MWRP讀物推介|小公主A Little Princess

《小公主》(A Little Princess)是「百萬英語閱讀計劃」MWRP叢書——英漢對照中級英語系列讀物第III輯之6,適合已掌握1500基本英語辭彙量(相當於初中畢業)的英語學習者閱讀。




原書作者弗朗西絲·霍奇森·伯內特(Frances Hodgson Burnett 1849-1924),出生於英國,後成為美國公民,是英語世界家喻戶曉的兒童文學作家。這部小說出版於1905年,20世紀30年代,好萊塢曾把它拍成電影,扮演薩拉·克魯的就是當時最受歡迎的美國童星秀蘭·鄧波兒,後來又多次拍成電影、電視劇、音樂劇等。




1. 關於可讀性:這是根據美國Rudolf Flesch博士的統計方法計算出的Flesch Reading Ease(弗萊士易讀度),計算根據是句子的字數和100個字內音節個數等,數值在0和100之間,數目越大,文章越容易讀。

2. 1500基本辭彙外的單詞不包括由這些詞構成的合成詞 (如:schoolboy<=school +boy)和派生詞 (如:proudly <= proud + ly)。

3. 專有名詞(人名地名)或由專有名詞派生的辭彙以及感嘆詞不計入生詞。

4. 1500詞外詞數(生詞數)包含重複詞數。比如一個單詞以不同形式出現3次,則按3次統計。

5. 在1500詞外詞條數中,重複的單詞或者一個單詞的不同形式統計為1次。

6. 正文每一千字處都有字數標誌,便於讀者掌握閱讀進度。

7. 1500基本辭彙外的詞在原文部分用粗體顯示,譯文部分用深色粗體,由於翻譯的緣故,兩部分的詞性和意義並不完全對應,僅供參考。

8. 本系列讀物的前三本生詞全部標註,以後只標註兩次,出現兩次以後生詞就不再標註。


A Little Princess


Chapter 1. Sara

第一章 薩拉

Once on a dark winter』s day, the yellow fog hung so thick and heavy in the streets of London that the lamps were lighted. A strange-looking little girl sat in a cab with her father and was driven rather slowly through the streets.


She leaned against her father, who held her in his arm, as she stared out of the window at the passing people.


She was such a little girl, yet she had a strange look on her small face. Sara Crewe was only seven. She was always dreaming and thinking strange things, often about grown-up people and the world they belonged to.


At this moment she was remembering the voyage she had just made from Bombay with her father, Captain Crewe. She was thinking of the big ship, of the Indian sailors passing silently back and forth on it, of the children playing about on the hot deck, and of some young officers』 wives who used to try to make her talk to them and laugh at the things she said.


Mostly, she was thinking of what a strange thing it was that at one time one was in India in the hot sun, and then driving through streets in London. She moved closer to her father.


「Papa,」 she said in a low little voice, 「papa.」


「What is it, darling?」 Captain Crewe answered, looking down into her face. 「What is Sara thinking of?」


「Is this the place?」 Sara whispered. 「Is it, papa?」


「Yes, little Sara, it is. We have reached it at last.」 And though she was only seven years old, she knew that he felt sad when he said it.


Her mother had died when she was born. Her young, handsome, rich, loving father seemed to be the only relation she had in the world. They had always played together and been fond of each other. She only knew he was rich because she had heard people say so, and she had also heard them say that when she grew up she would be rich, too.


During her short life only one thing had troubled her. It was 「the place」 she was to be taken to some day. The climate of India was very bad for children, and as soon as possible they were sent away from it--generally to England and to school. She had known that she would have to go also. Though sometimes her father』s stories of the voyage and the new country had attracted her, she had been sad that he could not stay with her.


「Couldn』t you go to that place with me, papa?」 she had asked when she was five years old. 「Couldn』t you go to school, too? I would help you with your lessons.」


「But you will not have to stay for a very long time, little Sara,」 he had always said. 「You will go to a nice house where there will be a lot of little girls, and you will play together, and I will send you plenty of books. You will grow so fast that you will soon be big enough and clever enough to come back and take care of papa.」


She liked to think of that. He held her very closely in his arms as the cab reached the big square in which stood the house they were going to.


It was a big brick house, exactly like all the others in its row, but that on the front door there was a brass plate with the words:


Miss Minchin,


Young Ladies』 School.


「Here we are, Sara,」 said Captain Crewe. He tried to be as cheerful as possible. Then he lifted her out of the cab and rang the bell. The house was well furnished, but everything in it was ugly. They were led into the drawing room.


As she sat down in one of the chairs, Sara took a quick look about her.


「I don』t like it, papa,」 she said. 「But then I dare say soldiers--even brave ones--don』t really like going into battle.」


Captain Crewe laughed. He was young and full of fun, and he always enjoyed hearing Sara』s strange speeches.


「Oh, little Sara,」 he said. 「What shall I do when I have no one to say serious things to me? No one else is as serious as you are.」


「But why do serious things make you laugh so?」 asked Sara.


「Because you are such fun when you say them,」 he answered, laughing still more. And then suddenly he held her in his arms and kissed her very hard. He looked almost as if tears had come into his eyes.


Just then, Miss Minchin entered the room. She had large, cold eyes, and a large, cold smile. It became a very large smile when she saw Sara and Captain Crewe. She had heard a great many fine things of the young soldier. She had heard that he was a rich father, and he was willing to spend a great deal of money on his little daughter.


「I』m glad to have charge of such a beautiful and clever child, Captain Crewe,」 she said, taking Sara』s hand. 「Lady Meredith has told me how clever she is. A clever child is a great treasure in a school like mine.」


Sara stood quietly, with her eyes fixed upon Miss Minchin』s face. She was thinking something strange, as usual.


「Why does she say I am a beautiful child?」 she was thinking. 「I am not beautiful at all. I am a thin child and not fair at all. I am one of the ugliest children I ever saw. She is beginning by telling a story.」


In fact, she was not an ugly child. She had a strange charm of her own. She was rather tall for her age, and had an attractive little face. Her hair was heavy and quite black and only curled at the tips; her eyes were big with long, black lashes. Still she firmly believed that she was an ugly little girl, and she was not at all excited by Miss Minchin』s words.


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