


Imprudence and Impossibilities

(The sequel of Pride and Prejudice)

Chapter 1

It is universally

acknowledged that a single young woman with two well-married sisters must be in

want of a husband, and a single young man of respectable fortune must be in

desire of conjugal felicity, too.

So it is in Miss

Katherine Bennet』s mind, as well as in Colonel Fitzwilliam』s.

Ignorant and

empty-headed as she was, Kitty had her share of beauty: her beautiful brown

hair curled around her fair face; her red cheeks introduced herself as an

elegant lady; her figure was tall and slender. Besides, she had a pair of

sparkling brown eyes which were brightened by her playfulness and liveliness.

As time passed, it had been but half and one year since she departed with her

youngest sister Lydia. It had been a year after Jane and Elizabeth got married.

At present she was enumerating interesting events and anecdotes she heard when

visiting Pemberley last time to warm-hearted audience: Mrs. Bennet.

「Good lord! How

tired I was then! To dance that whole night with so many gentlemen! I danced

with Mr. Long, Mr. King, and then Mr. Long again, then Mr. Brown, then Colonel

Fitzwilliam, then…」

「If you had had

any compassion for me,」 interrupted by her father impatiently when he came into

the parlor, 「you would not have danced half so much. Oh, I wish you had

sprained your ankle in the first dance!」

「Mr. Bennet!」

cried Mrs. Bennet, 「How can you tease your own daughter in such a way! Oh I

know, you mean to torment me, and you have no compassion on my poor nerves!」

「You are quite

mistaken, my dear,」 answered Mr. Bennet calmly. 「I have the highest

consideration of your health condition as long as your voices are not loud

enough to go through walls, disturbing me when I am facing a mess.」

「What mess can we

possibly have?」 cried Kitty, 「 we have a respectable property and three of my

sisters are well-married indeed.」

「I hope,」 said Mr.

Bennet with a serious tone, 「 that it is the only statement we have

disagreement with. I have to say very plainly that only two out of your three

married sisters are well-settled. Here comes the point: your youngest sister

Lydia wrote to inform me that she will visit us two days later, without the

company of her beloved Mr. Wickham.

Chapter 2

Within the two

days waiting for Lydia』s visit, the Longbourn House had gone through the total

intrusion of arguments. Mrs. Bennet』s affectionate exclamations, Kitty』s

passionate yells, Mary』s calm quotation and Mr. Bennet』s stern statement

successfully escaped the description of even the most intelligent writers』. Yet

it had not reached a consensus about how to welcome Lydia』s coming back. The

Lucases somehow knew this message too. When Lady Lucas and her daughter Maria

were hypothesizing a variety of possibilities about why Lydia would come back

without her husband』s company, Sir Williams just expressed his astonishment in

hearing such a message and exclaimed that, when the very moment exactly came,

he would be as excited and nervous as he had been when going to St.James.

Two days elapsed

easily in gossipy and excitement among the whole village and when that moment

really came, many neighbors pulled off curtains claiming that they were ashamed

of seeing a married woman returning without her companion. However, when

Lydia』s carriage approached the village, all villagers crowded in their

curtains』 peaks out of curiosity.

「Here she comes.」

Kitty could not help recollecting their previous intimacy: she was the one

Lydia loved most among sisters; she was the one Lydia told about the elopement

with Mr. Wickham…his name drew her back to reality. 「Life has changed so much.」

She sighed.

True, life has

changed so much. After Lydia』s running away, she was under strict supervision

in fear of another scandal. The whole family took every possible precaution to

prevent her from seeing any scarlet coat. Invitation from Lydia and flirtation

with officers were completely forbidden. Though her inborn liveliness had not

faded away, her imprudence had been caged strictly. From her sweet and quiet appearance,

no one could imagine her wild past.

Speaking of Jane

and Elizabeth, they enjoyed conjugal felicity as much as possible. They never

forget to invite Kitty to their grandeur balls: gorgeous ornaments, beautiful

gowns and handsome gentlemen were beyond her wildest fancies. Her manners

improved, her thoughts deepened, and her air benefited from acquainting the

upper class.

