
The heaviest air raid in history, up to that time, began as the Royal Air Force dropped 2,000 tons of bombs on Dortmund, topping the record of 1,500 tons dropped on Duisburg on May 12.


The German submarine U-414 was depth charged and sunk northwest of Ténès, Algeria by corvette HMS Vetch.


RAF Bomber Command sent 719 aircraft to bomb Wuppertal overnight. The raid created a firestorm that killed over 3,500 people.


The German submarine U-440 was sunk west of Cape Ortegal by a Short Sunderland aircraft of No. 201 Squadron RAF, and the U-563 was depth charged and sunk in the Bay of Biscay by British and Australian aircraft.

德軍潛艇U440在Ortegal角以西被皇家空軍201中隊的Short Sunderland飛機炸沉,U563則在比斯凱灣被英澳飛機炸沉。

In a German air raid on the British coastal town of Torquay, a church was bombed, killing 35 children and four Sunday school teachers


The German submarine U-308 was torpedoed and sunk in the Norwegian Sea by the British submarine Truculent, while U-594 was sunk west of Gibraltar by a rocket attack from a Lockheed Hudson of No. 48 Squadron RAF.

德國潛艇U308在挪威海被英軍潛艇Truculent用魚雷擊沉,而U594則在直布羅陀以西被皇家空軍48中隊的Lockheed Hudson用火箭炸沉。

The new French Committee of National Liberation made a radio broadcast from Algiers pledging to abolish the "arbitrary powers" imposed by the Vichy government and to restore "all French liberties, the laws of the Republic and the Republican regime."


The Italian island of Pantelleria was surrendered to the Allies unconditionally at 11:40 am local time, after 19 days of aerial bombardment, providing a base from which the invasion of Sicily could be staged.


Britains Royal Air Force bombed Düsseldorf and Münster in its heaviest attack up to that time, while the U.S. Air Force made a daylight raid on Wilhelmshaven and Cuxhaven.


Düsseldorf suffered its heaviest air raid of the war when 693 bombers dropped 2,000 tons of bombs in the space of 45 minutes.


The German submarine U-97 was sunk west of Haifa by a Lockheed Hudson aircraft of No. 459 Squadron RAAF.

德軍潛艇U97在海法以西被澳大利亞皇家空軍459中隊的一架Lockheed Hudson炸沉。

The British troopship SS Yoma was torpedoed and sunk northwest of Derna, Libya by German submarine U-81. 484 of the 1,961 aboard were killed.

英國運兵船SS Yoma在利比亞德爾納以西被德軍潛艇U81擊沉。船上1961人中有484人喪生。

The Italian cruiser Bari was bombed and sunk at Livorno by aircraft of the U.S. Eighth Air Force.


The German submarines U-126 and U-628 were both depth charged and sunk northwest of Cape Ortegal, Spain by British aircraft.


The British troopship City of Venice was torpedoed and sunk north of Ténès, Algeria by German submarine U-375.


The Battle of Kursk, the largest tank battle in history, began when Germany launched an attack on the Soviet city of Kursk with 20 infantry divisions and 3,000 tanks. Two days later, the Soviet Union launched a counteroffensive against the Germans. By the time the battle ended on August 5, the Germans had lost 70,000 men and 2,900 of the 3,000 tanks.


Throughout 10 and 11 July, the II-SS Panzer Corps continued its attack toward Prokhorovka, reaching within 3 kilometres (1.9 mi) of the settlement by the night of 11 July.


The Allied invasion of Sicily began as U.S., British and Canadian forces landed on the large Italian island.


The British Army captured the ancient port of Syracuse (Siracusa) in the invasion of Sicily, while nine other major ports were captured by the Allies on the second day of the invasion.


In the main engagement of the Battle of Prokhorovka, the German SS Panzer-Regiment 1 and the Soviet 5th Guards Tank Army fought a prolonged tank battle that saw the loss of hundreds of tanks in a single day.


General Harold Alexander of the British Army became the first Allied Military Governor of Sicily, as conquest of the Italian island was nearly completed.


Operation Kutuzov was the first of the two counteroffensives launched by the Red Army as part of the Kursk Strategic Offensive Operation. It commenced on 12 July 1943, in the Central Russian Upland, against Army Group Center of the German Wehrmacht.


Allied airplanes dropped bombs on the ancient city of Rome, three days after the ultimatum had been made to Italy.


George S. Pattons Seventh United States Army entered Palermo.


The Battle of Belgorod began on the Eastern Front.


Operation Gomorrah, the destruction of the German port of Hamburg began. British and Canadian airplanes bombed the city by night, and American planes followed during the day.


Benito Mussolini resigned as Prime Minister of Italy and got arrested.


The Greek towns of Karditsa, Grevena, Trikkala, Metsovon and others were liberated by July. The Axis forces and their collaborators remained in control only of the main towns and the connecting roads


More than 30,000 residents of the German port city of Hamburg were killed when British bombers carried out Operation Gomorrha during the night of July 27 and 28th.


Soviet red army launched several other offensives in the south front but only with limited gains.


The Battle of Troina began on Sicily.


Operation Tidal Wave began as a group of 177 American B-24 Liberator bombers, with 1,726 total crew, departed from Libya to make the first bombing of the oil refineries at Ploie?ti, Romania, the major supplier of fuel to Germany.

Tidal Wave行動開始,177架美國B24解放者轟炸機(及機上全部人員1726人)從利比亞起飛,首次轟炸德國燃料的主要供應方羅馬尼亞普羅耶什蒂煉油廠。

Soviet partisan fighters began using a new weapon, land mines made of plastic, to fight the German occupiers. Reportedly, the partisans placed 8,422 of the mines along railway tracks in the Belarusian SSR.


The German submarine U-106 was depth charged and sunk northwest of Cape Ortegal, Spain by Short Sunderland aircraft of No. 228 Squadron RAF.

德軍潛艇U106在西班牙Ortegal角西北被皇家空軍228中隊的Short Sunderland飛機用深水炸彈炸沉。

Soviet troops recaptured the city of Orel and Belgorod from German forces after a 23-day battle.


The Second Battle of Smolensk began on the Eastern Front.


U.S. troops landed at St. Agata, Sicily.


The US 7th Army, commanded by General George S. Patton, met the British 8th Army led by General Bernard Montgomery in Messina, completing the Allied invasion of Sicily.


Joseph Stalin of the Soviet Union announced that the recapture of Kharkov from German occupiers ended the Battle of Kursk with a serious strategic defeat for the German forces.




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