




The One With All the Kips

Written by: Scott Silveri

Transcribed by: Eric Aasen

505 我不想當Kip!







5.05 The One With The Kips

Chandler and Monica, tired of sneaking around, each make up an excuse to leave town and then go away for a weekend together.

They end up fighting the whole time and Chandlers afraid it may be over.

Ross struggles to reveal his agreement with Emily not to see Rachel anymore.

Rachel doesnt take it very well;

She doesnt want to give up Ross, nor get left out of the group like Chandlers old roommate, Kip.

Joey finds some similarities in Chandlers and Monicas stories about the weekend, and figures out the truth;

Monica and Chandler swear him to secrecy(n.保密).

[Scene: Chandler and Joeys, 3:02 A.M., Chandler is up. Theres a knock on the door and Chandler answers it.]

be up v.起床

Monica: (quietly) Hi!

Chandler: (quietly) Hi! (They both start kissing.)

(Joey enters and Chandler pushes her away.)

push away v.推開

Joey: Monica? What time is it?

Chandler: Uhh, 9. (He pushes the clock into the sink.)

Joey: But its dark out.

Monica: Well thats because you always sleep to noon, silly! This is what 9 looks like.

Joey: I guess Ill get washed up then. Watch that sunrise. (He goes into the bathroom.)

get washed up v.刷牙洗臉

Monica: Im really getting tired of sneaking around.

sneak around v.鬼鬼祟祟 偷偷摸摸

Chandler: I know, me too. Hey! Yknow what if we went away for a whole weekend? Yknow wed have no interruptions and we could be naked the entire time.

Monica: All weekend? Thats a whole lotta naked.

lotta <口>許多(=lot of)

Chandler: Yeah, I can say that I have a conference and you can say you have a chef thing.

Monica: Ohh, Ive always wanted to go to this culinary fair that they have in Jersey!

culinary adj.廚房的 烹調用的 廚房用的/fair n.展覽會

Chandler: Okay, yknow your not though. Lets go. (He starts for his bedroom.)

start for v.動身去

Monica: Wait! What about Joey?

(Chandler opens the bathroom door to reveal Joey passed out on the toilet with a toothbrush in his mouth.)

pass out v.昏睡過去


Opening Credits

[Scene: Monica and Rachels, the next morning, Chandler, Joey, and Phoebe are eating breakfast.]

Monica: (entering from her room) Hey, guess what Im doing this weekend! Im going to this culinary fair in New Jersey.

Phoebe: Oh weird, Chandler just told us hes got a conference there!

Monica: Oh now that-that-thats funny, it seems like Chandlers conference couldve been in Connecticut or Vermont.

Connecticut n.(美國)康涅狄格/Vermont n.佛蒙特州(美國州名)

Chandler: Im not in charge of where the conference is held. Do you want people to think its a fake conference? Its a real conference.

Ross: (entering) Hey.

Joey: Hey!

Monica: Hey.

Ross: Is Rachel here? I gotta talk to her.

Monica: No, shes out shopping.

Ross: Damn!

Chandler: Whats going on?

Ross: I told Emily to come. And I just need to yknow, talk to Rachel about it.

Phoebe: Wait a minute! So when Emily comes youre just, youre not gonna see Rachel anymore?

Ross: Well look, Im just trying to focus on the "I get to see my wife" part, all right? And not the part that makes me do this. (He takes a big swig of Pepto Bismol.)

swig n. 痛飲 大喝(尤指從瓶口喝的)/Pepto-Bismol:is an over-the-counter medication(n.非處方藥物) produced by the Procter and Gamble company used to treat minor digestive system(n.消化系統) upset(n.噁心). Its active ingredient is Bismuth subsalicylate. The primary symptoms aided by Pepto-Bismol are nausea, heartburn(n.心痛), indigestion(n.消化不良), upset stomach(n.肚子痛), diarrhea(n.腹瀉), and other temporary discomforts of the stomach and gastrointestinal tract(n.腸胃道).Pepto-Bismol is produced in a variety of forms, including chewable tablets and swallowable caplets, but is best known for its original formula, a thick liquid medicine. This original formula is colored a pale pink tone(n.色調), and flavored wintergreen(n.鹿蹄草). These traits have become generally associated with the medicine to the degree that something may be described as "Pepto-Bismol pink" or as tasting like "Pepto-Bismol". These are generally considered uncomplimentary(adj.貶損的) traits, because of the unpleasant associations with the medication and the general malaise(n.不舒服) of stomach problems.

