本文引自科幻小說《三位一體》自序,作者: 浪逐覺者/f(AI++)。堪稱史上最燃自序!能量十足!人生需要夢想!
And he must live it so as to feel no torturing regrets for wasted years, never know the burning shame of a mean and petty past - How the Steel Was Tempered.
For those who have dreams, people just fall into two categories, including dreamers and non-dreamers.
Your life is always filled with a variety of troubles, which may accomplish or destroy your dream.
The sands are running out on your opportunity to resolve to, cling to or even be mad about one thing. If any, never throw it away, but make it to be the best.
You should have absolute confidence in yourself, instead of letting a variety of questions discourage you. If a sparrow understands the ambition of a swan, will it be possible for the swan to get the opportunity?
人如果一開始考慮過多的是困難的話,恐怕一步都邁不出去。登頂之人當初心中必是山峰,而非是他失足後的100種死相。If you have high regard for difficulties at the very start, perhaps you won』t even make your first step. The one who succeeded in his bid to reach the summit must have taken his preoccupation with the summit, rather than 100 types of sights after his death.
Sometimes, what is required is to be so blind with the dream. Fear an ignorant man more a lion. Face the rough weather of struggle and forge ahead.
Gauss once said, "If I knew it was a mathematical problem with a history of more than 2,000 years, I could never have the confidence to solve it."
Before we know how difficult something is, we often do better instead!
不要把精力浪費在「失敗的後果」上。攀岩者如果總是惦記著腳下的深淵,那麼他就不會心無旁騖,墜崖也是「死有餘辜」。 Do not waste your energy on "the consequences of failure". If a climber always thinks about the abyss at the foot, he won』t behave with perfect composure, but will deserve to die from falling off the cliff.
Just do it. Even if you lose it, you should live your life full and leave no regret in this life!
不怕被全世界所否定,只怕不能被全世界所知。人不瘋魔,不成活!What matters is not the fact that you』re denied by everyone, but the fact that you are unable to be well known to everyone. One can not survive without madness!
If you always cling to one thing, you will become a person out of the ordinary. Only when you believe in miracles, can miracles choose you.
Life is sometimes supported by a dream. However, what』s supporting the dream?
When it comes to the most vulnerable moment, you may feel that you are about to lose it at its maximum... ...
Or even, you may be mentally weak enough to need a lot of soul soother, a lot of energy, a lot of faith ... ...
At this moment, I have to listen to more than five inspirational songs for rejuvenation.
I always fantasize about becoming one of the characters in the Story Collection by Mr. Liang one day.
One of the greatest fortunes in your life is to be an idol of your idol.
I am just a nine_to_fiver who loves dreaming, a male loser who waits for a piece of Chinese hamburger at the side of the street, or a dreamer who starts at the bottom rung, but how does one differ from a salted fish if he has no dream?
每個人心中都有一座監獄,它沒有鐵絲電網,沒有高牆圍欄。但它能畫地為牢,禁錮夢想,讓你無法掙脫命運的安排。它是生活的壓力,它是世俗的輿論,它是所有內心的作繭自縛……A prison lies at everyone』s heart. It may imprison your dreams to such an extent that you can not break free from the predestined ending, despite lack of a wire mesh or a high wall fence. It may be the pressure from life, the secular public opinion, or the cocoon set by yourself ... ...
Every man is his own God. If you give up yourself, who will save you? Everyone is busy, some are busy living, some are busy dying. Busy chasing fame and fortune in your busy daily necessities of you, stop to think a second: your brain, is not already institutionalized? Where is your God? See The Shawshank Redemption.
你是否已經丟失了生活的意義?只是一個周而復始工作的機器。是像「老布」一樣絕望地死去,還是像「瑞德」一樣去追隨「安迪」自由的腳步?Have you lost the meaning of life? Just a recurrently working machine. Do you hope to die of despair like 『Brooks』, or to retrace 『Andy』s』 footsteps for freedom like 『Red』?
Note: The present work aims to expand the human imagination. The proceeds from the sale of the published work will be contributed to the Dream Fund and the Rare Disease Fund.