completely changed.

He had gentle, kind eyes and beautiful smile.

He was working for an organisation that provides support for elderly people.

From Jessica』s point of view, Jone had turned out to be a wonderful surprise.

In the end, Jessica was glad she went her reunion.

It was interesting to see how people had changed through the years.

Still, she was happy to get home and ~ appreciate everything that she had.


L05U01 2-2 Vocabulary (Emotions)

## A broken heart is what happens when a love relationship is broken off.

Someone with a broken heart is usually depressed, which means they feel awful and don』t enjoy life.

(If someone you love breaks off the relationship it feels like the end of the world.)

## (She broke his heart when she told him their relationship was over.)

To fall in love with someone can be a wonderful experience, with powerful emotions.

People in love often share deepest feeling and emotions, which is intimacy.

(When you are in love with someone you can hardly think of anything else.)

## (The emotions of love have inspired poets throughout history.)

(Being in love can blind you from seeing from they really are, … make a bad decision.)

+# To find someone ~ attractive usually means there is a physical desire to be with them.

Physical attraction may sometimes lead to love, but in many cases it may only lead to a short term sexual relationship.

(Physically attractive people attract people of the opposite or same sex, depending on their sexual orientation.) (方向;定向;適應;情況介紹;向東方)

+## (Many women use makeup to make themselves more physical attractive.)

+# To flirt with someone means to let him or her know that you want to be approached.

Some people use their eyes or smile to flirt.

(If someone is flirting with you, they are coming on to you.

Knowing how to respond to such an invitation is a skill many people don』t have.

They may not recognize that fact that someone is inviting them to approach.)

(The skills of flirting is sometimes that comes naturally to some people, but for many people, they just act awkwardly.)

# Jealousy is what often happens when two people compete for the love of the same person.

The one who loses may be very jealous of the other and try to break things up.

# (If two men are rivals for the same woman, they may dislike or even hate each other because of jealousy.) (情敵)

+## (Feelings of jealousy may last for a long time and can destroy friendships.)

+##(A jealous person often wants to process the person they love.)

Some people can remain calm even everyone else is confused and upset.

## When you are calm, you can think clearly and make good decisions.

(Sometimes it』s best to control your emotions and be calm rather than react in anger.)

# (Some people are easily upset and have a hard time _controlling their emotions.)

## (People who can』t control their emotions are difficult to work with.)

+## (Their actions can upset everyone around them.)

## People react to disappointing news in different ways.

Sometimes they get discouraged and lose their confidence.

+## Sometimes they get depressed and begin to cry or even get drunk.

(When disappointed, it』s much better to face the facts and decide what to do next than get discouraged.)

(When disappointed, be calm, and think clearly and act constructively.)

+## (Discourage news can cause people to lose their confidence.)

+## (She was really disappointed when she failed to pass the examination.)

+## People are furious when they are extremely angry.

People who are furious at each other may end up fighting or trying to hurt each other.

# (Some people become furious when they are driving and another driver cuts in front of them.)

+## (When people are furious at each other they often yell and insult each other.)

## To be excited is usually a good thing.

People can become excited while watching a soccer match and seeing their teams score a goal.

## The opposite of exciting is dull or boring.

+# (Everyone was excited when they heard that their favourite team had won the game.)

+# (He expected the game to be exciting, but it was so boring that he left early.)

## Someone is terrified if they are extremely afraid and shaking with fear.

Terrified people were often scream and run away from whatever threading them.

(He was terrified when he thought the building he was in was going to collapse in the earthquake.)

(Being in the earthquake was a terrifying experience, especially for the children.)


L05U01 2-3 Dialogue (Office Gossip)

A: ## What are you so excited about?

B: Have you heard?

Joe and Sylvia are getting a divorce.

A: No, I haven』t. But I』m not surprised.

# To be honest, I never expected their marriage to last very long.

## She』s so aggressive and bossy.

B: Well I think Joe had an affair.

# (To have an affair means for a married person to have a romantic relationship outside of the marriage.)

## He met someone on a business trip.

A: Really? How did you find THAT out?

B: Sherry told me a few minutes ago.

A: Oh, Sherry.

She is a such a gossip.

+# (To gossip is to talk about or spread rumours about the lives of other people.)

I wouldn』t believe anything she says.

B: No, really.

This time I think we can trust her.