Monica: Wow, so you guys are, youre never gonna be in the same room together? How is that even gonna work?

Ross: I have no idea. I mean… But-but I assure you I will figure it out.

(They all reflect briefly on what was said.)

reflect on v.思考 反省

Joey: Doesn』t seem like its going to work, I mean…

Rachel: (entering) Hi, guys!

Joey: Hi!

Chandler: Uh, hey!

Rachel: Whats going on?

Chandler: Were flipping Monicas mattress.

flip v.翻動/mattress n.床墊

Joey: So Im thinking, basically we pick it up and then we flip it.

Phoebe: Yeah thats better than my way.

(They all agree and head to Monicas room.)

Rachel: Oh okay, hey guys, would you flip mine too?

Chandler: Aww, man! (They go into Monicas room.)

Rachel: (going through the mail) Oh look! A letter from my mom.

Ross: So, Rach, yknow-yknow how Emilys coming right?

Rachel: Oh yeah! I know.

[Cut to Monicas bedroom, Chandler is trying to listen through the door.]

Phoebe: (To Chandler) Can you hear anything?

Chandler: Oh yes, somebody just said, "Can you hear anything?"

(Joey is bent over at the waist and is looking for something under Monicas bed.)

waist n.腰 腰部

Monica: Hey, Joeys ass! What are you doing?

Joey: (holding a box) Well, remember when they got in that big fight and broke-up and we were all stuck in her with no food or anything? Well, when Ross said Rachel at the wedding, I figured it was gonna happen again, so I hid this in here.

Monica: Ooh, candy bars, crossword puzzles…

candy bar n.單獨包裝的塊狀糖

Phoebe: Ooh, Madlibs, mine! (Grabs it.) Okay, Name of someone in room.

Mad Libs:(from lat. "ad libitum(adv.隨意)" - as you wish) is a word game where one player prompts(v.提示) another for a list of words to substitute for(v.替換 代替) blanks in a story; these word substitutions have a humorous effect when the resulting story is then read aloud. The game is especially popular with American children and is frequently played as a party game or as a pastime. Mad Libs was invented in the 1950s by Leonard Stern and Roger Price, who published the first editions themselves. Mad Libs books are still published by Price Stern Sloan, an imprint of Penguin Group, cofounded by Roger Price and Leonard Stern.Mad Libs consist of a book that has a short story on each page, but with many of the key words replaced with blanks. Beneath each blank is specified(v.指定) a lexical(adj.辭彙的) or other category, such as noun, verb, place, or a part of the body. One player asks the other players, in turn, to contribute some word for the specified type for each blank. Finally, the completed story is read aloud. Since none of the contributors knows what context their word will be used in, the result is usually comic, surreal(adj.超現實主義的) and somewhat nonsensical(adj.荒謬的).For example, a Mad Lib might initially look like this:

Joey: Chandler.

Phoebe: Come on, seriously.

Chandler: What do you got in here? Magazines, Doritos, Condoms?

Doritos:is a brand of flavored tortilla(n. 玉米粉圓餅) chips produced since 1961 by the American food company Frito-Lay (a division of PepsiCo, Inc.) Doritos are sold in many countries worldwide.The brand is also known for its marketing campaigns, which have included many television commercials featuring the late Avery Schreiber and actress Ali Landry, as well as product placement in movies such as Waynes World.立體脆

Joey: You dont know how long were gonna be in here! We may have to repopulate the Earth.

repopulate vt.重新構成...的人口 重新居住於

Chandler: And condoms are the way to do that?

[Cut to the living room.]

Ross: Anyway it-it kinda-it all boils down to this, the last time I talked to Emily…

boil down to v.歸結為 簡化為

Rachel: (interrupting) Oh my God! My dog died!

