


QGLS series bidirectional submersibletubular pumps have impact structure and protection devices to conductinterlocked control of protection modules through control cabinet andeffectively protect the pump operation.

◎ 電機轉子與葉輪同軸;

◎ Coaxial motor rotor and impeller;

◎ 電機轉向:從電機往泵方向看,葉輪為順時針方向旋轉;

◎ Motor direction of rotation: Viewed from the motor to the bump, theimpeller rotates clockwise;

◎ 機械密封將電機腔與液體隔開;

◎ Mechanical seal separate electric motor cavity and liquid;

◎ 作用在轉子上的軸向力、徑向力由滾動軸承承受;

◎ Antifriction bearing loads the axial force and radial force on therotor;




●Preparation prior to installation:


◆Unpack the packing container and check whether the shipment is inline with the packing list and is damaged in the transportation process. Thefollowing items are mainly included:

◎ 檢查水泵有無漏油現象;

◎ Check whether the water bump has oil leakage;

◎ 用手轉動葉輪,看轉動是否靈活;

◎ Manually rotate the impeller to check whether the rotation isflexible;

◎ 檢查水泵各結合面的螺栓有無鬆動;

◎ Check whether bolts on the joint surfaces of the water bump areloosen;

◎ 檢查水泵電纜,看有無劃傷、斷裂和微小細孔;

◎ Check whether the waterbump』s cable has scratches, breakage and tiny pores;

◎ 檢查泵的轉動方向:接通電源,在陸地無水狀態下,瞬時開動,觀察葉輪轉向,應與轉向箭頭標誌一致(否則應將電纜線中的任意二根線對調),並做好標記,以保證接線的正確。

◎ Check the bump』s rotation direction: Switching on the power, start the impellerinstantly when there is no water on the land; observe the impeller』s rotationdirection that shall be in line with the arrow mark of the rotation direction(otherwise switching any two cable lines); make the mark carefully to ensurethe correct connection.


◆Check the cable trough:

◎ 從池口到端子箱安裝點,清除電纜槽內的雜物,電纜槽的走嚮應合理;

◎ Clean up sundries in the cable trough from the sump end to mountingpoints of the terminal box; The cable trough shall move towards reasonably.

◎ 固定好電纜槽內的托架,配齊必要的軟管,其長度要保證能滿足從端子箱的進線口到電纜槽的出線口,動力線軟管與信號線軟管必須分開,電纜線托架或地埋管應採用PVC或鍍鋅管,信號電纜及動力電纜不得混穿,管子直徑需足夠大,並注意進、出口不能有銳口,以免劃傷電纜;

◎ Fasten the tray in the cable trough firmly, complete requisite cableflexible pipes with the sufficient length from the terminal box』s inlet portto the cable trough』s outlet port, separate the power line flexible pipe and the signalline flexible pipe; cable tray or buried pipe shall adopt PVC pipe orgalvanized pipe; the signal cable and the power cable shall not be mixed;ensure that the pipe』s diameter is big enough, and that the inlet port andoutlet port have no sharp port to scratch the cable;

◎ 檢查電源裝置是否安全、可靠、正常,電源電壓、頻率應符合規定;

◎ Check whether the power supply device is safe, reliable, normal; thevoltage and frequency of the power supply shall meet the specification;




Sling the bump, align anchor bolt hole,inlet water pipe and outlet water pipe; after the level and distance areadjusted well, screw up the anchor bolt and the attachment bolt of the inletand outlet flange firmly.


Connect the cable line and the power linewell.


Electric connection

● 電氣線路連接應由正式電工按照電氣接線圖施工,並按照當地的安全規程操作;

● Electric wiring connectionshall be operated by a regular electrician in accordance with the electricwiring diagram and the local safety specification;

● 注意標牌上的參數,並將額定電壓及頻率與電源電壓及頻率進行比較;

● Notice the parameter on thenameplate and compare the rated voltage and frequency with the supply voltageand frequency;

● 在電壓不同的情況下,不能開啟電機;

● In case of differentvoltages, forbid starting the motor;

● 電纜線的外護套不能有任何損傷;

● The cable line』s outersheath shall not have any damage;

● 監測水泵側機械密封的油室內濕度感測器(YS)在正常狀態下,用萬用表檢查,其阻值為無窮大;

● The humidity sensor (YS) inthe oil cavity for monitoring mechanical seal on the water bump side has aninfinite value of resistance when it is checked with a multimeter under thenormal condition.

● 監測電纜線接線腔密封的浸水感測器(JS)在正常狀態下,用萬用表檢查,其阻值為無窮大;

● Water intrusion sensor (JS)for monitoring the sealed wiring cavity of the cable line has an infinite valueof resistance when it is checked with a multimeter under the normal condition.

● 監測軸承溫度的軸溫感測器為熱敏開關時,引出線標識為WZ,在正常狀態下,用萬用表檢查,其阻值為零,即電路為接通狀態;當使用PT100時,常溫下其阻值為110Ω左右,其引出線標識為上軸溫為WZS,下軸溫為WZX;

● When axle temperaturesensor used for monitoring the bearing temperature is a thermoswitch, theoutgoing line is marked with WZ. Its value of resistance is zero when it isdetected with a multimeter under the normal condition, namely, the circuit isopened. When PT100 is used, its value of resistance is about 110Ω at the normaltemperature, and its outgoing line is marked with WZS on the upper axletemperature and WZX on the lower axle temperature.

● 監測電機側機械密封的滲漏感測器(XL)在正常狀態下,用萬用表檢查,其阻值為無窮大;

● Leakage sensor (XL) usedfor monitoring mechanical seal on the motor side has an infinite value ofresistance when it is checked with a multimeter under the normal condition.

● 水泵的接線:

● Water bump connection:

▲ 水泵出線電纜標記為U、V、W,有時每相出線有幾根並聯使用,請注意標記(要求Y-△啟動的引線電纜為U1、V1、W1和U2、V2、W2),有一根細線為接地線);

▲ Water bump』s outgoingcable is marked with U, V and W; sometimes when several outgoing lines of eachphase are in parallel connection for use, please pay attention to mark them(the leader cable activated by Y-△ is required to be U1, V1, W1, U2, V2 and W2, including one fineline as the ground wire).

▲ 檢查水泵的保護裝置(YS、WC、、JS、WZ及XL),以確保其接線的正確。

▲ Check the water bump』s protectiondevice (YS, WC, JS, WZ and XL) to ensure its correct connection.

註: YS、WC 、JS、ZW、XL均表示監控裝置引出電纜端標誌,與電控櫃標誌對應聯接。詳見專門的電氣控制使用說明書。

Note: YS, WC, JS, ZW and XL represent marksof monitoring devices』 outgoing cable terminal and correspondingly connect withthe marks of electronic control cabinet. Refer to details in the specificelectric control operating manual.



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