



// (『重讀) (_輕聲) (x ~ x連讀) (#跟讀) (##聽讀) (+##複習時跟/聽讀) (xxx下劃線是測試題答案) (加粗是對於我的生詞)

L03U01 1-1 Listening (Cathy got up late) 難度※※※

Cathy usually gets up at 6:30, but this morning she didn』t hear her alarm.

As a result she overslept.

She didn』t get up until 7 oclock, 30 minutes later than usual.

As a result, she didn』t have time to cook breakfast for her children.

Today Kathy and her kids left home early.

They usually leave home at 7:30, but today the left at 7:15.

## They left home early, because they had to buy breakfast on their way to school.

It usually takes 45 minutes to dive her kids to school, but today it took longer.

It took them longer because they stopped for breakfast along the way.

It took 15 minutes for them to have breakfast.

They ate at a little coffee shop, along the side of the road.

After eating breakfast, they got back into their car.

On most days, the traffic isn』t too bad in the morning.

But this morning it was much worse than usually.

The cars were moving very slowly.

As a result, it took them longer than usually to get to school.

One of her children got to school on time, but the other two were late.

They were late because their school are farther away.

## They were both about ten minutes late to school.

When Kath finally got she clean the house.

She vacuumed the living room and clean the bathroom.

Then she talk with her friend on the phone as usually.

When she finish talking to her friend, she got into her car.

She put key into the ignition and tried to star the engine.

(n. 點火,點燃;著火,燃燒;點火開關,點火裝置)

But her car』s engine didn』t start.

Her car battery was died, so she had to call for help.

(to get a new battery)

After getting a new battery for her car, the engine started.

Then Kathy drove to the mall to meet her friend.

She arrived the mall an hour late but her friend was waiting for her.

They had lunch together, and then they went shopping.

# They both bought new shoes and some things for their kids.

## Kathy bought a new tie for her husband.

It』s now 3 o』clock, and everything is going as usually.

Kathy doesn』t want anything else to go wrong.

## She wants the rest of the day to go as usual.

She doesn』t want anymore surprises.

And tomorrow she wanna oversleep.

She never wants to oversleep again.

Here is a bus such at but stop.

On most days, the bus come on schedule but sometimes they don』t.

Yesterday several buses were late.

This is because of the traffic yesterday is much heavier than usual.

Bus number 38 was supposed to coma at 8:40, it was 5 minutes late.

It didn』t come until 8:45.

Bus number 60 was supposed to come at 8:30.

But yesterday it didn』t come until 8:40.

It was ten minutes late.

Not one bus came early.

As a result of the delays one man got on a wrong bus.

He want to go the airport, so want to get on the bus No.38.

He expected it to come at 8:40.

Instead he got on bus N60, which came at 8:40.

He didn』t notice that was the wrong bus.

He didn』t go the airport.

## As a result, he missed his flight.

# He missed his flight because he got on the wrong bus.


L03U01 1-2 Vocabulary 難度※※

Wedding are the places where people get married.

These tow people are getting married.

This tow people are meeting for the first time.

This young boy is brushing his teeth.

The building in the middle is an office building.

Many people come to work here during the week.

These people are at a dance party.

The woman in the green dress is dancing with her boyfriend.

The triangle is inside the square.

The square is around the triangle.

The triangle is inside the circle.

The circle is around the triangle.

There is a square on either side of the circle.

The circle is on the left of a rectangle.

Rectangle is on the right of the circle.

Candies and cakes are sweet. Because they are made of lots of sugar.

Eating too many sweets isn』t good for your teeth.(listen測試里有選項,我經常錯選成酸的=-=)

Lemons and great food taste a little sour. So some people don』t like them.

Some sour tasting foods have a lot of Vitamin C.

These red peppers are very hot and spicy.

Eating hot or spicy foods raises body temperature. So dont eat them before going to bed.

These foods(French frise) are deep fried and greasy.

## Greasy foods have a lot of calories. So dont eat them if you want to lose weight.

Healthy foods are usually natural and dont include dangerous chemicals.

## Fruits and vegetables are examples of healthy foods.

## The traffic was much worse than usual.


L03U01 1-3 Dialogue 難度※

Hey, where are you?

I don』t see you anywhere.

I』m on the subway.

My light arrived early and I』m tired.

I』m sorry to be late.

## I』ll be there as fast as I can.

(At the airport)

Where are you now.

There are three more stops.

I』ll be there in 10 minutes.