Ross: What?!

Rachel: Oh my God, Le Poo, our dog!

Ross: Le Poos still alive?!

Rachel: Oh God, it says he was hit by an ice cream truck and dragged for nine-(turns over the note)-teen blocks. Oh. (They all come out from Monicas bedroom) Oh my God.

Monica: Sweetie, we heard you crying. Please dont cry.6

Rachel: Its Le Poo.

Phoebe: I know its LaPooh right now, but itll get better.

[Scene: Atlantic City, New Jersey, Chandler and Monica are about to start their weekend of sex, sex, nothing but sex.]

Chandler: (jumping on the bed) I cant believe it! Were here!

Monica: Ooh, chocolates on the pillows! I love that!

Chandler: Oh, you should live with Joey, Rolos everywhere. This is so great. No ones gonna bother us. And were gonna do it. Im gonna do it with Monica!

Rolos:are a brand of cylindrical(adj.圓柱的) chocolates, with caramel centers, made by Nestle(n.雀巢), and produced under licence (from Rowntree Mackintosh) by The Hershey(n.黑人) Company in the United States since 1969. They were advertised for many years with the slogan: Do you love anyone enough to give them your last Rolo? They have been distributed all over the world, and even have their own animated(adj.活潑的)character, Rolo Mot.

Monica: Chandler, stop yelling that,you and I are gonna do it! Come here. (He does, and they kiss.) Okay,Ill be right back.

(Goes to the bathroom and Chandler turns on the TV and finds a high-speed police chase.)

Chandler: Oh yes! Monica, get in here! Theres a high-speed car chase on!

(Monica returns, carrying a glass.)

Monica: Were switching rooms.

Chandler: (looks at what shes holding and shies away) Oh dear God, they gave us glasses!

shy away v.避開 迴避

Monica: No, they gave us glasses with lipstick on them! I mean, if they didnt change the glasses, who knows what else they didnt change.

lipstick <美>口紅 唇膏

Chandler: You wanna switch rooms because they didnt change the glasses?

Monica: I didnt wanna say anything, but the carpet smells too. (He glares at her.) Come on sweetie, I just want this weekend to be perfect, I mean we can change rooms, cant we?

smell vi.有氣味 有臭氣

Chandler: Okay, but lets do it now though, because Chopper 5 just lost its feed! (He grabs their bags and sprints out.)

chopper <俚>直升機/feed n.飼料 牧草/spint v.疾跑

[Scene: Central Perk, Ross is trying to tell Rachel about Emilys ultimatum again.]

ultimatum n.最後通牒

Phoebe:Forget it.

Ross: Hey, so uh, yknow how there was something I wanted to talk to you about?

Rachel: Oh yeah! (Turns to face him.)

Ross: Well, yknow how Im trying to work things out with Emily. Well, theres this one thing… Okay, (Rachel has her back turned to the camera, and Ross isnt looking at her.) here goes. I made a promise that-(they cut to the other camera and Ross notices something coming out of Rachels nose)-Oh hey!

Rachel: What?

Ross: Youre nose is bleeding!

Rachel: Oh God. (He hands her some tissues.) No! Oh not again! (Wiping her nose.) This-this happened when my grandfather died. Its ugh! Sorry. (She puts her head back.) Oh, okay, so Im sorry, what-what were you-what did you want to tell me?

Ross: Umm… (Rachel blows her nose.)

blow ones nose v.擤鼻涕

Rachel: Sorry. Sorry.

Ross: Okay, I uh, I cant see you anymore.

Rachel: Yeah, I know. Its ridiculous! I cant see you either. Im just gonna go shove a bunch of tissues in my nose. Hey, do you wanna tell me while I do that?

shove v.亂塞 亂放

Ross: Im good算了 讓我一個人呆會兒吧.

Im good:Involved in a state where a persons considered okay. Not wanting any bother.

[Scene: Chandler and Monicas weekend, a hotel clerk is showing them their new room.]

Hotel Clerk: I think youll find this room more to your liking.

Chandler: Okay, great. (He grabs the remote and turns on the TV to the chase.)

