如何DIY一份靠譜的留學申請PS (Personal Statement)?

Personal Statement 是什麼?

Personal Statement,或者被稱為」application essays" or "statements of purpose」, 是所申請學校需要申請者寫的,關於個人情況介紹,個人學術成就,以及想申請學校/專業的原因等相關問題的文章。當然,每個學校,乃至項目或者專業,都可能對於Personal Statement的內容有一些特定的要求,甚至有些對於字數或者頁數也有所要求。所以申請者在開始著手之前,請務必查閱相關專業網站上的具體要求。對於留學申請而言,Personal Statement是十分重要的,它能讓所申請的學校/專業了解到最真實的你,同時當所申請的學校/專業十分熱門,或者是申請人相關考試分數或者GPA偏低的時候,也可以一定程度上提高申請人的競爭力。故此,強烈推薦申請人自己DIY完成個人的Personal Statement。

Overview of the Personal Statement

Personal statements (aka 「application essays" or "statements of purpose」) are essays which are written in response to a question, or questions, on a graduate or professional school application form that ask for some sort of sustained response. These are usually questions about your academics, the reasons for your application, etc.

Some applications ask more specific questions than others. There is no set formula to follow in shaping your response, aside from answering all the questions. Required length for personal statements also vary widely, so it is best to check the program』s requirements before you write.

Personal statements can make or break your application. When applying to a competitive program you』re essay can compensate for your low test scores or GPA. For this, personal statements should be done by applicants themselves.

(英國華威大學 管理專業對Personal Statement的 內容和字數要求)

Personal Statement 怎麼寫?

1. 打開你需要申請學校的官方網站,檢索具體專業的申請信息。

2. 分析申請學校/專業所提出的Personal Statement的具體要求,例如需要包括的內容,字數等。

3. 開始著手編寫. 如無特定要求,可使用以下結構:

4. 修改所完成的內容和文章的格式. 可以問一問自己以下的問題,來看看有沒有遺漏的地方:

A. 我的目標都表達清楚了嗎?

B. 我解釋了為什麼要選擇這個學校/專業嗎?

C. 我是否提到了這個學校/專業的相關信息?

D. 我是否寫了一些有趣的細節來論證我所提出的自我優勢?

E. 我的文章語氣足夠自信嗎?

F. 讓其他人閱讀你所完成的文章,並詢問他們對此的意見。

G. 再次修改。

H. 再次仔細Proofread。 此時,也可以把文章發給FUEditors,由我們幫助完成proofreading或者heavy editing的編輯工作。

One Process for Writing the Personal Statement

1. Research the school and/or program to which you are applying.

2. Analyze the question(s) asked on a specific application. Also look at the requirements, like length.

3. Write your essay.

If you really don』t know how to structure your personal statement, you can use the following one.

4. Revise your essay for form and content. Ask yourself the following questions as you edit for content:

a. Are my goals well articulated?

b. Do I explain why I have selected this school and/or program in particular?

c. Do I demonstrate knowledge of this school or program?

d. Do I include interesting details that prove my claims about myself?

e. Is my tone confident?

5. Ask someone else - preferably a faculty member in your area - to read your essay and make suggestions for further revision.

6. Revise again.

7. Proofread carefully. We at FUEditors can definitely help you with this.


1. 假如同時申請一個以上的學校/專業,請不要給所有學校/專業都發一樣的Personal Statement。如果時間緊張,先完成最希望申請的學校/專業所需要的Personal Statement,然後在其基礎上, 修改完成其他的學校/專業。

2. 不要使用過於空洞,模糊的辭彙,或者過度使用某一些辭彙。

3. 不要包括過往生活中的每一個細節,突出重點即可。

4. 不要過度強調自己不足的地方,例如為何會考試成績或GPA不高。

5. 不要刻意表達幽默。Personal Statement 雖然是讓所申請的學校/專業更了解申請人的各項情況,但仍然是一份正式的文章。

6. 不要在定稿的Personal Statement 中仍留有錯誤,例如拼寫錯誤,語法錯誤等,這會讓閱讀者認為申請人不足夠嚴謹或重視。


1. Don』t submit the same essay for all of the programs that you want to apply—its far better to tailor your response to each question and each school.

2. Don』t use empty, vague, over-used words like "meaningful," "beautiful," "challenging," "invaluable," or 「rewarding.」

3. Don』t summarize your entire life or overwrite or belabor a minor point about yourself.

4. Don』t emphasize the negative. Again, the admissions committee already knows your GPA and test scores, and they probably are not interested in reading about how a list of events in your personal life caused you to perform poorly.

5.Don』t try to be funny. You dont want to take the risk they wont get the joke.

6. Don』t allow any superficial errors in spelling, mechanics, grammar, punctuation, format, or printing to creep under your guard.

If you are worried about anything, from mistakes to its content, you can send your personal statement to us (FUEditors) ^^.

還是擔心自己的Personal Statement不足夠完美?


我們承諾,所有與英文相關的編輯工作,都由於Native Spearker完成^^


留學申請用個人陳述 (PS, personal statement)知識點匯總

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