#WorkWithPride: 促進本社群的LGBT包容度的Brainstorm

@繾綣雲間 @Kukmoon谷月 @士官嬢

本直男覺得你葯圈每天為奇怪的事情撕來撕去很無聊的......嚴先生一個人鬧得每天雞犬不寧也就算了, 左派右派這個有點......在想法里討論(YY)一下mtf命運共同體, trans命運共同體乃至LGBT命運共同體的平權出路不是更有趣嘛_(:з)∠)_

嚴先生, 您裝聾賣瞎真沒啥用。諸位mtf, 跟裝聾賣瞎的人撕只會劣化我們在外人面前的印象, 無視才是最好的反擊。

《經濟學人》活動(the Economist Events)最近搞了一個有趣的LGBT平權促進活動, 參與門檻很低, 前期工作量也很小基本只需要紙上談兵, 還有豪華香港二日游獎品哦~不要整天撕來撕去, 想想這種有意義的事情多好嘛_(:з)∠)_

以下為無腦渣翻, 原網站請見文末Reference, 貌似需要梯子。


《經濟學人》活動所舉辦的的#WorkWithPride競賽(由高盛集團支持, 為Pride and Prejudice:「驕傲與偏見"活動的一部分)邀請青年專家與潛在的求職者們提交關於」如何促進LGBT在其社群中受包容度」的建議, 並描述實現的方式。這些建議可以包含任何形式, 例如有教育意義的活動、演講、社會集會、競賽與」創造內容」的運動(如視頻、博客等)。一份參賽建議書需要3~5人的項目組來執行項目。

這項活動的特色是導師制活動——由一群有成功舉行過促進LGBT活動的倡議者與」盟友」所組成的Pride Mentor來指導。被選中的參與組會在導師指導下的參與企劃來實現他們的點子。這項活動是一次絕佳的讓改變發生的機會, 你將目睹你的項目從概念到成功。

#WorkWithPride由高盛集團贊助的《經濟學人》活動主辦, 邀請全亞洲的青年增加LGBT群體在他們所處社群內的包容度。


2月1日~3月12日 開放提交

3月12日~~3月30日 提交截止, 審核提交方案並選出三組優勝者

4月 三組優勝者與Pride Mentor聯繫, 改進他們的方案

5月24日 邀請三組優勝者參與 Pride and Prejudice 2018

6月~9月 正式執行企劃


參與者需要將建議書發送到workwithpride@economist.com, 建議必須滿足如下條件:

(a) 格式為word, pdf或powerpoint文稿, 語言須為英語。不多於7頁——2頁為建議內容, 5頁為可選附錄。文件名須包含你的小組的名稱

(b) 描述你在你所處社群內外促進LGBT包容性的點子

(c) 聲明小組名稱, 各自的年齡和各自現在所處的教育機構




(b)處於以下國家和地區: 澳大利亞、中國、香港、印度、印度尼西亞、日本、馬來西亞、紐西蘭、新加坡、韓國、台灣 *對於新加坡, 只有公民和擁有永久居住權的居民能參加

(c)可以在5月24日參與Pride and Prejudice 2018活動




  1. 參加Pride and Prejudice 2018的免費票(價值1425刀)
  2. 到香港的往返機票與2夜的住宿
  3. 與高盛集團的生涯對話

入圍的小組必須成功地在9月前成功執行他們的項目以獲得獎品, 如果任何成員在競賽過程中退出了, 必須有一個新成員取代他/她以完成項目。這次替換必須獲得《經濟學人》活動的認可, 新成員必須在所有必需的文件上簽字。