Hotel Clerk: (watching the chase) They say hes only got half a tank left.

tank n.油箱

Chandler: Half a tank? We still got a lot of high-speed chasing to do!

Hotel Clerk: III bet hes heading for Canada.

Chandler: They always do.

Monica: Were switching rooms again.

Chandler: What? Why?

Monica: This is a garden view room, and we paid for an ocean view room.

Hotel Clerk: Our last ocean view room was unacceptable to you.

unacceptable adj.無法接受的 不受歡迎的

Monica: The carpet smeIIed.

Chandler: Like ocean?

Monica: No, Iike feet.

Monica: (To Chandler) Excuse me, umm, can I talk to you over here for just a second?

Chandler: Uh-huh. (He doesnt take his eyes off the TV.)

Monica: Chandler!

Chandler: (turning to face her) Yeah.

Monica: Look, these clowns are trying to take us for a ride and Im not gonna let em! And were not a couple of suckers!

clown n.粗魯笨拙(或無知)的人 鄉下人 農民/take sb for a ride v. 欺騙某人 綁架殺害某人/sucker<俚>A person that has been tricked into something.A gullible(adj.易上當受騙的) person.沖頭(滬語)

Chandler: I hear ya, Mugsy! But look, all these rooms are fine okay? Can you just pick one so I can watch-(realizes)-have a perfect, magical weekend together with you.

Mugsy:錢德勒和莫尼卡偷偷跑到新澤西,準備度過一個狂野的周末,但莫尼卡不斷地換房間,把錢德勒都惹煩了,禁不住叫了她一聲:「我聽到了,馬格西(Mugsy)!」馬格西是《兔八哥(looneytunes)》動畫片中的一個角色,是兔八哥的死對頭。錢德勒顯然很煩莫尼卡不能讓他安靜地看電視/Mugsy:sounds like a crime solvers kind of name. People in goofy(adj.傻瓜的) crime movies have names like that.應該是華納動畫片《Bugsy and mugsy》(57年產)中的人物吧。Mugsy是匪幫成員之一 ,這個匪幫有復古傾向,而且專門綁架小蟲子。這裡,monica的語氣儼然像跟酒店店員進行「生死搏鬥」,所以chandler覺得跟monica的談話有點像匪徒之間策劃什麼陰謀似的。

Hotel Clerk: Oh!

Chandler: Oh, man, he almost hit a gas truck.

Hotel Clerk: Do you ever watch Baywatch?

[Time lapse, Monica and Chandler have changed rooms yet again.]

Monica: Okay, this one I like!

Chandler: (watching TV, in fact, ER is on.) Nothing! Its over! Dammit! This is regularly scheduled programming! I wanted to see them talk to his neighbors.


Monica: Well, Im standing right here,you could talk to me.

Chandler: You didnt know him.

Monica: Can we turn the TV off? Okay? Do we really want to spend the entire weekend like this?

Chandler: Oh, Im sorry, am I getting in the way of all the room switching fun?

get in the way v.妨礙

Monica: Hey, dont blame me for wigging tonight!

wigging n.責備 訓斥

Chandler: Oh, who should I blame? The nice bellman who had to drag out luggage to 10 different rooms?

bellman:someone employed as an errand boy and luggage carrier around hotels更夫 傳達員

Monica: I dont know, how about the idiot who thought he could drive from Albany to Canada on a half a tank of gas!

From Albany to Canada:錢德勒看到的電視追擊場面中,有一個傢伙駕車準備從奧爾巴尼逃到加拿大,但他車裡的汽油只有半滿。奧爾巴尼是美國紐約州的首府,距加拿大邊境也必須要三、四個小時車程,半箱汽油是跑不到的,所以莫尼卡就說電視里的這個傢伙是白痴。

Chandler: Do not speak ill of the dead.

speak ill of v.說壞話

Monica: Were supposed to uh, be spending a romantic weekend together, it-it, what is the matter with you?

Chandler: I just want to watch a little television. What is the big deal? Geez, relax mom.

Monica: What did you say?

Chandler: I said, "Geez, relax Monnnnn."

