
You need a good lock

for you bike, but you don』t need any lock for your heart.

With our lock in your hand, you can prevent

your bike from thieves, but you don』t need a lock in your mind ,to prevent yourself from the spirit

of free trade.

We are Etook, thieves will fear about our

locks, but for you, Mr. President Trump, you should not fear about our product,

it is only a lock, a lock far more better than your tariff lock.

Mr. President Trump, you have made your

decision on impose tariffs on Steel and Aluminum products from China, We must tell you that our locks are made of steel

and aluminum, a lot of steel and aluminum, very good quality steel and aluminum alloy , steel

against steal, that is why they can lock bikes steady , make the thieves crazy

.We do not have any business in the United States of America before, but we

will start our business in the USA now. Because we believe in our quality and

design, we believe in that our locks will make our customers to ignore the lock

of Custom tafiffs, only thieves dislike them.

Yes, we are Etook locks from China, tariffs

can not lock us,or you may can find the brand and tech are from Taiwan, that

also China.

You want a trade war, you will get a trade





特朗普總統先生,你已經王八吃秤砣鐵了心的要對中國產的鋼鋁產品加征關稅了。我們必須告訴你的是,我們的鎖就是用鋼和鋁做的,(相比別的鎖用了)很多的鋼和鋁, 質量很棒的鋼和鋁合金,能防盜的特種鋼,我們的鎖能把車鎖牢,能讓竊賊抓狂。在此之前,我們沒有在美國開拓任何市場,但是現在,我們要進軍美國市場了。因為我們相信我們產品的質量和設計,我們相信我們的鎖會讓我們的消費者忽視掉關稅這把「鎖」的影響,只有竊賊才不喜歡我們的鎖。





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