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i am in search of another planet in the universe where life exists,
icantsee this planet with my naked eyes,or even with the most powerful telescopes we currently possess,
but i know thatitsthere,
and understanding contradictions that occur in nature will help find,
on our planet where there is water there is life,
so we look for planets that orbit at just the right distance from their stars,
at this distance shown in blue on this diagram for stars of different temperatures planets could be warm enough for water to flow on their surfaces has lakes and oceans where life might reside,
some astronomers focus their time and energy on finding planets that these distances from their stars on,
what i do takes up where their job and,
i model the possible climates affect the planet,
andhereswhythatsimportant there are many factors besides distance from its star that control whether a planet can support life,
take the planet venus,
ITsnamed after the roman goddess of love and beauty because of its benign if serial appearance in the sky,
but spacecraft measurements revealed a different story,
the surface temperature is close to nine hundred degrees fahrenheit five hundred celsius,
thatshot enough to melt lead,
its thick atmosphere not its distance from the sun is the reason causes the greenhouse effect on steroids trapping heat from the sun is scorching the planet surface,
the reality totally contradicted initial perceptions on this planet,
from these lessons from our own solar systemwevelearned that aplanetsatmosphere is crucial to its climate and potential to host life,
wedontknow what the atmospheres of these planets are like because the planets are so small in game compared to their stars,and so far away from us,
for example one of the closest planet that could support surface water is called least six six seven cc touch a glamorous name write, my phone number for a nameitstwenty three light years away,
sothatsmore than one hundred trillion miles,
trying to measure the atmospheric composition of axle planet passing in front of its host star for his hard,
ITslike trying to see a fruit fly passing by acarsheadlight,
they now imagine that cause one hundred trillion miles away and you want to know the precise color of the fly,
so i use computer models to calculate the kind of atmosphere a planet would need you have suitable climate for water and life,
heresanartistsconcept of the planet kepler sixty to ask with your for reference,
ITstwelve hundred light years away and just forty percent larger than earth,
or in excess funded work found that IT could be warm enough for open water for many types of atmospheres and orientations of its orbit to live like feature telescope to follow up on this planet to look for signs of life,
ice on a planet surface is also important for climate ice absorbs longer redder wavelengths of light and reflects shorter bluer light,
thatswhy the iceberg in the photo looks so blue the redder light from the sun is absorbed on its way through the ice only the blue light makes IT all the way to the bottom,
the gets reflected back up to our eyes as we see blue wife,
my model show that planets orbiting cooler stars could actually be warmer than planets orbiting hotter stars she does another contradiction that ice absorbs the longer wavelength light from cooler stars in that light that energy,
heats the ice,
using climate models,to explore how these contradictions can affect planetary climate is vital to the search for life elsewhere,
anditsno surprise that this,
my specialty,
imafrican american female astronomer,and a classically trained actor who love to wear make up and read fashion magazines so i am uniquely positioned to appreciate contradictions in nature,
the,and how they can inform our search for the next planet where life exists,
my organization rising star girls teaches astronomy to middle school girls of color,
using theatre writing and visual arts,
thatsanother contradiction science and artdontoften go together but interweaving them can help these girls bring their whole selves to what a large and maybe one day,
join the ranks of astronomers were full of contradictions can use a background to discover once and for all that we are truly not alone in the universe,
thank you,the,