Thinking about

Lydia, she sighed again. Though Mr. Bennet tried to hide her information from

Kitty, she still heard scattered gossip about Lydia. Wickham』s affection for

Lydia soon sunk into indifference; hers lasted a little longer; and they were

both extravagant in their wants, moving all the time to avoid debts.

Lydia』s carriage

stopped right in front of Kitty when she was still lost in her memory.

Chapter 3

Kitty could not

believe her eyes that the woman in pure white was Lydia. 「She used to dress

colorfully!」 Kitty thought with much grieve. A large worn-out bonnet covered

her countenance. No real emotion escaped from Mr. Bennet when he welcomed Lydia

with a stern look and no real misfortune escaped from Lydia when greeted by her

mother』s affectionate exclamations and Mary』s pretentious words. However, Kitty

found Lydia trembling when shaking hands. Under the mask of formal manners was

ominous atmosphere.

So were the lunch,

the dinner and any other time when Lydia was with Kitty. No private talk

processed and no true feeling was revealed.

The next morning

Kitty was asked to accompany Lydia when walking in the garden. It was then she

had the chance to observe her sister in closer distance. The discovery was

exceedingly surprising. Lydia』s shiny blonde hair turned into dry messy rice

straw, her seductive dimples changed into shallow winkles. Her lively shining

eyes altered to full expression of sadness and sorrow. The beauty vanished

completely and every feature demonstrated her matrimony miserable, her

personality wild, her companion debauched.

Every word uttered

by Lydia reminded Kitty of their carefree youth. But when every word was really

uttered, Kitty was not only informed that Wickham was extravagant and

frivolous, but also knew Mrs. Bingley and Mrs. Darcy』s indifferent manners as

well. She could not blame them. Who could be polite to an imprudent girl

running away from home? Who could be polite to an extravagant bother-in-law

bringing tremendous scandal to the family? But she pitied Lydia whenever seeing

her lively eyes expressed sorrow.

Kitty learned that

Wickham』s dissipation soon caused their financial problem, which in turn

triggered his bad temper. He threw numerous accusations to Lydia and even hit

her to relieve his own frustration.

While they were

talking, Kitty pretended to notice the beautiful scenery of the garden and

changed the subject. However, the expression of sorrow and repentance could not

be driven away on Lydia』s face. Lydia used to ignore all the tender suggestions

from Jane, reasonable persuasion from Elizabeth and chill sarcasm from her

father.,but now she could not longer ignore the lessons taught by her own life.

She was to be an independent adult, but her heart withered. Repentance came at

last, but it was too late.

When returning to

lunch, Kitty was informed the reason why Lydia wore pure white.」 Have not you

noticed I changed my petticoat into gowns? Why, he sold all my gowns to pay for

his gambling debt!」 Kitty could not help crying out, 「 Good gracious! A

gambler! A wife-bully!」

Then with

continual comforts to Lydia, they returned home.

Chapter 4

A day elapsed

without mention of Wickham. Then Lydia brought her intention of visiting to the

table: she wanted her father to change Wickham』s personality and help her

return to a normal life.

But Mr. Bennet

said coolly,」 a normal life is always out of your interests. Even before you

get married, your imprudent behavior had been outrageous.」

Suddenly Lydia

burst out crying, 「do not tease me, Papa! It is the only way helping me out!」

with her mother』s assistance of excited exclamations:」 oh, that horrible


Mr. Bennet just

peeped his wife and opened his mouth in a sarcastic tone,」 I remember clearly

how warm-hearted you were when they first got married.」 Then ignoring his

wife』s violent denying, he turned to Lydia, 「I am glad to hear your repentance

and I wish I could help you out. But his personality could not be changed by

his father-in-law instead of his wife. That is not appropriate in any way.」

Then he gently gave Lydia a handkerchief to wipe her tears. 「But I have some

advice to you. You should keep your own property aside so that he can not make

use of that. I will set aside 1,000 pounds in my will to support you. Besides,

you should return to his side soon to stop gossip spreading. You do not want to

drive neighbors』 curiosity, do you? Now face the reality and return soon.』』

With such words, he went out the dining hall and arranged for Lydia』s


In the scene of

Lydia』s departure, her grievous tears, Kitty』s sad apprehensions and Mrs.