Monica: You know what, Chandler? You Iike fast getaways? Watch this.

getaway n.逃亡 逃走

Chandler: I dont like fast getaways, I like car chases.

[Scene: Monica and Rachels, Rachel is reading a magazine and has two tissues stuck up her nose in an attempt to stop the bleeding and as she hears Ross enter, she quickly hides her face behind the magazine and removes the tissues.]

in an attempt to v.力圖 試圖

Rachel: Hi!

Ross: Hey. Rachel, I-I-Ive been wanting to tell you something for a while now and I really, I just have to get it out.

get it out v.說出口

Rachel: Okay,all right, whats up?

Ross: Okay, before I tell you I just have to know is your nose okay? Are all the other famiIy pets in good health?

Rachel: Well, Daveys still pining after LaPooh,but you know, hes a tough little turtle.

pine v. 消瘦 憔悴 渴望/turtle n.烏龜

Ross: Okay, yknow how you told me I should do whatever it takes to fix my marriage?

Rachel: Yeah, I told you to give Emily whatever she wants.

Ross: And while that was good advice, you should know that what-what she wants…

Rachel: Yeah?

Ross: …is for me not to see you anymore.

Rachel: Thats crazy! You cant do that! What are you going to tell her? (Pause) (Realizes) Oh God. Ohh, you already agreed to this, havent you?

Ross: Its awful I know, I mean, I feel terrible but I have to do this if I want my marriage to work. And I do, I have to make this marriage work. I have to. But the good thing is we can still see each other until she gets here.

awful <口>極度的 糟糕的

Rachel: Ohh! Lucky me! Oh my God! That is good news, Ross! I think thats the best news Ive heard since Le Poo died!

Ross: You have no idea what a nightmare this has been. This is so hard.

Rachel: Oh yeah, really? Is it Ross? Yeah? Okay, well let me make this a just a little bit easier for you.

Ross: What are you doing?

Rachel: Storming out!

Ross: Rachel, this is your apartment.

Rachel: Yeah, well thats how mad I am!!

Commercial Break

[Scene: Chandler and Joeys, Chandler is returning from his disastrous weekend. He throws his bag down and sits down on one of the leather chairs, but he sits on something and picks it up and throws it away.]

disastrous adj.災害的 災難性的 悲慘的

Chandler: Damn Rolos!

Joey: Hey, youre back!

Chandler: Hey.

Joey: How was your conference?

Chandler: It was terrible. I fought with (Pause) my colleagues yknow, the entire time. Are you kidding with this? (Throws away another Rolo)

Joey: Oh, so your weekend was a total bust?

bust <俚> A total failure, a complete waste of time失敗

Chandler: Uh, no, I got to see Donald Trump waiting for an elevator.

Joey: You know, at the Taj Mahal he has his own private glss elevator. Thats right Made by Otis EIevators.And they dont usually do glass.

The Tāj Mahal:is a mausoleum(n.陵墓) located in Agra, India. The Mughal Emperor Shāh Jahān commissioned(v.委任) it as a mausoleum for his favourite wife, Mumtaz Mahal. Construction began in 1632 and was completed in approximately 1653. Some dispute surrounds the question of who designed the Taj Mahal; it is clear a team of designers and craftsmen were responsible for the design, with Ustad Ahmad Lahauri considered the most likely candidate as the principal designer.The Taj Mahal (sometimes called "the Taj") is generally considered the finest example of Mughal architecture, a style that combines elements of Persian, Turkish, Indian, and Islamic(adj.伊斯蘭教的) architectural styles. While the white domed(adj.有穹頂的) marble(n.大理石) mausoleum is the most familiar part of the monument, the Taj Mahal is actually an integrated complex of structures. It was listed as a UNESCO(n.聯合國教科文組織) World Heritage Site in 1983 when it was described as a "universally admired masterpieces of the worlds heritage.

