

Some Healthy Desserts You Can Prepare


It』s always great to end your meal with your favorite dessert, but the sad reality is that a lot of them are filled with sugar, can make you fat and aren』t healthy. Even so, that doesn』t mean you should stay away from dessert always. The nice thing is that there are healthy desserts that you can relish on without having to worry about becoming unhealthy. To help you, below are some healthy dessert alternatives for your sweet tooth minus the extra pounds:

以自己喜歡的甜點結束自己的進餐總是非常好,但可悲的現實是,其中很多富含糖,會使人發胖而且不健康。雖然這樣 ,並不意味著你應該遠離甜點。好的是,有些健康的甜點,你可以享受,而且不必擔心健康問題。下面是一些健康甜食可以替代那些讓你發胖的甜食

Start with fresh fruit. Combine low-fat yogurt with low-fat whipped cream and put some fresh fruit. Add some cinnamon and get ready for a good time. Or slice an apple or peach in half. Spray with some canola oil, sprinkle with brown sugar and grill till its soft and fragrant. For toppings, use sugar-free syrup or low-fat whipped topping.


Need more? Place a scoop of fat-free vanilla ice cream in a bowl. Top it with your favorite sugar-free coffee syrup that comes in delicious flavors such as almond, vanilla, caramel or raspberry. Sprinkle lightly with nuts and you』ve got a healthy dessert.


Another option is fat-free and sugar-free Jelly. This is very cheap and only contains 5 calories per serving. Mix this with some canned fruit or non-fat dairy whipped topping. Or give in to some fat-free or sugar-free frozen yogurt. This tastes great and contains only a fraction of the calories that you』ll find in ice cream.


For extra savings, why not go for sugar-free chewing gum instead? This will satisfy your sweet tooth and maintain your healthy waistline at the same time. When eating out, it pays to order just one dessert and split it with your partner. By doing so, you get only half the fat and half the calories.


Fruit loaf is another healthy dessert you can have. However, in place of flour, you can use the whole grain and in place of butter, use Soy milk. Sprinkle in some fruits and enjoy your loaf with low-fat yogurt.


For salad fans, Ambrosia fruit salad is also one of the healthy desserts for anybody on a diet. You just need 1 cup of some oranges, pineapples and strawberries all in slices or chunks and toasted coconut. Toss them together according to given directions until its ready. You can serve it with chips, rice cakes or anything that you like.

對於喜歡沙拉的粉絲-美味水果沙拉-對於有節食需求的人來說 是一種健康甜點。你需要的只是一杯 桔子、菠蘿和草莓的切片和烤椰子。把它們放在一起,混勻,可以搭配薯條、年糕或任何你喜歡的東西。

Lastly, have dessert after a 1/2-hour walk. Get walking after breakfast or dinner. If you still like to have dessert when you return, it』s okay since you』ve had a good exercise

最後,餐後半小時散步後吃甜點 ,如果你散布回來後還想吃甜點,那就好了,因為你已經準備好了。




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