Bennet』s affectionate farewell were beyong imagination. After her leave, Mrs.

Bennet claimed for several times, 「if only I could help!」 such was the kind of

lamentations resounding perpetually through the Longbourn House, with the

assistance of Mary』s quotation and extracts about matrimony. Mary always

consoled herself with such kind of moral extractions from the evil before


After Lydia

departed, Kitty was more reasonable than ever. Her miserable matrimony showed

her what she would become if she continued to be imprudent and self-strong. She

now enjoyed her own employments without officers and cherished this serenity.

「So, Kitty, I have

been observing you for some time,」 said Mr. Bennet one day, 「I hope your sister

Lydia』s misery warned you somehow? You see her as your predecessor?」

「 Not that

serious, sir,」 answered Kitty with a blush, 「but it does influence me to some


「Well then, Lydia

has finally contributed to her family after all the troubles she gave us. I am

proud of having such a wise and noble daughter who sacrificed herself to warn

her sister.」 remarked Mr. Bennet.

Chapter 5

The first thing

came to Kitty』s mind when waking up was Lydia』s misery, as well am invited her and Mary to join him and Miss

Lucas in visiting Mr. Collins.

「 I prefer books

to long-distance journeys,」 remarked Mary after Sir William had left, 「Far be

it from me to depreciate such pleasures. They would doubtlessly be congenial

with the generality of minds, but I confess they would have no charms for me. I

should infinitely prefer a book.」

「Oh Mary, how

could you say so! If you always stay home, you will never ever catch a husband,」

exclaimed Mrs. Bennet, 「and I do not know who is to maintain you when your

father is dead. Oh what if you died lonely and poor! I beg you, Mary, be


「So it is you who

tell others to be reasonable.」 interrupted by Mr. Bennet in a sarcastic tone.

He had no more to say to a wife of mean understanding, little information and

uncertain temper.

Mary finally gave

in to her mother』s emotional exclamation. Disturbed by her mother』s noise, she

could no longer read anyhow. Ridiculous and nerdy as she was, she was

determined to catch a husband to silent her mother. Such imprudence made her

accept the invitation. As for Kitty, she was looking forward to the visit as it

may divert her worry about Lydia.

Chapter 6

The visit to

parsonage took as expected, Kitty, Mary, Maria and Sir William left the village

in one carriage. More empty-headed than Kitty, Miss Maria Lucas kept on talking

trivial things. With the assistance of Mary』s dull nerdy quotation and Sir

William』s bragging about his presentation, the talk had successfully turned

into a tedious boring lecture. Kitty』s playfulness rendered her to listen to

their conversation with as much delight as the rattle of chaise.

The suggestion of their approaching the

destination was Maria』s sudden nervousness and Sir William』s excitement. Kitty,

who had never been there before, inferred their arrival from their expressions.

It was not long before she was confirmed by Mr. Collins』 worn-out greetings. He

detained the party some minutes at the gate to hear and satisfy his inquiries

about their family. They were then, with no other delay than his pointing out

the neatness of the entrance, taken into the house. As soon as they were in the

parlor, he welcomed them for a second time with formality to his humble abode,

and punctually repeated all his wife』s greetings.

Kitty was not

prepared to see him as such a ridiculous gentleman. Her inborn liveliness did

not allow her to bear such dullness very long. Finally she asked the host if

she could go around visiting. To her great surprise, in answer to her inquiry,

Mr. Collins jumped to his feet and began an endless preach. Though Kitty could

not catch every word since he spoke so rapidly, she managed to hear words as

「Lady Katherine De Bourgh」 and his stern look prevented her from every possible


Mary, quite on the

contrary, found Mr. Collins attractive. She was impressed by his formal use of

vocabulary. 「He is not as knowledgeable as me,」 she told Kitty conceitedly, 「but

he is a real gentleman.」 And Kitty made no reply to this.

