90天 The Economist 閱讀實踐


因為有了這個高標準、嚴要求,只有繼續充電啦。從3月1日,我開始了90天The Economist 閱讀計劃, 每天一篇文章,周日休息。今天是第23天,分享一下我的閱讀心得。

  1. 文章的閱讀以生詞查找,理解文章意思為主,摘抄出自己認為好的、沒見過的、可能用到的表達方法,目標不要定太高,主要是能堅持180天;

  2. 選用專業的英語詞典(我用的是Mdict/劍橋雙解)

以下是今天的文章所摘抄的語言亮點,附上今天讀的文章Internal Migration



  1. First came the relaxation in Octoberof draconian family-planning restrictions.


  2. The document will allow access tostate health care where the migrants live, and permit their children to go tolocal state schools up to the age of 15.

    state schools:公立學校

  3. Now it is the turn of thehousehold-registration, or hukou, system, which determines whether a person mayenjoy subsidised public services in urban areas—rural hukou holders areexcluded.

    Hukou: 戶口已經成了公認的英文了,真強大

  4. They will now be rolled out nationwide.現在也開始推廣到全國了

    Roll out: 鋪開,這裡表示推廣到全國

  5. Andit will allow migrants to use urban services without losing the main benefit oftheir rural hukou: the right to farm a plot of land.

    UK [pl?t] US[plɑ:t]noun countable

    GROUND 土地

    a small piece of land that has been marked ormeasured for a particular purpose 小塊土地,小塊地皮

    ?a vegetable plot菜地

    ?There are several plotsof land for sale.有好幾塊地要出售。

  6. As with the two-child policy, though,there is less here than meets the eye.


    Less than meets the eye: Less thanmeets the eye」 means literally less than what meets the eye. What meets the eyeis what you see. Hence if something is less than meets the eye, it』s lesssignificant or less important, In other words, those figures are unimpressive.

    Anyways, 「less than meets the eye」 isa variation from the more commonplace idiom 「more than meets the eye」 and thatmeans something is better, bigger, more important or more complicated thanfirst perceived to be.

    Or, to use another similar expression,there』s more to it than that.

    Less than meets the eye

  7. In cities of between 500,000 and 1mpeople, applicants for urban hukou will need to have contributed to thegovernments social-insurance scheme for three years.



  8. About 60% of such people are"black" children, as they are often called in China, born incontravention of the one-child policy.

  9. But it is unclear what kind of hukouthey will get and whether a fine will still have to be paid for violating thefamily-planning rules.

    兩個句子,分別用」 contravention of theone-child policy」 及 「violating thefamily-planning rules」表示「違返計劃生育政策」。


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