I don』t think she』s making it up.

A: Wow, this IS news.

What about their baby?

B: I don』t know.

I haven』t heard anything about that.

A: Well that』s too bad.

Even thought I don』t like either one of them, I feel sorry for them.

It so sad when this happens, especially for the child.

B: Yes, really.

It』s easy to get caught up of all the gossip and forget to think about the serious consequences.

A: Still, I can』t say I』m surprised.

## Can you imagine living with someone like that?

+## (She can』t imagine living with someone like Sylvia.)

B: No, I can』t.

She is so self-centred.

A: And what about him?

B: ## I don』t know him well, but he seems nice.

A: I think so too.

## I』m not sure how he ever fell for her.

B: Are you kidding?

Hormones. You have to admit that she』s physically attractive.

(Hormones are chemicals in the body that control how people feel.)

(Physically attractive people attract people of the opposite or same sex, depending on their sexual orientation.)

He probably couldn』t help himself.

And now it seems he has fallen for someone else.

# (To fall for someone means to fall in love with them.)

A: I guess he can』t control himself.

# I』ve heard he has a drinking problem, too.

B: Ah, I wasn』t aware of that.

Well, what』s new, right?

Something is never change.

A: That』s for sure.

Hey, what about lunch?

B: No, thanks.

I』d better get back to work.


L05U01 3-1 Listening (Health food company)

1) Emma』s Best is a small but growing health food company.

2) It was started in 1995 by a married couple who were tired of working for large companies.

3) The two founders were Ed and Emma Smith, both health-conscious vegetarians.

4) Despite the risks, Ed and Emma wanted to start their own business.

## They knew it would be hard work, but they were determined to try.

## Their plan was to create a business that provide health food to busy people.

They wanted to be something they can be proud of.

# When they started the company, organic food was becoming more popular.

# People were becoming more food conscious and worried about food safety.

+## (To be more conscious of something means to be more aware of it.)

+# In fact, people were willing to pay higher prices for food that was free of _harmful chemicals.

In addition, an increasing number of people had little to go shopping and cook at home.

They wanted meals that were healthy but easy to prepare.

# There were very few frozen meals available at a time and none of them were vegetarian or organic.

There was a gap in the market.

1) +# Ed and Emma immediately saw the opportunity and launched their first product. (release to the market)

It was a frozen pasta meal with a mix vegetables and a delicious cream sauce.

# The market response was enthusiastic and profitable beyond their expectations.

+## Their product was an instant success.

To their surprise, it was soon being eaten by millions of people(by a wide variety of people), not only vegetarian or those who interested in organic foods.

It was being bought because it was easy to prepare and it tasted good.

And of course, it was health.

2) ## Other products followed in rapid succession.

3) As a result, at the end of 5 years the company was producing over 100 frozen meals.

4) Since then they have increased the number of meals to over 150, including pizzas, sandwiches and snacks.

## Their foods are carried by natural food stores and supermarkets throughout North America.

Although they have expanded their production facilities and increased the number of employees, +## they have remained a private company.

They enjoy the fact that they are the family own business, sensitive to the needs of their customers.

## They don』t have to worry about pleasing shareholders.

Rather than paying dividends to share holders, Emma』s Best has a profit-sharing plan that benefits its employees.

(Dividends are a share of a company』s revenues that are paid to its shareholder.)

Bonuses and salary increases keep employees happy and motivated to work hard.

+# As a result, employee turnover is low and the company has been recognized as one of the best companies to work for.

(If employees are happy and motivated, employee turnover is usually low.)

In addition, Emma』s Best supports local charities, especially those that provide healthy food to children from low-income families.

Given its success, the company feels an obligation to contribute to society.

In spite of the fact that other companies are now produce similar products, Emma』s Best remains the market leader.

Their total commitment to quality has made the difference, their are proud of their accomplishments.


L05U01 3-2 Vocabulary (Emotions 2)

+# People are often nervous or apprehensive before performing in front of an audience.

People who are really feel nervous may feel tense which is the opposite of relaxed.

(Sometimes, taking a deep breath can help a nervous person feel more relaxed.)

# (When someone is nervous, their muscles often tense up and their heart rate increases.)

Someone who strongly believes in their ability to do something is often confident.

The best way to build confidence is to practice what you』re going to do until you can do it with ease.

