

Tonight i want to share you what did i do today . Today is Monday i have all day class . But today is one of my friend and also roomates birthday . So after class, I with other two friends we both have dicided to make a surprise for she . We hold a little dine together in secret . We celebrate together after class,we ate the shantou hot pot at school dining hall ,and bought a samll cake and two candle . with the number of 22, means today is her 22 years birthday . All of us ate too much ,after dinner we went to climb mountain it was horrible because is very dark .there has not street lamp .But we all brave ,we did it .before we came back to dormitory we ate the little cake in the half-way .it taste great .

All in all today is a nice day , right now ,i just feel so tired and want to go to bed immediately. and i decide to do it .no shower .just let me be a dirty guy .............see you tomorrow .. by the way ,i miss you so much ........


vampire diaries

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