




Lesson One - 實戰經驗:如何準備好一場演講



  1. Confidence - Donald Trumps trump card!

Like it not , he claimed the winning crown of US election -- arguably to be the most influential and powerful person in this planet!!

You may be a Trumps supporter or simply hate him to the gut, thats Ok as I am not here to expand the political debate further (as thats not of my interest :p). To many people, Donald is such a characteristic and love-and-hate person that "crazy/ mentally ill..." are just the common labels hes been named. Despite many may suggest that his political experience is next to nothing or his success and wealth is just inherited, we often overlook his "extreme or over confidence" which ironically I do believe is his trump card of winning the election battle and many of his business successes!

Whenever Donald faces the accusation or even scandals, hes never short of courage to stand out at the earliest possible timing to either defend or fight back. His speech or presentation may not be perceived as perfect but equally you cant deny that his self-made confidence is always on his face and throughout his entire presence.

This is not easy, emotionally and even physically as you need certain degree of self-confidence and thicker face to be bullet-proof.

If you are a university student, a confident presentation may impress your lecturer/professor hence a better academic score.

If you deliver a powerful and confident presentation to your boss, it may be well appreciated and lead you to a better career path (and probably attach better financial benefits)!

If you are an entrepreneur, a convinced presentation with your self-made confidence always place you into a better position with higher chance to win the investment and business opportunities.

2. But, how to start

Well, no one comes with confidence on their births, it is post-birth self-development. From my personal experience, I have summarised some practical but universal tips for you to apply on individual case as we are all unique individuals. A powerful presentation with convincing confidence is merely the natural result of endless practices and preparation that you shouldnt assume any existence of shortcut.



The confidence will not pop up at the moment you present, it comes from daily life. Only when you hear more, learn more , talk more and turn practising into your daily life , the confidence can be firmly rooted. My tips here:

  • Follow the news every day. Next time when you WeChat or Taobao with your mobile, spend 10 minutes every day on whats the latest around the globe. You will surprisingly realise this will enable you to to participate in more conversations while talking informatively and confidently to exchange the information and news!

  • Actively engage in different discussions to express your own views, rightly or wrongly (doesnt matter!). Start this with your family or friends, on whatever topics, to freely and openly voice out or even debate with them! Sometimes your view may be appreciated but other time you too might be laughed at and disagreed with!

Remember, here is the rule:

more you talk ---> initially you might make more wrongful comments/views ---> thicker face! --> more often your voice will then be respected and accepted --> hence the confidence!

3. No one is an exception!

Any presentation requires the design and planning of its format and contents. You can be as creative as possible to design such presentation so long as you can master the golden rules and essence when planning. Your confidence will be accomplished only when you have a well and thorough preparation.

  1. A clear objective is the number 1 step you need to determine, from academic analysis to investment pitch, as all the slides and your every single word will be designed and formulated to serve this objective.

  2. One-page of executive summary of the structure (at the beginning of the presentation) will give a better route map as to what they will expect for the presentation.

  3. My experience suggests that an effective presentation should be completed within 15 to 20 minutes, or you will simply lose the focus and interest of your audience. Pick what is absolutely relevant and essential, drop the redundancies! If possible, try to limit the entire presentation to approximate 20 slides or less!

  4. Only the key points on each single slide, Do NOT write essays ! A successful and confident presentation is the perfect combination of "People Delivery + contents of the slides". Bullet points and diagrams are always the most effective presentation format. However, regardless which format you adopt, I strongly recommend you not cover more than 5 bullet points in one single slide, as people always remember the top 3 or even 2! And, keep each point as short as possible, not the full sentence!

  5. When practising your presentation, slides should be your only source and tips for reliance. Repeat practising on each slide by organising your words around the key points of each slide. If you dont have enough confidence, try speaking loudly (when practising) at least 5 times on each slide.

  6. Prepare one pen and one piece of paper for which I shall explain in the next article of how to perform the presentation. See you next time!??







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