# (The key to building confidence and reducing nervousness is effective and frequent practice.)

(Someone with confidence can perform at a higher level than someone who is nervous.)

To be indifferent means to not care one way or the other about something.

If you are indifferent to a person or project, it means the person or project isnt important to you.

(People who are indifferent may not value anything or anyone but themselves.)

(People who are indifferent are often cold and uncaring about others..)

# To be appreciative is to be thankful or grateful for something.

If someone does something nice for you, you should appreciated.

# (It』s important to show your appreciation for someone』s support or help.)

(If someone does a favor for you, you should show your appreciation by thanking them.)

## To be depressed is the opposite of to be happy.

## When someone ~ is depressed they feel very sad.

# (Depression can be caused by disappointing news or by failing to reach a goal.)

# (When people are depressed, they are usually pessimists about the future.)

## (When you are really sad, you may be depressed.)

Aggressive people often push their own ideas or try to force others to follow them.

Someone who is passive will usually not resist the effort of others.

(An aggressive person pushes or attacks, and a passive person doesn』t resist.)

# (A passive person is often see as weak and easy to control.)

An optimistic person believes in a positive future.

Optimists see the glasses is half full rather than half empty.

The opposite of an optimist is a pessimist.

(A pessimist sees things with a negative light and has little hope for the future.)

+## (Optimists are usually cheerful and looking forward to a bright future.)

+## (Pessimists see a glass as half empty rather than half full.)

Sensitive people are emotional and have strong feelings about things.

It important to be careful when dealing with sensitive people because it』s easy to upset them.

Insensitive people don』t seem to be aware of or care about the feelings of others.

(It』s important to know how to act around extremely sensitive people.)

# (He doesn』t realise when she』s upset because he』s quite insensitive to the feelings of others.)

A mean person does』t treat other people well or with kindness.

+# Mean people often enjoy making suffer for their mistakes.

To be kind is the opposite of to be mean.

(He was really mean to her when he told her how badly she had performed.)

+# (He was really mean to her when she disagreed with him and he told her to shut up.)

+## (To be mean is the opposite of to be kind.)

(Nobody ever asks him for help because he』s mean and selfish.)

Conceited people have a very high opinion about themselves.

They often talk about how great they are and tend to exaggerate their strengths.

## Modest people don』t show off their strength, but are often very good at what they do.

+# (Conceited people often exaggerate their abilities and can fool people into believing them.)

(Modest people are often overlooked in a job interview because they fail to communicate their strengths.)


L05U01 3-3 Dialogue (Arrange a meeting)

W: Ace Industries, may I help you?

This is Sue Mitchell speaking.

M: Hi, Sue. This is Ben Wang of Job Link.

W: Oh, hi Ben, how are you.

## I』ve been expecting your call.

M: ## I』m sorry to be late.

## I』ve been travelling.

W: It seems like everyone is travelling these days.

M: That』s for sure.

I』m away more than I』m here.

# Any way I』m calling to see if we can arrange a meeting.

W: Good.

There are several matters I』d like to discuss with you.

M: Sure, would late this week be possible.

+## (He suggests that they meet later this week.)

W: Let me see.

# According to my schedule I』ll have some time Thursday afternoon and Friday morning.

M: +## How long do you think will need?

W: +## I think an hour should be enough.

M: +## That should be fine.

Would Thursday at 3:30 work for you?

W: Yes, that』s fine.

W: +# Ok, I』m looking forward to seeing you at 3:30 on Thursday.

M: Right, see you then, and thanks.

W: You』re welcome, Ben.

Take care.

M: Hi, Sue. # I』m sorry, but something urgent has come up. So I』d like to change the time for our meeting on Thursday.

W: ## Oh, I』m sorry to hear that.

What about Friday morning.

M: ## That should work.

How early.

W: I』m usually here by 9 o』clock.

## Could you be here by then?

M: Yes, that shouldn』t be a problem.

W: Friday at 9 o』clock.

M: +## Once again, sorry for the last minute change. (He makes an apology.)


L05U01 4-1 Listening ()

## There are many mysteries in nature.

# Mysteries are things we dont understand, such as how the Egyptian pyramids were built.

In fact, we are surrounded by mysterious.

+## What we know about the world, seems like very little.

1) # Scientists tell us that what we see in the universe is only a small part of what is there.

2) +## The rest is invisible, including dark matter and dark energy.