Chapter 7

Kitty just spent

as few as ten times a day hearing Mr. Collins』 talking about Lady Katherine and

as few as one week sitting beside a window dully. Mr. Collins』s long and

tedious preach made her do nothing except looking out of the window. Meanwhile,

Mr. Collins』 remote cousin a Mr. Borin came to visit the Parsonage. He was more

like a twin to Mr. Collins. 「Good lord,」 thought Kitty one day after seeing Mr.

Borin as another ridiculous and tedious gentleman, 「he truly deserves his name,

Mr. Boring.」 Mary, however, found him astoundingly attractive and agreeable. She

rated his ability much higher than the others; there was solidity in his manner

that always struck her and though by no means so clever as herself, she thought

if encouraged to read and improve himself by such an example as her』s, he might

become a very agreeable companion.

However, before

long, Kitty was liberated by Lady Katherine』s invitation to them all. As her

ladyship explained, she wanted to invite guests to welcome her nephew Colonel


One day Mr.

Collins returned from Rosings with a thrilled look, and he could not help

crying out the congratulations that all of them should be invited before

stepping into the house. This news was really explosive: ladies spent the whole

night trying their gowns, Mr. Borin was too excited to speak, Sir William

recited his greetings again and again and Mr. Collins walked around the house

feeling proud of his glorious triumph in spreading the news.

When Kitty was

trying a bonnet, it suddenly occurred to her that Lady Katherine should not

like her very much, as she was the sister of Elizabeth who 「stole」 Mr. Darcy

from Lady Katherine』s daughter and they also shared the same name Katherine.

「Any way, I would

not be frightened out of my wits.」 Kitty thought to herself as she went to bed.

Chapter 8

When dining at

Rosings, Kitty felt extremely uneasy to face Lady Katherine』s formidable

countenance. As she observed, her air was not conciliating, nor was her manner

of receiving them, such as to make her visitors forget their inferior status.

And her ladyship towards her was sharpened by pride. Kitty, however, born with

imprudence and courage, was not intimidated at all. Her natural manners and confident

countenance impressed Colonel Fitzwilliam to some extent.

Kitty did not have

the slightest awareness of his thoughts. In her eyes, he was a respectable and

wise gentleman, not handsome but good-humored. Then she suddenly recalled what

Elizabeth once told her. Elizabeth implied once that Colonel Fitzwilliam was a

good match to her because he had a respectable fortune and an agreeable

personality. Besides, as he was Mr. Darcy』s cousin, this marriage could cement

relation ties with honorable families for Bennet.

When Lady

Catherine was boasting herself, Kitty had the pleasure of thinking about this

issue. She thought bitterly, 「though it is a good match, I am not in love with

him. And he will not marry someone socially inferior. This is just impossible.」

While she was engrossed in deep thoughts, Colonel

Fitzwilliam was overwhelmed in his thoughts too.


guess the real reason why Lady Katherine now invites me so often is that she

wants me to marry Miss De Bourgh. This would be a perfect match materially

speaking. As Miss De Bourgh is my cousin, this match would cement relation ties

in Fitzwilliam family. Additionally, she is superior to me in social status and

this marriage arise my status! This match would benefit me if I were not to

think myself as Mr. Darcy』s substitute. I feel sick to think myself as a mere

replacement! And Miss De Bourgh』s pride could torment me endlessly.』』

Then he sipped some champagne while still weighing

this match』s merits and demerits. He suddenly caught sight of Kitty.

「Miss Katherine Bennet takes after her sister Mrs.

Darcy in some way.」 He was absent-mindedly observing her countenance, but he

suddenly choked on champagne. It occurred to him that Kitty was now Darcy』s

sister-in-law, not like Elizabeth by then, a single woman with little fortune.

「This should be considered. I dare say she is as pretty and good-humored as her

sister, perhaps not that intelligent, but certainly more agreeable than Miss De

Bourgh. But she has far less fortune, which makes a good match a little bit

impossible.」 Then he glanced at her face with some pity and answered Lady

Katherine』s rude questions as politely as possible.

Chapter 9

The other day, the whole party was again invited to

Rosings. There was nothing to be done for Kitty but hear Lady Katherine talk,

who needed nothing to give a lecture except audience. She delivered her opinion

on every subject in so decisive a manner as proved she was not used to have her

judgment controverted. She enquired into Mrs. Collins』 domestic concerns

familiarly and minutely and addressed a variety of questions to Kitty.

