2012年出道之後,張蛋蛋童鞋離開了那個世外桃源般的Campus[1],來到了一個很魔幻的世界。首先,這是一個Commerce[2]的世界。Commerce的世界充斥著Capital[3]的糾葛和角逐。這些Capital可能源於各種各樣的Company(包括但不限於工作室、Corporation、Conglomerate),可能源於多個Company形成的Consortium[4],可能源於幾個人組成的Coterie[5] 。Capital的博弈,自然也伴隨著Conflict of interest [6]、Contact[7]和Connection[8],和因這些而帶來的可能的Conspiracy[9](包括但不限於Cook up[10])、Corruption[11] 、Cronyism[12] 、Casting couch[13]和Compromise[14] 。
一個Commerce的世界,自然也離不開Consumption[15],和Consumption背後的Consumer、Customer和Client [16]。隨著Cyber age[17] 的到來,這個Consumption的世界更魔幻了(允悲)。那個主要由專業的Critic[18]承擔Criticism[19]、Compliment[20]甚或Condemnation[21] 工作 ,並給出專業的Commentary的時代一去不復返了。取而代之的是一個人人可以做Critic[22],人人可以給出Comment[23]的時代,和一個充斥著Calumny[24]、Canard[25]甚或Curse[26]的Cyberbullying[27]的世界。與此同時,Capital也在利用著Cyber age,製造著一個又一個的Clickbait[28]和Conversation piece[29]。
其次,這是一個娛樂的世界。這個世界裡有Camera[30]、Close-up[31]、Cosmetic[32] 、Costume[33],也有Cassette[34]、Compact disc[35];這個世界裡有Cynosure [36]、Celebrity[37],也有真正懂得藝術的Connoisseur[38],致力於Composition[39](一個充斥著Clef [40] 、Crotchet[41] 、Chord[42]、Counterpoint[43]、Consonance[44]等的世界)、Choreography[45] 等的Craftsman[46]和Creator[47]。
再次,這是一個身處China[48]的世界。有著包括Confucianism[49]在內的華夏Culture[50]、Chinoiserie[51]、Custom和Convention[52]。當然,這個魔幻的世界裡還有一些可愛的Constituency[53], 而我們的張蛋蛋童鞋給這些Constituency取了個很中二的名字——X』Back。所幸,Constituency先下手為強,取了個諧音「興貝殼」。作為貝殼兩大存在形式——「殼」和「螺」(見圖)之一,這個群體里自然少不了Conch[54]。
這個世界是如此的Complex[55],會有Compare and Contrast [56],會有不同的Choice[57],會有進退兩難的Cleft stick[58],會有不知如何解答的Conundrum[59] ;這個世界會有Clamor[60] 、Confusion[61]、Change[62];也會有Cloud[63]、Cyclone[64]、Crisis[65];會有Coincidence[66]、Chance[67];也會有Crocodile tears[68]、Catcall[69]。是的,這世上沒有什麼是不付出Cost[70]的,但在這個Complex的世界裡,總有些是不惜Cost都要Cling (on) to[71]的東西。 「夢想和金錢,如果要做一個選擇,你選什麼?我零點一秒都沒猶豫,就選擇了夢想」(張藝興)。所謂不忘初心,方得始終。
[1] n. the buildings of a college or university and the land that surrounds them 校園
[2] n. the activities involved in buying and selling things 商業
[3] n. wealth in the form of money or other assets owned by a person or organization or available or contributed for a particular purpose 資本
[4] Company (n.) 營業單位;Corporation (n.) 企業;Conglomerate (n.) 大型聯合企業;Consortium (n.) 聯盟;A company is any entity that engages in business and can be a proprietorship, partnership or corporation. A corporation is a business entity that legally exists separately from its owner(s). Conglomerates are corporations but not all corporations are classified as conglomerates. A conglomerate is the combination of two or more corporations engaged in entirely different businesses that fall under one corporate group. Conglomerates are often large, multi-industry and multi-national. A consortium is a group with similar interests but owned by different entities whereas a conglomerate is a group owned by the same parent.
[5] n. a small group of people with shared interests 小圈子
[6] a situation in which different people want different things 利益衝突
[7] n. a person, especially someone in a high position, who can give you useful information or introductions that will help you at work or socially 人脈
[8] n. the state of being related to someone or something else 關係
[9] n. the activity of secretly planning with other people to do something bad or illegal 陰謀
[10] to invent something using your imagination and sometimes dishonestly 虛構
[11] n. illegal, bad, or dishonest behavior 貪污腐敗
[12] n. the situation in which someone important gives jobs to friends rather than to independent people who have the necessary skills and experience 任人唯親
[13] If you say that someone has got a good part in a film or play by using the casting couch, you mean that they had sex with the person who was choosing the actors in order to get the part. 潛規則
[14] n. settlement of differences by arbitration or by consent reached by mutual concessions 妥協
[15] n. the act of buying and using products 消費
[16] Consumer n. 使用者;Customer n. 購買者;Client n. 客戶;A customer suggests a one-time sale. It』s usually only focused on an economic exchange: the purchase of goods/products for a fixed price. Consumers are usually thought of as the end user – the person who actually uses the product or service. A mother who purchases diapers from a store is a customer, but her baby (who』ll use the product) is the consumer. A client implies a long-standing relationship. Businesses should generally aim for clients above all, because with those come ongoing business, loyalty, referrals, brand ambassadors and so forth.