3) ## These two unknowns make up around 95% of the universe.

4) Evidence for their existence comes from their effects on what we can observe, such as their motion and positions of distant galaxies.

Yet, though we are know very little, we are able to build airplanes and communicate with smart phones.

+## In some ways we humans are very smart, or at least we think we are.

+# We still need ~ to face big issues, like climate change(global warming), and that is going to be a huge challenge.

+# The challenging for humans will be our ability to adapt to our changing environment.

What about the other forms of life?

How do they adapt?

+# Seasonal variations, for example, can be one of the greatest challenges for animals to overcome.

+# Overcoming such challenges is a great achievement, but hardly easy.

+## Some birds migrate thousands of kilometres each year to deal with the seasonal changes.

These migrations are amazing.

+## Birds dont carry maps or compasses, yet they know where to go.

+## They have developed the ability to see the Earths magnetic field.

This ability is a wonder of nature.

+# It takes advantage of fact that the earth is like a huge bar magnet.

It has a North Pole which is positive and the South Pole which is negative.

Somehow the birds are able to see these magnetic field and the use it to their advantage.

+## And even the way birds fly together is amazing.

Many migrating birds fly in a V formation.

They do these to conserve energy.

+# In a V formation, birds can use the energy of the birds in front of them.

+## This energy comes from the air currents generated by the wings.

+## Conserving energy is necessary for the birds to survive the long journey.

How do the birds know this?

Its truly amazing how the birds know this.

1) Another amazing example of a survival is the salmon.

2) Salmon spend most of their lives in the ocean, which is saltwater.

3) Yet, when its time to breed, they do so in the freshwater rivers.

4) +## Salmon can adapt their bodies to survive in both saltwater and freshwater.

+# When it』s breeding time, they return to the same river where they were born.(to breed)

It seems as if they have a built-in map that guides them for hundreds of miles. (彷彿像是)

Once they leave the saltwater, they don』t eat.

+## They are determined to finish their journey, despite the many obstacles.

They swim against ~ strange currents, jump over waterfalls and try to escape the claws of hungry bears.

Many die along the way, but enough of them survive to breed and produce their next generation.

Once they have led their eggs they die, having completed their journey.

+## It seems that their purpose in life is just to reproduce.

Migration takes animals to new, more favourable environments when the season』s changed.

Some of these journeys are long and dangerous, along routes with no obvious landmarks.

(A landmark is something easy to see and remember, like a river or bay.)

The longest migration is that of the Arctic tern. (北極燕)

It flies from pole to pole, twice a year.

If a tern achieves its average lifespan ~ of 20 years, the distance it has flown will be equivalent to a journey to the moon and back.

Humans also migrate, but seldom if ever for seasonal variations. (幾乎從來不)

+# Unfortunately, human migrations are often due to the human activities.

Since the beginning of 21st century, large scale migrations have becoming a global problem.

Millions of migrants have had to leave their countries and look for new homes.

Many have died along the way, or lived as refugees and camps, until they have admitted into a new country.

So the question remains as to how our globe communities facing these challenges.


L05U01 4-2 Vocabulary ()

To criticize someone means to point out their faults or mistakes.

Some people appreciate constructive criticism, which can help them develop their skills.

## (Some people cannot take any criticism without feeling hurt.)

(Learning how to provide and take constructive criticism is an important skill.)

To praise someone is to let them know that they have done a great job.

+# Some people expect to be praised when they have performed well.

## (Knowing when and how to praise someone is an important skill.)

(It』s important not to praise people when they haven』t done a good enough job.)

# To apologize to someone is to admit that you have done something wrong or hurtful.

One way to apologize to someone is to say youre sorry.

+## (One way to apologize is to say you are sorry.)

If your apology isnt excepted means that the person hasnt forgiven you.

## (If you accidentally hurt someone it』s usually a good idea to apologize.)

+## (If someone rejects your apology, it means they haven』t forgiven you.)

+## (To forgive someone is to accept their apology.)

To order people to do something means to use your power or position to get them to do it.

Many people dislike being ordered to do things.

+# In many cases its better to make a request than order someone to do something.

+# (A boss may order his employees to do something and they will usually agree to it, even if they don』t want to.)

+## (If someone doesn』t follow orders, he or she may be punished.)