以下為FAQ, 懶得翻譯了_(:з)∠)_

#WorkWithPride FAQ

1. What is the #WorkWithPride competition? The Economist Events』 #WorkWithPride competition (part of the Pride and Prejudice initiative, and supported by Goldman Sachs) calls on young professionals and future jobseekers to submit proposals that outline their ideas to promote LGBT inclusion in and outside of their communities, and describe ways to implement them. These initiatives can take several forms, including but not limited to: educational events and lectures, social gatherings, competitions, and content-creation campaigns (videos, blogs, etc.). Submissions will require project groups of 3-5 individuals to execute the initiative. This programme features a mentorship initiative with a group of Pride Mentors – advocates and allies that have achieved success in promoting LGBT inclusion and diversity initiatives. Chosen groups will participate in a mentorship programme and bring their ideas to life. This is an excellent opportunity to effect change and see the project from conception to completion. The Economist Events, with the support of Goldman Sachs, presents the #WorkWithPride competition, inviting young people across Asia to advocate for LGBT inclusivity in their own communities. 2. Who can participate? The competition is open to students and young professionals who meet all of the following criteria: (a) were born between 1990 and 2000; (b) are based in one of the following countries: Australia, China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malyasia, New Zealand, Singapore*, South Korea, and Taiwan; * In Singapore, the competition is open to citizens of Singapore and permanent residents only. (c) are available to attend Pride and Prejudice 2018 on May 24th; (d) are not an employee of Goldman Sachs or any of its subsidiaries or affiliates and not an employee of The Economist or any of its subsidiaries or affiliates. The competition opens on February 1st 2018 and closes at 11.59pm Hong Kong Standard Time on March 12th 2018. Entries received outside of the competition period will not be eligible to participate in the competition.

3. How do I enter? To enter the competition, participants must submit their proposal to workwithpride@economist.com. Proposals must: (a) be a word, pdf, or powerpoint presentation in English, of no more than seven pages– 2 pages for the proposal, 5 pages for an optional appendix. File name should include name of group. (b) outline of your ideas to promote LGBT inclusion in and outside of your communities. (c) state your group』s name, your respective ages and the educational institution you currently attend.

4. What is the submission deadline? The competition opens on February 1st 2018 and closes at 11.59pm Hong Kong Standard Time on March 12th 2018. Entries received outside of the competition period will not be eligible to participate in the competition.

5. How are the groups shortlisted? After the submission deadline, the judging panel will evaluate presentations submitted and shortlist 3 entries according to the following criteria: ? Creativity o How original is the idea? o Has this been done before? ? Potential impact o What value does the activity bring to the community? o Does it further the inclusiveness agenda? ? Practical implementation o Can this be realistically executed? o What will the reception to your plan be to those affected? ? Longevity o Post implementation, how far will it go? o Will people remember your project? On March 30th, The Economist Events will announce the three shortlisted groups on The Economist Events』 social media channels, based on the judges』 evaluation.

5. How will I know if I』ve won? On March 30th, finalists will be sent an email and The Economist Events will announce the shortlisted groups on The Economist Events』 social media channels. 6. What is the prize? The three shortlisted groups will receive the following prize: ? One complimentary pass (valued at US$1,425) to attend Pride and Prejudice Hong Kong on May 24th 2018 ? A round-trip airline ticket to Hong Kong (economy class) and accommodation for two nights, for one participant to attend the event ? Career conversation with Goldman Sachs ? A one-year subscription to The Economist

Shortlisted groups must successfully execute their projects by September in order to be eligible for the prizes. If any participating member of the finalist group drops out during the competition, they may be replaced by a new team member to ensure successful completion of the project. Replacements are subject to The Economist Events approval, and the new team member(s) must sign all necessary documents as requested by The Economist Events, including, but not limited to, the Consent Forms.

7. Will my travel and accommodation expenses be covered if my entry is selected as a finalist? If needed, The Economist Events, supported by Goldman Sachs, will provide, for one representative of each shortlisted group, travel (a round-trip economy-class flight) and accommodation (a maximum of two nights) to attend the Pride and Prejudice conference in Hong Kong on May 24th 2018.

8. Who is on the judging panel?* ? Paul Choi, managing director, Goldman Sachs ? Charles Goddard, editorial director, The Economist Intelligence Unit ? Laurel West, managing director, Thought Leadership, The Economist Intelligence Unit * Additional judges to be confirmed.

9. Will there be any project funding?

US$1,000 will be granted to each group of finalists to be used for the implementation stage of the projects. The teams are required to keep any invoices and/or receipts until the project is executed for reimbursement purposes.


1. #WorkWithPride官網: workwithpride.economist.com

2. #WorkWithPride Terms and Conditions: unbouncepages.com/workw

3. Pride and Prejudice活動官網: prideandprejudice.economist.com


蜜柑山遊記 (7) - 葯娘之路伊始

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