「Do you play the piano, Miss Katherine?」

「A little.」

「Oh! Then some time or other we shall be happy to hear

you. Our instrument must be superior to yours. You shall try it some day」

Before Kitty could reply Mary boldly asked her

ladyship』s permission to play the piano on her own, as she was eager to show

her accomplishments. However, Mary had neither genius nor taste; and though

vanity had given her application, it had given her likewise conceited and

ridiculous manners, which would have injured a higher excellence. Kitty was

embarrassed by Mary』s imprudent and ridiculous behavior but she was thankful

that she did not have to hear Lady Katherine』s boasting now. She was more

embarrassed to see Mr. Borin heartily applauded Mary』s performance and claimed

he had never met a more accomplished lady. Finally, her face was burning with embarrassment

when Mary glanced at Mr. Borin affectionately.

Chapter 10

A few days later, Lady Catherine invited Colonel

Fitzwilliam alone at Rosings.

As soon as he stepped into the dinning hall, he felt

extremely uncomfortable to find Miss De Bourgh alone. Though she was good

looking, her remarkable pride and sense of superiority would have counteracted

more handsome features. She sat there, without a book in her hands,(as her

mother always declaimed, her inborn intelligence needs no books』

nurture)staring plainly at him with no sign of greeting.

To break such an embarrassing silence, Colonel

Fitzwilliam politely enquired about her health, received a very brief reply.

Then dreadful silence fell again, before Miss De Bourgh asked him if he

preferred Rosings to his own state.

「And is this a sign that she wants to marry me?」

Colonel Fitzwilliam then replied, 「Each in its own way has impressive features

and it would be difficult to judge which I prefer.」

Miss De Bourgh just frowned as a reply. And Colonel

Fitzwilliam began to talk about music and arts, books and travelling. He

desperately talked about everything he knew to break the silence. But Miss De

Bourgh just gave brief answers indicating that accomplished as she was, she did

not want to talk. After exerting himself to many topics, he finally gave up.

Then Miss De Bourgh asked plainly about his opinion

about felicity in marriage. He answered dully with clichés and worn-out remarks

in the appearance. But in fact he took her hint that she was forcing him to

make a proposal. He thought it was too early to ask for her hand and just

pretended not to understand her intention.

Miss De Bourgh was obviously cross at his reaction, as

her voice was sharpened and her brows were knitted. The intentionally dreadful

silence came again and this time she was determined to stay silent except

uttering a few syllables as a reply. She used this to trigger his proposal. But

Colonel Fitzwilliam was far from that.

「She is rendered formidable by silence, while her

mother』s is that whatever she said was spoken in so authoritative a way as

marking her self-importance.」 He thought when Lady Katherine went in.

When dining, Miss De Bourgh』s manners were sharpened

by resentment. Not even one syllable was uttered in the conversation. She

either nodded or shook her head, or pretended not to hear. Her mother, on the

contrary, spoke without any intermission. She enquired, hinted and even teased.

Even though her approach was various and her topics were numerous, they all

pointed to one subject, that Colonel Fitzwilliam did not make the proposal.

「Insolent ladies!」 thought Colonel Fitzwilliam as he

went out of Rosings, 「they must have thought I slipped on my feet by their

large fortune and as soon as they gave a hint, I would kneel to ground making a

proposal. Impossible! That formidable, reticent lady as Mrs. Fitzwilliam! Impossible!

That conceited, vain lady as my mother-in-law! Their silence and rudeness have

humiliated me, who am a cousin and a nephew! Despicable!」

Chapter 10

After a sleep, Colonel Fitzwilliam』s anger was not

eased at all. According to his judgment to Lady Katherine』s rude manner, he was

not surprised to receive no invitation to Rosings. Lady Katherine, who needed audience

to hear her boasting every day, turned to invite Mr. Collins』 party.

When dining, Kitty found Lady Katherine exceedingly

impolite to her. As her sense could not possibly guess that her ladyship was

annoyed by Colonel Fitzwilliam, her inborn imprudence predicted that her

ladyship just contempt her inferiority.