The Otis Elevator Company is the worlds largest manufacturer of vertical transportation systems, principally(adj.主要地) elevators and escalators(n.自動扶梯). Founded in Yonkers, New York, USA in 1853 by Elisha Otis, the company pioneered the development of the safety elevator, which used a special mechanism to lock the elevator car in place(adv.在合適的位置) should the hoisting ropes fail. Otis made skyscrapers possible by providing safe mechanical transport to upper floors.Otis has installed elevators in some of the worlds famous tall structures, including the Eiffel Tower, Empire State Building, Main Building, World Trade Center and Petronas Twin Towers.

Chandler: What kinds of stuff do you know?

Monica: (entering) Hi!

Joey: Hey, youre back too!

Monica: Yeah. Umm, Chandler can I talk to you outside for a second?

Joey: Hey, how was your chef thing?

Monica: Oh, it was awful. (To Chandler) I guess some people just dont appreciate really good food.

Chandler: Well, maybe it was the kind of food that tasted good at first but then made everybody vomit and have diarrhea.

diarrhea n.痢疾 腹瀉

Monica: Chandler! (Motions for him to come outside.)

Chandler: Monica. (Follows her out.)

[In the hall.]

Monica: Okay, Id like to know how much the room was because Id like to pay my half.

Chandler: Okay, fine, $300.

Monica: 300 dollars?!

Chandler: Yeah, just think of it as $25 per room!

Monica: Urghh!!

Joey: (sticking his head out the door) What are you guys woofing about?

woof vi. 發出低吠聲

Monica: Chandler stole a twenty from my purse!

Joey: Nooooo!!!

Chandler: I was only stealing it back, the one that she stole from me.

Monica: Stealing and now lying.

Joey: Yknow what? Now that I think about it, I constantly find myself without twenties and you always have lots!

think about v.回想/constantly adv.經常地

[Scene: Central Perk, Ross is drinking some Alka-Seltzer. The rest of the gang, minus Rachel is there as well.]

As well adv.倒不如 還是...的好

Alka-Seltzer:is a brand name owned by the German Bayer Corporation for a line of medications sold over the counter and taken by means of rapidly dissolving tablets that form an effervescent(adj.冒泡的) solution(n.溶解) in water.The original Alka-Seltzer was created by Mikey Wiseman. It is a remedy for headache, indigestion and hangover(n.宿醉). Alka-Seltzer is a combination of aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid), baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) and citric acid(n.檸檬酸), designed to treat pain and simultaneously neutralize(v.壓制) excess stomach acid (the "Alka" being derived from the word "alkali"). It is provided in the form of large effervescent tablets, about 1 inch (25 mm) in diameter, which are dissolved (two at a time for the usual adult dosage) in a glass of water. As the tablets dissolve, the acid and bicarbonate react vigorously producing carbon dioxide gas (hence the "Seltzer"), which also produces enough agitation(n.攪動 激動 ) to allow the active ingredients to dissolve readily. The patient then ingests(v.咽下) the resulting solution.

Ross: You shouldve seen the look on her face. I dont want Rachel to hate me! I dont know what to do.

Joey: You want my advice?

Ross: Yes! Please!

Joey: Youre not gonna like it.

Ross: Thats okay.

Joey: You got married too fast.

Ross: Thats not advice!

Joey: I told ya.

Ross: Im going to the bathroom. (Gets up and exits.)

Joey: Man, if anyone asked me to give up any of you, I couldnt do it.

Chandler and Phoebe: Yeah, me either.

Monica: Maybe I could do it.

Rachel: (entering) Hi!

Joey: Hi, Rach.

Chandler: Hi!

Phoebe: Hey.

Monica: Hey.

Rachel: Look, I know you guys heard about the whole thing with me and Ross but yknow, Ive been obsessing about it all day and Id just love not to talk about it. All right?

obsess v.使困擾

Joey: I-I-I dont know if this falls under this category, but uh, Ross is right back there. (Points over his shoulder.)

fall under v.受到(影響等) 被歸入/category n.<邏輯>範疇

Rachel: Thats not Ross!

Phoebe: Oh no! Not that guy! He does look like him though.

Chandler: Okay, Ross is in the bathroom.

Rachel: Oh my God, its happening. Its already started. Im Kip.

Joey: Hey, youre not Kip!

