Windows 10 on ARM將於五月支持64位應用 但不是真正的x64

2016 年 12 月的時候,微軟和高通首次宣布了將為基於驍龍處理器的 Windows 10 PC 引入 x86 應用運行支持的消息。不過現在,用戶們開始留意到了這些設備的一些缺點,比如無法運行 64 位應用程序。好消息是,如此前承諾的那樣,這件事將很快迎來改變。據 Engadget 報道,在五月份召開的 Build 2018 開發者大會上,微軟將會最終放出一款允許開發者編譯 ARM64 應用的 SDK 。

統一 Windows 應用(UWP)支持三種封裝形式,即 ARM、x64、以及 x86 。此前包括 Windows Phone 在內的許多 ARM 設備,都只支持 32 位的系統和應用。

不過需要指出的是,即便 Windows on ARM PC 運行著 64 位的操作系統,它會優先調用 ARM 封裝包。

如果 ARM 包不存在,那麼系統會在商店裡搜尋 x86 包(因為不支持 x64)。

對終端用戶來說,新的 ARM64 SDK 會帶來細微的不同。App 運行速度可能會略快一些,但它無法解決根本性的問題 —— 缺少對 x64 的支持。

大多數 Win32 應用都有提供 32 位版本,但 Photoshop Elements 等軟體卻不是,且微軟不大可能在短時間內為 Windows 10 on ARM 帶來 x64 模擬。

Windows 10 on ARM will support 64-bit apps in May, but not the ones you want [Update]

It was December 2016 when Microsoft and Qualcomm first announced their ambitious plan to introduce Windows 10 PCs that can run x86 apps on a Snapdragon processor. Now, the PCs are here, and users are starting to see their shortcomings, one of which is the inability to run 64-bit applications.

Microsoft aims to change that though, as it has previously promised. At the companys Build 2018 developer conference this year, the company will finally be releasing an SDK that will allow developers to compile their apps in ARM64, according to a report from Engadget.

UWP apps are compiled into three packages: ARM, x64, and x86. The ARM package is 32-bit, being that prior to this, the only ARM devices were Windows phones, which always ran a 32-bit OS. The new Windows on ARM PCs run a 64-bit OS, but theyll still choose that ARM package first. If the ARM package doesnt exist, the Store will download the x86 package, since x64 isnt supported.

The new ARM64 SDK will result in minimal changes for the end user. The app might be a bit faster, but it wont solve what most will admit is the real problem, which is the lack of x64 support. Most Win32 apps are available with a 32-bit flavor, but some, such as Photoshop Elements, are not. And its not likely that Microsoft will be adding x64 emulation support to Windows 10 on ARM anytime soon.

What this does do, however, is increase the value proposition of the Universal Windows Platform. Developers have historically used Win32 to develop for Windows, and Microsoft has worked hard to lower the barrier of entry into the Store by allowing developers to package those Win32 apps as Store apps. Those apps cant be compiled for ARM though, much less ARM64. Developers will see a large boost in performance with UWP on ARM PCs, over using an older technology like Win32.

Update: Microsoft issued a statement to ZDNets Mary Jo Foley, saying the following:

To clarify, Microsoft is planning to release a preview of the Windows 10 ARM64 SDK for Store and desktop apps, allowing developers to recompile their win32 desktop apps to ARM64 so they can run natively without emulation. With the SDK, x64 apps and x86 apps will also be able to recompile to ARM64 and run natively. We will be sharing more details on the ARM64 SDK Preview at Build.

The statement strongly implies that developers will now have the ability to recompile their 64-bit Win32 apps to ARM64. Well find out more about it at Build in May.



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