# I』ll meet you at the bus stop in front of terminal 2.

Then, we can get a taxi. (take a taxi)

Ok, I』ll look for you in front of terminal 2.

See you soon.

What』s the matter, Tom?

## I don』t feel well.

Are you sick.

No, I don』t think so.

I』m just tired.

Didn』t you get enough sleep?

No, I didn』t.

## I went to bed later than usual.

What time did you go to bed?

## I(He) didn』t go to bed until 12 o』clock.

Why did you stay up so late?

I was watching some videos online.

What kind of videos?

Music videos from all of the world.


Sure, I』ll send you some links if you like.

Thanks, I like music videos too.

They』re really fun.

Just don』t stay up too late.

Don』t worry I won』t stay up too late.

I need my sleep.

(They like to watch music videos)

## He didn』t get enough sleep.


L03U01 2-1 Listening 難度※※

+## Our planate, the Earth, is the third planate from the sun.

It is a beautiful rotating sphere.

## The side facing the sun is in daylight.

The side facing away from the sun is in darkness.

For example, when it』s daytime in the US, it』s nighttime in China.

In fact, theres a 12 hour time difference between Boston and Shanghai.

When its midnight in Shanghai, its noon in Boston.

(noon is 12:00 p.m.)

(our planate is a sphere)

(rotates from west to east)

# To know which direction is east or west, watch the Sun.

+## The sun travels through the sky from east to west.

## The sun comes up in the east, and goes down in the west.

Again, this is because the Earth rotates.

It takes 24 hours for the earth to make a complete rotation.

# Because of the Earths rotation, the Earth is divided into time zones.

Some countries, such as the US have several time zones.

When it』s 10 a.m. in New York, it』s 7 a.m. in San Francisco.

## Europe and the US are separated by several time zones.

When it』s 5 p.m. in Paris, it』s 11 a.m. in Boston.

So there is a 6 hour deference between Paris and Boston.

# One large country ,China, has just one time zone for the whole(hole) country. (x其實新疆時區是+6)

As a result, at the same time, some parts of the country can be dark and other parts can be light.

(Its rotates.)

## As you travel around the Earth, the time changes.

+## The time of day depends on your location on the planate.

## When you travel East or West, you may cross several time zones.

For example, if you travel from Beijing to Los Angeles you cross 8 time zones. (you will cross)

That means, when its noon on Sunday in China, it』s 8 p.m. on Saturday in Los Angeles.

For travellers this means it can be very difficult to sleep after a long flight.

The clock may say 8 p.m., but for your body its noon.

This is called jet-leg.

Some countries such as the US have several time zones.

## Crossing several time zones causes jet-leg.

You will cross several time zones.

+## It depends on how far east or west you travel.

Kim is a popular Korean actress. ([?ktr?s])

+## She is 28 # years old, slim and beautiful.

+## She has a large fan club and her movies are very popular.

# Everywhere she goes, her fans want her autograph.

But Kim wants more.

## She wants to be popular all over the world.

## Tomorrow is a special day for her.

She is leaving for Hollywood.

She is going to Hollywood to meet with some top movie executives.

# The meeting is scheduled for the day after tomorrow.

+## If the meeting goes well she』ll be in _a Hollywood movie.

# This is her chance to become _a star.

## She wants to be more popular.

## She met the movie』s director last year.

## He came to Korea and saw her latest movie.

## After that, he decided to use her in his new movie.

Fortunately, Kim』s english is excellent, so she can play the role.

# The director 『wants-her to play a major role in the movie.

# The movie』s story will take place in the future.

At that time, the world will be a very different place.

Unfortunately, much of the world will be polluted.

+## Roberts will do much of the work, and 『only the very rich can have a good life.

+## The ending of the movie is ~ still a secret.

Even Kim doesn』t know how it ~ will end.

+## But she hopes it-will have a _happy ending.

# She wants people to have hope for ~ a better future.

## Kim doesn』t know how the movie will end.

+## She wants ~ the ~ movie to have ~ a happy ending.


L03U01 2-2 Vocabulary 難度※※※

This people are having a meeting.

The woman is giving a presentation (at a meeting).

This person is having a scary dream.

In his dream, something is casing him, so he is running as fast as he can.

This old man is a tourist.

He is looking out the window of his tour bus.

This young couple is in an art museum.

They are looking at a _famous painting.

The sun is setting behind the mountains.

The sky is turning red.