[17] the computer-driven Information Age 網路時代
[18] n. someone whose job is to give their opinion about something 評論家
[19] n. the act of saying that something or someone is bad 批評
[20] n. an action that expresses approval or respect 讚美
[21] n. the act of condemning something or someone 譴責
[22] n. someone who criticizes a person, organization, or idea 批評者
[23] Commentary/Comment n. 評論; A comment is considered as an observation or a statement that expresses a fact or an opinion on a matter. A commentary is usually a detailed explanation of a discussion about a certain event, on a specific topic or a piece of writing. A comment and a commentary are similar but they refer to two different things. A comment refers to a remark or a statement made about something. It is usually short. While, a commentary is a long discussion made regarding an event.
[24] n. a statement about someone that is not true and is intended to damage the reputation of that person 污衊
[25] n. a false report or piece of information that is intended to deceive people 謠言
[26] n. magic words that are intended to bring bad luck to someone 詛咒
[27] n. the use of technology to bully a person or group with the intent to hurt them socially, psychologically or even physically 網路暴力
[28] n. articles, photograph, etc. on the internet that are intended to attract attention and encourage people to clink on links to particular websites 釣魚新聞
[29] an unusual object that causes people to start talking 話題
[30] n. a device for taking photographs or making films or television programmes 攝像機
[31] n. a photograph taken from a short distance that gives a very detailed picture 特寫
[32] n. substances that you put on your face or body that are intended to improve your appearance 化妝品
[33] n. the set of clothes typical of a particular country or period of history, or suitable for a particular activity 劇裝
[34] n. a flat rectangular device containing a very long strip of magnetic material that is used to record sound and/or pictures 磁帶
[35] n. a small circular piece of hard plastic on which high-quality recorded sound can be stored 激光唱片
[36] n. a person that is so beautiful that it attracts a lot of attention 因美貌而引人注目的人
[37] n. someone who is famous, especially in the entertainment business 明星
[38] n. a person who knows a lot about and enjoys one of the arts, or food, drink, etc. and can judge quality and skill in that subject 行家
[39] n. the process of writing music 作曲
[40] n. a sign put at the beginning of a line of music to show how high or low the notes are 譜號
[41] n. a musical note that has a time value equal to two eighth notes 四分音符
[42] n. three or more musical notes played at the same time 和弦
[43] n. the combination of two or more different tunes played at the same time 復調
[44] n. a combination of sounds or musical notes that are pleasant when heard together 和音
[45] n. the art of arranging how dances should move during a performance 編舞
[46] n. someone who is very skilled at a particular craft 匠人
[47] n. someone who has invented something 創作者
[48] n. a country in East Asia 中國
[49] n. a religion based on the ideas of the Chinese philosopher Confucius 儒家思想
[50] n. the way of life of a particular group of people at a particular time 文化
[51] n. a style of art, furniture, decoration, etc. that has Chinese or East Asian influences in the design 中國風格
[52] Custom n. a way of behaving or a belief that has been established for a long time 風俗; Convention n. a usual or acceptable way of behaving, especially in social situations 習俗; The words Custom and Convention can not be treated as synonyms. All customs are conventional in origin, and all conventions become customary when perpetuated.
[53] n. a group of people who support, or are likely to support, a particular person, product, suggestion, etc. 支持者
[54] n. a large spiral shell 海螺殼
[55] adj. involving a lot of different but related parts 複雜的
[56] 對比;Compare means to see the similarity and contrast means to see the difference.
[57] n. a range of different things you can choose 選擇
[58] a situation where it is very difficult to decide what to do 進退兩難的處境
[59] n. a problem that is difficult to deal with 難題
[60] n. loud noise 喧囂
[61] n. a situation in which people do not know what to do 困惑
[62] n. the process or result of something or someone becoming different 變化
[63] n. figurative used to refer to a state or cause of gloom, suspicion, trouble, or worry 陰雲
[64] n. a violent tropical storm 颶風
[65] n. a time of intense difficulty or danger 危機
[66] n. a remarkable concurrence of events or circumstances without apparent causal connection 巧合
[67] n. a time or situation which you can use to do something that you want to do 機遇
[68] tears that you cry when you are not really sad or sorry 鱷魚的眼淚
[69] n. a loud shout or whistle (high sound) expressing disapproval 倒彩
[70] n. something that is given, needed, or lost in order to get a particular thing 代價
[71] to try very hard to keep something 堅持
[72] n. a fact or condition connected with or relevant to an event or action 情況、境遇
[73] n. the particular state that something or someone is in 情況
[74] n. the situation within which something exists or happens 環境
[75] n. the particular combination of qualities in a person that makes him or her different from others 品格
[76] Competency n. an important skill that is needed to do a job 技能; Capability n. the ability to do something 才能; Abilities are the qualities of being able to do something. Skills are the proficiencies developed through training or experience.
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