Rachel: (To Joey) Do you even know who Kip is?

Joey: Who cares? Youre Rachel! (To Chandler) Whos Kip?

Chandler: Kip, my old roommate, yknow we all used to hang out together.

Joey: Oh, that poor bastard.

Rachel: See? Yeah, you told me the story. He and Monica dated when they broke up they couldnt even be in the same room together and you all promised that you would stay his friend and what happened? He got phased out!

phase out v.(使)逐步淘汰

Monica: Youre not gonna be phased out!

Rachel: Well, of course I am! Its not gonna happen to Ross! Hes your brother. (To Chandler) Hes your old college roommate.

Phoebe: Kip didnt even have to be Kip. We handled that all wrong. It was a Iong time ago.

Joey: And it was before you and me were around. They didnt know what they were doing. ChandIer had a mustache, for crying out loud.

Rachel: Ugh, it was just a matter of time before someone had to leave the group. I just always assumed Phoebe would be the one to go.

Phoebe: Ehh!!

Rachel: Honey, come on! You live far away! Youre not related. You lift right out.

[Scene: Chandler and Joeys, Joey is watching TV.]

Chandler: (entering) Hey!

Joey: Hey, Mr. Bing. That uh, hotel you stayed at called. Said someone left an eyelash curler in your room.

curler n.鬈髮夾子

eyelash curler n.睫毛夾

Chandler: Yes that was mine.

Joey: Cause I figured youd hooked up with some girl and shed left it there.

Chandler: Yes that would have made more sense.

Joey: Yknow, I-I dont even feel like I know you anymore man! All right, look, Im just gonna ask you this one time. And whatever you say, Ill believe ya. (Pause.) Were you, or were you not on a gay cruise?!

cruise n.巡遊 巡航

[Scene: Central Perk, Phoebe is sitting on couch and Rachel is getting some coffee. Phoebe keeps turning her head from to keep from looking at Rachel.]

Rachel: Phoebe? (She turns her head further away.) Im sorry about the whole lifting-out thing. (Moves over next to her.) You gotta come with me!

Phoebe: Come where?

Rachel: Wherever I go. Come on you and me, well-well start a new group, were the best ones.

Phoebe: Okay, but try to get Joey too.

Ross: (entering) Pheebs, you mind if I speak to Rachel alone for a sec?

Phoebe: Oh, sure! (She gets up to leave.) Bye Ross! (Whispering behind his back.) Forever.

Ross: Hi.

Rachel: Hi. What are you doing here? Isnt this against the rules?

Ross: I talked to Monica, look, Im the one who made the choice. Im the one whos making things change, so I should be the one to yknow, step back.

step back v.離開 後退一步 退出

Rachel: Oh, Ross…

Ross: No, no, its okay. Really. Theyre plenty of people who just see their sisters at Thanksgiving and just see their college roommates at reunions and just see Joey at Burger King. So is, is that better?

reunion n. 團圓 重聚 同學會/Burger King:(often abbreviated to BK) is a large international chain of fast food restaurants, predominantly(adv.主要地) selling burgers, french fries(n.炸薯條), soft drinks(n.不含酒精的飲料), desserts, and various sandwiches. It is headquartered in unincorporated Miami-Dade County, Florida, just outside the city of Miami. Hungry Jacks is a franchisee(n.總經銷商) of Burger King that owns, operates and franchises over 300 restaurants in Australia.

Rachel: No, its not better. I still dont get to see you.

Ross: Well, what-what would you do? Rach, if you were me, what-what would you do?

Rachel: Well, for starters I wouldve said the right name at my wedding!

for starters <口>首先

Ross: I cant believe this is happening.

Rachel: I know.

Ross: I am so sorry.

Rachel: I know that too.

Joey: (entering) (He clears his throat to get their attention.) Hey, Rach? Sorry to interrupt but umm, Phoebe wanted me to talk to you about a trip or something.

[Scene: Monica and Rachels, Monica is doing a crossword puzzle.]

Chandler: (entering) Hey!

Monica: Hi.

Chandler: I just came over to drop off…nothing. So that weekend kinda sucked, huh?

drop off v.離開 散去

Monica: Yeah, it did.