# Some buses, like this one take tourists to the places the

# (She is giving a presentation at a meeting.)

The longest line is the one on the top.

The top line is the longest of the three lines.

The shortest line is the one in the middle.

The line in the middle is shorter than the other two.

## The bottom line is the shortest.

## The shortest of this three lines is the one on the bottom.

The shirt on the left is more expensive than the shirt on the right.

The shirt on the right is less expensive than the shirt on the left.

The shirt on the left isn』t as expensive as the one on the right.

The shirt on the left costs less than the one on the right.

Winter is the coldest season because the sun is at its lowest point in the sky.

Winter sports include skiing and ice skating.

Summer is the hottest season because the sun is at its highest point in the sky.

## Many people like to go swimming in summer because of the hot weather.

Spring is the season when the weather gets warmer each day.

For many animals, new life begins in the spring.

# Autumn is the season when the weather begins to cool and the day begins to shorten.

Autumn is when the trees turn many colours and leaves fall to the ground.

Raining season is the season when some countries get most of their rainfall.

Raining season usually lasts for one or two month.


L03U01 2-3 Dialogue

Hi, I』m sorry to be late.

What happened?

You』re supposed to be here an hour ago.

Yes I know. But I missed my flight.

You missed your flight?

How did that happen?

## I got on the wrong bus this morning. So I was late to the airport.

By the time I arrived, the gate was closed.

What did you do then?

# I had to rebook my flight, and got on the waiting list.

It wasn』t easy to get on the next flight.

Oh, that』s too bad.

At least you got here.

Yes it wasn』t easy getting on next flight.

I had to run to the gate.

This kind of thing happens a lot lately.

Last week, I missed the flight too.

What happened?

There was a traffic accident near the airport.

You were driving.

No, I wasn』t. I was in a taxi.

But it took a long time to get to the airport.

## The traffic was stopped for nearly 50』.

# By the time I got there it was too late to get on the flight.

# The next flight wasnt for ~ another three hours, so there was a long wait.

From now on, I』ll try to get the airport much earlier.

Me too.

## What』s the matter?

Why do you look so sad?

Ada has a new job.

She』s going to Beijing.

Really, when do she leaving.

## She is leaving at the end-of next week.

That soon?

Yes, she just told me.

That』s too bad.

## I really enjoy working with her.

Me too. I』m going to miss her.

Let』s have a going away party for her.

## Good idea, how about this weekend.

Friday evening would be better.

We can have it after work.

Yes, Friday is better.

(They can have the party after work.)

Let』s go to her favorite restaurant ok?

Which one? The Italian one or germane one?

The Italian one has better food, so let』s go there.

Their pizzas are awesome.

Ok, I』ll make the reservation.

Let me check with Ada first.

We don』t her to miss her party.

Yeah, that』s for sure.

# (They are going to) And could you please invite everyone in the office.

Sure, no problem. Nobody will want


L03U01 3-1 Listening 難度※※※

+## Paul is a very successful business man.

He own several restaurants.

All of them are doing well.

In face they are very profitable.

+## To be profitable means that their income is more than their expenses.

As a result, he is making a lot of money.

Paul wants to buy a new car.

+## He is trying to decide which car to buy.

He has plenty of money.

As a result, he isn』t worried about the cost.

+## He can afford an expensive car.

He is making a lot of money.

(As a result means 「so".)

# On the other hand, he doesn』t want to waste money.

## He wants a car he can rely on.

# It _has to be safe and reliable, especially in cold winter weather.(can be very dangerous)

# If a car breaks down in bad weather, it can be very dangerous.

+## Paul wants to help reduce pollution and smog.(霧霾)

He would like to buy clean, something good for the environment.

He is thinking about buying a Tesla(文中「Texla」是錯的).

The tesla is an all electrical car. (clean)

It uses batteries instead of gasoline.

+## There is no exhaust, so it doesn』t pollute the air.

However, the car cant go very far without recharging the battery.

To charge the battery, to can plug it in to an electrical outlet.(電源插座)

Recharging the battery takes time.

One of Paul』s friends has one and he』s quite happy with it.

He says it』s reliable and well engineered.

There』re also several charging stations near Pauls office.

So he isn』t worried about that.

+## The cost for/f?/ charging the battery is low.

It』s less expensive than buying gasoline.

(Charging the battery is less expensive than paying for gasoline.)

His wife Cathy also likes the idea of buying electrical car.

## She likes the idea of driving a clean car.

So it make sense.

