





That all depends on why youre contacting professors in thefirst place. If youre an undergraduate applicant, one who isnt qualified forvery, very, VERY specific research opportunities, then I cannot conceive of asituation in which you should be contacting professors. To do so would bepresumptuous and highly annoying to the professors. Contacting them at allwould be a mistake.

If youre a transfer or graduate applicant, however, thenyou absolutely should be contacting professors, but only if youve earned theright to do so. Have you conducted extensive undergrad research and are seekingnew and very specific research opportunities with a professor at your newschool? Have your researched all the professors and their department? Have youread their research? Do you understand it? When you speak to them, do you comeacross as a fiercely disciplined student who can viably contribute to thatprofessors research or classroom? Or do you come across as a sneaky andpresumptive (if not juvenile) kid whos trying to steal an advantage? Did youread that professors book and feel confused about a specific, complex issue?Did you understand the book entirely and want to know what else you shouldread?

With all this in mind, the key mistake to avoid is simplywasting a professors time. These are insanely busy, highly nerdy and focusedpeople. They arent your servants, and arent even a resource until youveproven yourself worthy of benefiting from their time and expertise.

Ask yourself this: do I genuinely need to get informationfrom this professor, or am I trying to squeeze out some amorphous advantage? Ifits the former, then youre good to go!

Last but not least...if you do contact a professor, get anative speaker or someone similar to proofread your email. There are veryspecific ways you should be polite, and they can be the difference betweenstriking up a wonderful correspondence, or having your email ignored.



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