
Happy Lobo Week! In March 1998, 11 captive-reared Mexican wolves were released to the wild in Arizona and New Mexico, their ancestral home from which they had been missing for over 30 years. This month marks the 20th anniversary of the historic first release efforts which restored this unique gray wolf species to the mountains of the southwest. The Chicago Zoological Society (CZS) at Brookfield Zoo is celebrating #loboweek by sharing some facts about the Mexican wolf recovery program.


There are five living subspecies of gray wolves found in North America. Mexican wolves are the most genetically unique of those subspecies. Mexican wolves, or lobos, came close to extinction in the mid-1970s due to habitat loss and human impact. Often perceived as a threat to humans and livestock, these predators were eradicated from their native lands. In 1976 they were recognized as an endangered species and the first recovery efforts began.


The US and Mexico run a binational recovery effort to help restore lobos to their wild range and CZS has played an important role in these efforts. In 2016, 2 puppies born at Brookfield Zoo were placed in the Arizona-based Elk Horn Pack of wild wolves. The wild pack then fostered the puppies and raised them with their own litter. In 2017, the zoo』s pack contributed two additional puppies from their new litter, this time to the New Mexico-based San Mateo pack. This fostering technique improves genetic diversity of the wild population. Read more about the 2017 fostering at

Chicago Zoological Society - Cross-Foster Recovery Program - Mexican Gray Wolf Pups

美國和墨西哥進行了跨國合作,聯合起來致力於恢復灰狼種族使得它們可以重返在大自然中的家園。芝加哥動物協會(CZS)在其中扮演了重要的角色。在2016年,兩隻在布魯克菲爾德動物園誕生的小狼崽被放回到了活動在亞利桑那州的鹿角野狼群(Elk Horn Pack)。這個狼群接納了這兩個新來的小寶寶並且和它們自己的小崽子們一起撫養長大。在2017年,布魯克菲爾德動物園裡的狼群又從幼崽里貢獻了兩隻小傢伙,這次是加入了活躍在新墨西哥州的聖馬蒂諾狼群(San Mateno Pack)。這種人工養育的狼崽子融入野生狼群的方法可以改善野生狼群的基因多樣性。你可以通過下面的鏈接了解更多內容。

Chicago Zoological Society - Cross-Foster Recovery Program - Mexican Gray Wolf Pups?





Wild lobos still face threats today, mostly due to

misconceptions. Wolf-related livestock deaths are very low and wolves pose little threat to humans- no people have been attacked by lobos since their reintroduction to the wild- yet people often fear these animals and dislike their presence near communities. CZS staff and volunteers help to educate people about Mexican wolves and the important role they play in their ecosystem. By creating a better understanding of these unique creatures we can hopefully help to safeguard their future.


作者:Raquel Ardisana (動物保護專家 布魯克菲爾德公園工作人員)



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