In the future, there may be driverless cars.

These may be very safe, but Paul doesn』t like them.

He enjoys driving. (Why does)

+## He likes to be in control of his car.


L03U01 3-2 Vocabulary 難度※※※

The man in the middle is the heaviest.

The man in the middle is heavier than the other two.

+## The woman on the left is smarter than the man on the right.

The man isn』t as smart as the woman is.

+## The woman is standing under a bridge.

There is a bridge above the woman.

There is a bridge over the river.

+## The river is flowing beneath the bridge.

The water is flowing over a waterfall.

## The waterfall is very high and beautiful.

People need passports to travel internationally.

Without a passport you can not leave your country, or enter anther country.

+## You need a drivers license to drive a car.

+## It is against the law to drive without a diver』s license.

Many people use credit cards to buy things on credit.

When you have a credit card, you don』t need to carry cash.

Smart phones are very useful and can do many things.

You can use them to make phone calls, play games, or go shopping on the internet.

We need to buy tickets, in order to take a train, or watch a sports event.

You can often buy tickets online, and sometimes you can get a discount.

Banks are where people can deposit or withdraw money.

You can also use online banking to pay bills, such as credit card bill.

# Hotels are _where travellers can stay overnight _or for several 『days.

## If you plan to stay at a 『hotel you should make a 』reservation.

+## Restaurants are _where people go to eat with friends or family.

There are many different kinds of restaurants, such as Indian, Italian, or Chinese restaurants.

Repair shops are where people go to fix things, which are broken or not working right.

This repair shop fixes cars, and can check ~ it to see if safe to drive.

# Coffee shops are favorite place to meet new people, or take a break from the office.

They are usually less expensive than restaurants.

## (If something is 『broken, you should _take it to a 』repair shop.)


L03U01 3-3 Dialogue 難度※

+## The I』m tired of going out to eat.

Let』s eat at home tonight.

Ok, are you going to cook?

No, it』s too late. And you know I』m not a good cooker.

Let』s order something.

+## What do you have in mind?

## I was thinking about a nice big pizza.

# Again? I had pizza last night. So please, no pizza.

## (He was thinking about ordering a pizza.)

## (She is tired of eating pizza.)

OK, no pizza.

Let』s order Chinese food, okay?

Sweet and sour?

You always like sweet and sour.

I feel like eating something hot and spicy.

OK, you order something hot and spicy, and I order sweet and sour.

## I don』t want anything spicy.

My stomach doesn』t feel good.

It』s a bit upset.

Okay, +## if you want sweet and sour, then I』ll have that too.

And I』ll make us some salad, with lots of tomatoes.

## How long will it take for the food to get here?

I don』t know.

I』ll call them and find ~ out.

# Thanks. Hopefully it won』t take longer than an hour.

I』m getting hungry.

Hey, what did you do last night?

I took a long walk from my hotel.

You didn』t get lost?

No, I didn』t.

(She』s staying at a hotel.)

Where did you go? Anywhere interesting? ([?ntr?st??]注意/r/的捲舌讀音)

I walk to the river.

There were (She saw) thousands of people there.

You went to the river?

How long did it take you to walk there?

It took around 20 minutes.

## Did you see anything interesting?

+## I was really surprised by how many people were there.

(She was surprised by how many people were there.)

(She walked to the river)

Many of them were taking pictures or selfies. (自拍)

Lots of selfies.

Do you take selfies?

Sure, don』t you?

## Sometimes. But my girlfriend takes a lot of selfies.

Then she shares them with her friends online.

# I don』t understand why people like to take so many pictures of themselves.

+## That』s because you』re old-fashioned. (過時的)

(His girlfriend.)

(Selfies means take picture of yourself)

Hmm, I guess you are right.

There is too much social media for me.

When I go to restaurant I see many people looking at their smart phones.

## They don』t even look at the people they are with.

+## Times are changing, my friend, weather you like it or not.


L03U01 4-1 Listening 難度※※

Cristina sells women』s clothing in a department store.

She』s usually works six days a week, but this week she is going to take 3 days off.

# She is taking time off, so that she can visits her parents.

# Her parents _live in the mountains, about three hours away by train.

## They are looking forward to seeing her.

They haven』t seen her for 『almost a year.

Cristina is their only child.

## Cristina isn』t 『going on the trip by 』herself.

Her boyfriend is going 』with her.

+## She is going to introduce him to her parents.

She and her boyfriend want to get married.