Later Kitty was confirmed that her ladyship』s rude

remarks and proud statements were especially pointed at her. but in fact, Lady

Katherine just needed someone to relieve her annoyance. Kitty was unfortunately

her target, since her ladyship happened to discover some similarities between

Kitty and Elizabeth. Her ladyship thought, 「Had not been that humble Miss Elizabeth,

Mr. Darcy must have married my daughter. This Miss Katherine looks just like

her sister. Their dissymmetry figures and imprudent manners are just the same.』』

「How old are you, Miss Katherine?」 her ladyship asked

with remarkable pride.

「Eighteen years old, madam.」 answered Kitty calmly.

「To young to get married,」 her ladyship remarked

briefly, then added, 「too limited to get well married.」

Kitty started fighting back, mentioning a Jane and

Elizabeth』s name to indicate her was not inferior. But Lady Katherine』s anger

exploded when hearing 「Mrs. Darcy」. What』s more, it suddenly occurred to her

ladyship that Kitty might even imitate her sister』s stealing away Miss De

Bourgh』s reserved companion, as they looked so much alike.

As her ladyship was indulged in this thought, her

ladyship only talked to herself without intermission in half an hour and she

did not brag as much as usual. This immediately brought out Mr. Collins』

concern for her health. And he had more to say on the subject than he could well

manage before arriving at the Parsonage.

Chapter 11

Kitty enjoyed her visiting here, as nothing but Mr.

Collins』 foolishness, Mary and Mr. Borin』s ridiculous adoration to each other

and Lady Katherine』s insolence bothered her. Now she was reading a letter from

Mrs. Darcy.

「Dear Kitty,

I heard that you are visiting the Parsonage and I wish

you enjoy staying there. The surroundings are beautiful and Mrs. Collins is a

most agreeable friend,」 「She did not mention Mr. Collins and Lady Katherine,」

thought Kitty to herself, amusingly, 「Please send my highest regards to all the

party. I am looking forward to seeing you again in Pemberley…」

Kitty skipped a few lines and found explosive news, 「I

am eager to share good news with you. I am expecting a baby』s arrival, which

will add more happiness to a marriage. Mr. Darcy has planned to hold a party

when this baby is delivered, approximately during Christmas. I will be glad if

you could come…」

「Oh, Elizabeth! What great news! I can not keep

waiting!」 thought Kitty as she continued reading, but suddenly she blushed.

「Colonel Fitzwilliam had come to visit us a few days

ago. I found him an intelligent and mild gentleman. I do not like to be rude,

but I secretly hope you can have deeper communications with him. At least he

would be a good friend broadening your mind…」

「Oh my lord!」 no sooner had she reached the end than

she decided not to read it again. But then she scanned again out of curiosity

and found this, 「Mr. Darcy talked with Colonel Fitzwilliam about you in highest

opinion and he may be impressed…」 kitty』s surprise turned into shyness, 「Oh

dear sister! How can you let Mr. Darcy do this! Though I respect Colonel

Fitzwilliam, I am not in love!」 then she willfully threw the letter aside and

never looked at it again.

But Colonel Fitzwilliam』s name lingered in her mind

and it was time she should face with her real opinion. 「When I was younger and

wilder, I used to flirt with a bunch of officers, but that was just for fun not

love. Though Colonel is a good match materially speaking, I do not feel at all

refreshed when with him. The saying 「attachment can be developed in marriage」

is wrong. Attachment or not is decided earlier. What can be developed is the

habit of accompanying.」 She thought bitterly getting to bed.

Kitty was so engrossed in her own thoughts that she

did not notice her sister』s receiving a letter from their mother. Mary』s

countenance changed when reading the displeasing letter. 「I do not have the pleasure

of knowing why I have raised such a nerdy lady as you…」 「A book worm will never

attract any gentleman and I am horrified when picturing you dying lonely and

poor…」those lines were finally ended by Mrs. Bennet』s exclamation 「you have no

compassion for my poor nerves!」 Mary

always tried to be accomplished and knowledgeable to compensate for her plain

appearance. She was extremely displeased to see the word nerdy and was quite

resentful about her mother. 「I, such an accomplished and elegant lady, will not

wither as an old maid. I will show my mother how attractive I am to gentlemen!」

her rigid mind did not tell her the danger of imprudence. Her knowledge did not

show her what a ridiculous and cross lady she was.

