
導演: 喬納森·戴頓 / 維萊莉·法瑞斯

編劇: 邁克爾·阿恩特

主演: 阿比蓋爾·布蕾斯琳 / 托妮·科萊特 / 格雷戈·金尼爾 / 保羅·達諾 / 史蒂夫·卡瑞爾 / 艾倫·阿金 / 布萊恩·科蘭斯頓 / 迪恩·諾里斯

類型: 劇情 / 喜劇 / 家庭

製片國家/地區: 美國

《陽光小美女》經典台詞:世界上有兩種人:成功者和失敗者,在每個人的心中,內心深處都有一名成功者等著被覺醒,被解開束縛,沖向世界。There are two kinds of people in this world,winners and losers.Inside each and every one of you at the very core of your being is a winner waiting to be awakened and unleashed upon the world.

《陽光小美女》經典台詞:運氣是失敗者給自己的弱點找的借口。Luck is the name losers give to their own failings.

《陽光小美女》經典台詞:如果你覺得自己不會贏,那參加比賽就沒什麼意義。Look, theres no sense in entering a contest if you dont think youre gonna win.

《陽光小美女》經典台詞:諷刺是失敗者的庇護所。Sarcasm is the refuge oflosers.

《陽光小美女》經典台詞:不管發生了什麼,你試著開拓自己的事業已經比大多數人強多了,這其中也包括我自己,你肯冒險,很有種,我為你驕傲。Whatever happens, you tried to do something on your own which is more than most people ever do and I include myself in that category. You took a big chance.That took guts, and Im proud of you.

《陽光小美女》經典台詞:爺爺,我不想當失敗者。Grandpa? I dont want to be a loser.

《陽光小美女》經典台詞:你知道什麼叫失敗?真正失敗的人,就是那種特別害怕不能成功,怕死了,連試都不敢試的人。You know what a loser is? A real loser is somebody thats so afraid of not winning, they dont even try.

《陽光小美女》經典台詞:馬賽爾·普魯斯特到了生命的最後時刻,他回首往事,審視從前所有痛苦的時光,覺得痛苦的日子才是他生命中最好的日子,因為那些日子塑造了他。那些開心的年頭呢?你知道的,徹底浪費了,什麼都沒學到。he gets down to the end of his life and he looks back and decides that all those years he suffered. Those were the best years of his life,cause they made him who he was.All the years he was happy? You know,total waste. Didnt learn a thing.

《陽光小美女》經典台詞:所以,如果你一覺睡到18歲的話,嗯,想想你該錯過多少痛苦啊?我說,高中,高中可是大好的痛苦時光,你再也找不到更難忍受的日子了。So, if you sleep until youre 18, ah, think of the suffering youre gonna miss.I mean, high school? High school-Those are your prime suffering years.You dont get better suffering than that.



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