給領導看的introduction用的一段citation,結果在場的同事都沒笑,倒是領導gave me a 會心smile,當時十分驚悚,緊張上脊。因為不知以後還會不會翻譯,所以先放出來,有志之士可以自取。
You all… My feeling is that you, the media, need to learn more. You are very familiar with the western set of 『value』, but after all, you are 『too young』. Do you understand what I mean? Tell you what, Ive been through hundreds of battles. Ive seen it all. Which country in the west have I not been to? Their media … You should know Mike Wallace, in the U.S. Hes way above you all to an inestimable extent! I and he talked breezily and laughed comfortably, which is why the media need to raise your level of knowledge. Got it, or not? Im anxious for you all, its true. You really, I. You guys are good at one thing. All over the world wherever you go to, you always run faster than western journalists, but the questions you keep asking, 『too simple, sometimes naive.』 Understand or not? Got it or not? I』m very sorry. Today I am speaking to you as an elder, not as a journalist. I am not a journalist, but I』ve seen too much. I have this necessity to tell you a bit of my life experience.推薦閱讀:
※翻譯界的AlphaGo, AI翻譯機真是「狼」來了么?