Chapter 12

After a night, Kitty opened her eyes only to discover

a piece of shocking news that Lady Katherine had been in the parlor. More

astonished that honored, she accepted her ladyship』s suggestion to stroll in

the garden.

Kitty, though found her ladyship insolent, started a

conversation, 「Mr. Collins does have a talent in gardening.」 Only to be replied

by a slight 「indeed」.

Then Lady Katherine began. 「You can be at no loss,

Miss Katherine, to understand my visit here.」 Kitty looked with unaffected

surprise. She managed to answer politely, 「indeed, madam, you are quite

mistaken. I am not able to account for the honor of seeing you here.」

「Miss Katherine, my own frankness will speak of itself

now. I suppose, with full assurance, that you have been trifling with me and

Miss De Bourgh by flirting with Colonel Fitzwilliam.」 Such rudeness was beyond

Kitty』s prediction and she replied with constrained resentment, 「I have to

admit, that I have never done so. And as your ladyship just mentioned, it is

only your supposition based on no real evidence.」

Agitated by Kitty』s tone, Lady Katherine began, 「Miss

Katherine, I have not been accustomed to such language. You may not know, I am

no stranger to the particulars of your little sister』s infamous elopement. The

young man』s marrying her was a patched up business, at the expense of your

father.」 This reminded Kitty of Lydia』s miserable life, to whom Lady Katherine

showed no pity. Whatever she done, Lydia was always Kitty』s dearest sister and

not even one disrespectful word should be uttered in front of her. When she

heard such discourteous remarks, her inborn imprudence rendered her to throw

away all politeness. Meanwhile, Lady Katherine turned the topic to Elizabeth

without intermission. 「Speaking of that humble Mrs. Darcy, that obstinate

headstrong girl, she is the most disgraceful creature. Your sister had stolen

Mr. Darcy from my daughter. Do you think I will let that happen again? A young

woman without respectable fortune or connections merely plays tricks of amusement

and steals noble Miss. De Bourgh』s reserved husband again? Impossible!」

That abuse had gone too far. Kitty could no longer

repress her resentment. 「Lady Katherine, you have abused me in every possible

way. Even though you might now be superior to me in society, your rudeness and

despicable personality must have counteracted a more noble family. Now you

listen carefully,」 as Lady Katherine tried to interrupt, 「I need no

interruption. Your hideous remark on my little sister may be true, but it does

prove your malicious mind and ugly heart. As for my elderly sister Mrs. Darcy,

I 「thank you」 for your 「compliment」. I can assure you that her marriage is full

of happiness, which will be definitely added by a baby』s arrival. Speaking of

myself, I claim that I have never flirted with Colonel Fitzwilliam. That your

pale-faced mean daughter does not deserve him does not mean anyone else has to

steal him from her.」 having spoken so, Kitty went back alone, without an 「excuse

me」, leaving her ladyship in rage alone.

Chapter 13

Kitty was not displeased at all to receive no further

invitation from Rosings. However, Mr. Collins teased, enquired, coaxed about it

without success. Though Mrs. Collins was also curious to know the reason why

all of them except Kitty received invitation, she remained quieter than her

husband, who had been wandering in the house asking endless questions. After

his wife told him Kitty was a little annoyed, he made a long, formal apology to

Kitty during lunch. And that was why Kitty suddenly lost appetite. After the

apology, she found herself only needed to endure his enquiries five times a


One day, when she was alone at the Parsonage, as

others were invited to Rosings, she was surprised to receive Colonel Fitzwilliam』s

visit. He too, was surprised to find her alone, but not quite displeased.

Both feeling isolated in this community, they began to

talk about books and travelling. Though Kitty was not quite knowledgeable, her

inborn liveliness gave her an air of innovation. And Colonel Fitzwilliam

discovered her creative insight with pleasure. Though Colonel Fitzwilliam was

not quite handsome, his knowledge and manners impressed Kitty.