## If every 『goes well, they plan to get 『married in 』six months.

+## After they get married, Cristina plans to quit her job.

She wants to spend more time designing clothes.

She wants to set up her own business.

This will take time.

## Her boyfriends thinks it』s a good idea. (for her to start her own business.)

He is also thinking about starting his own business.

They don』t plan to have children right the way.

+## In fact, they may decide not to have children.

They don』t know yet.

It』s going to be a big decision. (to have children or not)

# Cristina』s parents want her to marry and have children.

## They are looking forward to having grandchildren.

## They don』t want her to start her own business.

+## They think it』s more important to have children.

# In fact, they would like her to live closer to them. (live nearby)

+## They want to be close to their grandchildren.

# So Cristina doesn』t plan to tell her parents everything.

For now, she just wants them to meet her boyfriend.

+## She wants them to be happy that she is going to get married.

She wants them to like him _and see her happiness.

## She wants her parents to accept her way of life.

Life isn』t the same now _as it used to be.

Times are changing.


L03U01 4-2 Vocabulary 難度※※※※

Mechanics, like this one, fix cars.

## He is working in a repair shop.

# A delivery person 『delivers ~ things. _Such as pizzas.

This person works for a restaurant.

## A pharmacist sells medicines.

+## Pharmacists, like this woman, work in ~ a pharmacy.

+## Thieves, like this one, steal things.

This thief is stealing a 』television from ~ a home.

A musician, like this one, plays music.

This musician is playing a guitar.

+## (Stealing thing is against the law.)

# These people are wearing masks _because of the smog.

## One cause of smog is the automobile exhaust. /,?t?m?』bil/

This raining hard so you need an umbrella.

+## Having rain like this can cause flooding and 『mudslides.

[m?dsla?d] n. 塌方;山崩;(沿緩坡而下的)徐緩黏滯泥流;泥流

When the sky is overcast, we can』t see sun because of the clouds.

+## A cloudy sky means that _it might rain.

+## We need to wear a coat when it』s cold and windy.

## In ~ a very strong wind, it』s difficult to use an ~ umbrella.

We need to drink water or other liquids, when it』s hot outside.

When ~ it』s really hot, most people turn on the air conditioning.

Here are some different types of things to read.

Works of fiction include novels, short stories, and plays, such ~ as Shakespeare.

+## We read fiction to enjoy stories _of imagination and adventure.

## People read the news, to learn about what』s happening in the world.

+## We can get the news in 『newspapers, and online.

+## When we buy something, we often need to read an instruction manual.

+## Instruction manuals show ~ us _how to put together, or install things.

# Non-fiction works, include biographies and books about science and history.

We read non-fiction to learn about different subjects and real people.

We can learn ~ about the latest scientific research in journals and academic papers.

Many online university courses, give a list of research papers to read.


L03U01 4-3 Dialogue 難度※

What』s wrong?

I can』t walk.

My left foot hurts.

Is it broken?

I don』t know if it』s broken, but it』s sure hurts.

There is one way to find out if it』s broken.


+## You need to see a doctor.

+## The doctor can x-ray your foot.

Okay, let』s go.

## I can』t walk by myself.

## Can you help me into a taxi?

Sure, I』ll call ~ a taxi.

# I』ll get you to a hospital as soon as possible.

Thanks. I sure hope ~ it isn』t broken.

We』ll find ~ it ~ out soon ~ enough.

## I don』t feel like 『cooking tonight.

Let』s go out.

Where would you like to go?

I feel like eating some great Italian food.

How about Als Italian?

It』s always good.

We went there last week.

+## Let』s try something new.

You have no imagination.

## You 』always want to go to the same place.

Right, I don』t like unpleasant surprises.

I just want things to be simple.

Okay, let』s compromise.

What does that mean?

What do you mean by compromise?

Let』s go fifty-fifty.

This time we』ll go some place new, and next time we can go to one of your favorites.

Okay, I』ll compromise and meet you half way.

# Good, I』ll look for something new and make reservations.

Great, let』s not go too late.

I』ll make reservations for eight.

Is that okay?

Yes, perfect!

# (She suggests that they go someplace new this time.)

# (She suggests that next time they can go one of his favourites.)

## (She suggests that they compromise.)

## (She suggests that they go out to eat.)

+## (He doesn』t like unpleasant surprises.)


This is us 第九集打卡學習06
震驚世界的英語口語萬能模板 — 求你真別再用了(第二彈)

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