

Its time to even the skills!


好了,cut to the chase。

The Germans captured Tikhvin.


The Battle of the Duisburg Convoy was fought over the night of November 8/9, ending in British victory.


The Germans occupied the Crimean city of Yalta.


The British aircraft carrier Ark Royal was torpedoed and severely damaged off Gibraltar by the German submarine U-81. Despite efforts to salvage the Ark Royal, she had to be abandoned to sink some 12 hours after having been torpedoed.


The Germans renewed the drive on Moscow after a three-week lull. The Soviets were pushed back from the Volga Reservoir north of the capital but with temperatures dropping to -20 Celsius across the Eastern Front, the German advance was very slow.


The German 11th Army captured Kerch on the far eastern end of the Crimean Peninsula.


Operation Silver Fox ended in a Soviet defensive victory.


Operation Arctic Fox ended in a stalemate.


The British Eighth Army began Operation Crusader, once again trying to lift the Siege of Tobruk.


Advanced British units captured Sidi Rezegh 10 miles south of Tobruk.

前進的英軍單位奪取了托布魯克以南10英里的Sidi Rezegh。

The German Afrika Korps gave battle over a broad area around Sidi Rezegh.

德國非洲軍團在Sidi Rezegh的寬大戰場中作戰。

The assault on Rostov began on 17 November, and on 21 November the Germans took Rostov. However, the German lines were over-extended, and von Kleists warnings that his left flank was vulnerable and that his tanks were ineffective in the freezing weather were ignored.


In the Battle of Moscow, the Germans captured Klin.


The 2nd New Zealand Division captured Fort Capuzzo.


The British 7th Armoured Division was forced to withdraw south of Sidi Rezegh after getting outflanked by Axis troops.

英軍第七裝甲師被軸心國軍隊包抄,不得不從Sidi Rezegh以南撤退。

The German tank armies were exposed to flanking attacks from the Soviet 49th and 50th Armies, located near Tula, further their offensive was slown. Guderian nevertheless was able to pursue the offensive, spreading his forces in a star-like attack, taking Stalinogorsk on 22 November 1941 and surrounding a Soviet rifle division stationed there.


The British battleship HMS Barham was torpedoed and sunk off Alexandria by German submarine U-331 with the loss of more than 800 crew.


The 17th Panzer Division reached Kashira.


The 7th Indian Brigade repulsed an attack by the German 5th Panzer Regiment at Sidi Omar, Libya. Meanwhile, Australian and New Zealand troops linked up at El Duda.

印度第七旅在利比亞西迪奧馬爾頂住了德軍第五裝甲團的攻擊。同時,澳大利亞和紐西蘭軍隊在El Duda會師。

The Germans withdrew from Sidi Rezegh, allowing the British 7th Armoured Division to retake the town.

德軍撤出Sidi Rezegh,這樣英國第七裝甲師有機可乘,奪取該地。

Lebanon was proclaimed independent by Georges Catroux, the Chief of Free French forces in the Levant.


The Siege of Tobruk ended in Allied victory when the besieged garrison was relieved by the British 8th Army.


The 15th Panzer Division captured Sidi Azeiz, Libya and took 700 prisoners.

15裝甲師佔領利比亞Sdi Azeiz,俘虜700名戰俘。

The Battle of Rostov ended in Soviet victory.


The Soviets retook Rostov-on-Don.


German troops withdrew from Taganrog on the Sea of Azov.


Operation Uzice ended in the retreat of the Yugoslav Partisans and Chetniks and the breakup of the short-lived Republic of U?ice.


Axis forces attacked again at Sidi Rezegh, battering the New Zealand 24th and 26th Battalions as the Germans launched a new drive on Tobruk.

軸心國軍隊再次進攻Sidi Rezegh,在德軍對托布魯克發動的新一輪打擊下,紐西蘭24、26營遭受重創。

The Battle of Pljevlja was fought in the Italian governorate of Montenegro. Italian military forces repulsed an attack by Montenegrin Partisans.


The Battle of Hanko ended in Finnish victory.


On 2 December, a reconnaissance battalion came to the town of Khimki—some 30 km (19 mi) away from the Kremlin in central Moscow reaching its bridge over the Moscow-Volga Canal as well as its railway station. This marked the farthest advance of German forces on Moscow.


The railway connection between Tula and Moscow was cut off.


Yelets was occupied by the Germans.


On 5 December 1941, the counteroffensive for "removing the immediate threat to Moscow" started on the Kalinin Front.



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