Chandler: So, I guess this is over.

Monica: What?

Chandler: Well, yknow, you and me, it had to end sometime.

Monica: Why, exactly?

Chandler: Because of the weekend, we had a fight.

Monica: Chandler thats crazy! If you give up every time youd have a fight with someone youd never be with anyone longer than—Ohhh! (They both realize something there.)

Chandler: So, this isnt over?

Monica: (laughs) You are so cute! No. No, it was a fight. You deal with it and move on! Its nothing to freak out about.

Chandler: Really? Okay. Great!

Monica: Ohh, welcome to an adult relationship! (She goes to kiss him.)

Chandler: (stops her) Were in a relationship?

Monica: Im afraid so.

Chandler: Okay.

(They kiss.)

[Scene: Monica and Rachels, Monica, Rachel, Joey, and Chandler are there as Phoebe enters.]

Phoebe: Hey!

Monica: Hey!

Phoebe: Oh hey, Monica, I heard you saw Donald Trump at your convention.

convention n.會議 大會

Monica: Yeah, I saw him waiting for an elevator.

(Joey thinks that sounds familiar, but dismisses the thought.)

dismiss v.使(或讓)離開

Monica: Hey, Rach, can I borrow your eyelash curler, I think I lost mine.

Rachel: Yeah, its in there. (Points to the bathroom.)

(Joey puts two and two together.)

put two and two together v.根據事實推理 根據各種掌握的信息做出判斷 綜合考量

Joey: (shocked) Oh! Ohh! Oh!!

Chandler: Joey, can I talk to you for a second? (He grabs him and starts to drag Joey into Monicas room.)

Joey: Oohh!! Ohh! Oh-oh-oh! Oh-oh!!

(Chandler pushes him through the door and Monica closes it behind them.)

[Cut to Monicas room, Chandler tackles Joey onto her bed and tries to cover his mouth.]

tackle vt.擒抱並摔倒(對方球員) 抓住 扭獲

Joey: Ohhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!

Chandler: Yes. Yes. (Lets him up.)

Joey: (To Chandler) You?! (To Monica) And-and you?!

Monica: Yes, but you cannot tell anyone! No one knows!

Joey: How?! When?!

Chandler: It happened in London.

Joey: IN LONDON!!!

Chandler: The reason we didnt tell anyone was because we didnt want to make a big deal out of it.

make a big deal out of v.小題大作

Joey: But it is a big deal!! I have to tell someone!

(They both grab him and stop him.)

Chandler: No-no-no-no-no! You cant!

Monica: PIease. Now, I know this is hard.

Joey: It is. It hurts.

Monica: Please? Please?! We just dont want to deal with telling everyone, okay? Just promise you wont tell.

(Joey thinks it over.)

Joey: All right! Man, this is unbelievable! I mean, its great, but…

Monica: I know, its great!

(She goes over and kisses Chandler.)

Joey: Aww, I dont want to see that!

[Cut to Phoebe and Rachel.]

Phoebe: Were so stupid! Do you know whats going on in there? Theyre trying to take Joey!

Ending Credits

[Scene: Monica and Rachels, the gang, minus Ross are playing Madlibs. Phoebe is reading hers.]

Phoebe: The most popular Phoebe in tennis is called the overhand Phoebe. And if you win, you must slap your opponent on the Phoebe and say, "Hi, Phoebe!"

overhand n.發球好手 過肩投擲 高手球/slap v.掌擊

Monica: Oh thats cute! We really all enjoyed it. But yknow, it doesnt count.

Phoebe: Count for what?

Monica: Count in our heads as-as good Madlibs.

(They putting their notepads down and get up to leave.)

notepad n.記事本

Joey: I guess Im done.

Chandler: Funs over!

Monica: Wait-wait, guys! If-if we follow the rules, its still fun and it means something!

Rachel: Uh-huh!

Joey: I think Im gonna take-off.

take-off n.離開

Monica: Guys, rules are good! Rules help control the fun! (They all leave and close the door on Monica.) Ohhh! (Throws her notepad down in disgust.)



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