Whenever thinking about him as the only friend after

being isolated by Lady Katherine, Kitty felt grateful and a strange glow of

warm. Though she knew from the bottom of her heart that she had no special

feeling for him, she talked herself into accepting him as the perfect match.

Chapter 14

As intelligent a man as Colonel Fitzwilliam was, he

knew it was hard for him to find an ideal companion now as he was stepping into

his 30s. Besides, after his confliction with Lady Katherine, she was aware that

her ladyship will make every effort to prevent him from a good marriage in


As pretty a girl as Kitty was, she realized how hard

it would be for a girl with little fortune to marry well. What』s more, she knew

that Lady Katherine must prevent her from finding a companion in every way.

Meanwhile, Kitty and Colonel Fitzwilliam were closer

day by day. Kitty』s liveliness brought Colonel Fitzwilliam to his youth and his

knowledge made her carefree life more meaningful. As Kitty once thought, 「attachment

can not be developed, but the habit of accompanying each other can.」 Due to the

mutual thought on material situations, because of the collective isolation

shortening their distance, they were engaged after another month』s


Chapter 15

Kitty now had the pleasure of observing her sister

now. Though she often found Mary awkward, she was sickened when seeing Mary

flirting with Mr. Borin. Both being nerdy and rigid, Mary and Mr. Borin seemed

to quarrel rather than flirt. Once an expert at flirting, Kitty gave some

advice to Mary, but apparently, Mary did not understand those tricks well. Her awkward

imitation brought embarrassing expression on her face and Mr. Borin』s formal

manners gave him an incredibly ridiculous air.

Kitty could no longer hold back her laughter when

seeing such an amusing farce. She could not help asking her sister once in

secret, 「now be frank, my dear sister, why are you trying to attract Mr. Borin?」

「I am agitated by our mother』s attitude to me. She

thinks I am too nerdy to even attract any gentleman,」 Mary opened her heart to

her sister, 「I want to marry him to avoid the misfortune of dying as an old

maid. I have read such misery in classics such as…」 Kitty hurriedly interrupted

her quotation, 「marry Mr. Borin! Impossible! You are acting out of imprudence! Be

reasonable, Mary, do not trap yourself in a marriage lacking love…」 she

suddenly stopped when thinking about her own engagement. Then Mary began to

gush forth with a flow of eloquence to convince her of her happiness and surprisingly,

she asked Kitty to stay when Mr. Borin proposed. Thinking about how imprudent

and awkward Mary could be, Kitty agreed to this shocking suggestion.

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

The news of their engagement surprised everyone, but

everyone』s reaction was different. Mr. and Mrs. Darcy wrote a long letter to

congratulate them; Mrs. Collins gave Kitty wishes sincerely; but Lady Katherine

let loose a torrent of abuse and Mr. Collins sank into deep worry that his

benefactress must be angry.

The moment the marrying ring was put on her finger,

Kitty felt calm but a wave of regret flowed around. She knew that she could

have never chosen a better companion, but she was aware of lack of love in this


The mutual understanding and respect consolidated the

foundation of this marriage. And they were said to be born for each other when

presenting the large celebration party of Oliver Darcy』s birth.

From then on, they were secured by material comforts and

live in full serenity, as peaceful as an old couple.

As for Lydia, she gave birth to a boy too, which

miraculously changed the couple』s relationship. Now Mr. Wickham showed much

love to this child and cared more about Lydia. He gambled far less and stopped

moving around to avoid debts.

Kitty sighed with satisfaction when hearing about Lydia』s

news. She thought, 「A real perfect match with an agreeable and prosperous

gentleman can be rare. Not every one can have Jane and Elizabeth』s luck. But

when you live long enough, care and understanding can grow out of daily life,

which also makes a good match. My previous imprudence annoyed Lady Katherine,

but sent me Colonel Fitzwilliam and made the impossible marriage come true.」


0325博弈心理學 內藤誼人 kindle 書摘
(轉載)陶庵夢憶序 張岱
I had a dream...
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