+# (A boss may use a request instead of a command as a way to show respect to an employee.)

+# To encourage someone is to support their efforts and help to build their confidence.

+## A good teacher encourages students to do their best.

To discourage someone is to take away their confidence.

+# (Some people are discouraged if they don』t receive praise or recognition for their work.)

+## (Many people dislike being ordered to do things.)

# (It』s discouraging to work for someone who never shows appreciation for your hard work.)

## They are many different cycles in nature, such as the cycle of seasons.

A cycle is the series of events that repeat, such as the daily circle of light and dark.

(The time it takes for a cycle to repeat itself is its period )

+# (The number of times a cycle repeats itself within a period of time is its frequency.)

## To evolve means to change or improve over a period of time.

In biology, the theory of evolution says that advance life forms, such as humans have evolved from lower forms of life.

## (Life forms evolve because they have to adapt in order to survive.)

+# (According to science we have all evolved from simple one-celled organisms.)

# A force of attraction brings two objects closer together, such as the force of gravity.

A force of repulsion pushes two objects away from each other, such as the force between two electronics.

+## (Gravity is a force of attraction between two objects with mass.

In human interactions, there are also forces of attraction. Two people may find each other attractive. +## If two people are attracted to each other, they want to be together.)

(1) There are many different kinds of forces.

2) There are forces of attraction, such as the force between positive and negative electric charges.

3) There are also forces of repulsion.

4) For example, two objects with the same electric charge will repel each other.)

(We says that opposites attract. However, in human relationships, though opposites may attract, the relationship may not last long. People who have much in common may not attract each other but may have a longer lasting relationship.) (異性相吸, 反向相吸)

To transform means to change from one form into another.

# A transformation occurs when an object takes on a new appearance or structure.

(Over a period of time, the process of evolution can transform the appearance of a species of life.)

+# (A good leader can transform an unsuccessful company into a successful one by changing how it is organized.)

(In marriage, a wife』s attempt to transform the behavior of her husband is often unsuccessful.)

To inherited something means to get it without having to ask or work for it.

+## A child from a very rich family may inherit a lot of money.

(Eye and hair color are inherited traits.)

(He inherited a large fortune when his parents died, so he doesn』t have to work anymore.)


L05U01 4-3 Dialogue (Office fight)

W: 1) ## Excuse me, do you have a minute?

M: 2) I』m sorry, not right now.

3) I』ll be free about 15 minutes.

4) Could you come back then?

W: # No, I』m afraid we have an emergency upstairs.

M: ## Cant you handle it?(...to deal with it)

W: No, I think it would be best if you were there.

M: Ok, I』ll finish this call and be right with you.

M: Ok, what is it?

W: # Kevin and Bod are shouting at each other, and it』s upsetting everyone.

M: Oh, not again!

+## (This isn』t the first time they have had problems.)

## Those two have got to grow up. (...to act like adult and not children.)

Who started it?

W: +# I』m not sure, but they were even pushing each other.

M: Ok, this is unacceptable.

+# You run on ahead and warn them that I』m coming.

+## I want them to calm down before I get there.

Can you do that?

W: +## Ok, I』ll do what I can to calm them down.

But you know Kevin, he is such a hard head. (He can』t control his emotions.)

M: Ok, Kevin. I』ve warned you before.

This has got to stop.

K: Yes, I know.

But, Bob doesn』t cooperate.

He is impossible to work with.

+# (Kevin thinks Bob doesn』t cooperate and is difficult to work with.)

M: ## Even so, you can』t go aground pushing people.

## That』s no way to handle things.

+# If you werent doing such a good job, Id have to let you go(to fire him) right now.

## Your behaviour just isn』t acceptable.

K: Yes, I understand and I』m sorry.

+## I just can』t stand working with him.

# (Kevin thinks Bob doesn』t cooperate and difficult to work with.)

M: I』m not sure what to do.

+## What would you do if you were me?

+## Do you have any suggestions?

K: To be honest, if I were you I wouldn』t have the two of us working at the same office.

+# I know Bob has been with the company longer than I have, but he』s doing a terrible job.

When you are not around, he just bullies people.(acts like bully.)

People are afraid of him.

M: +## Ok, I』ll look into it(get more information) a bit more.

# But, you』ve got to promise me to keep cool and not let this happen again.

K: +## Ok, I』ll try to handle things differently next time.



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