


Four steps:

1、Booking a table 定位

2、Useful expression 交流

3、Complaining 反饋問題

4、Paying the bill 買單

Restaurant Reservasions

Good evening, this is ...,can I help you? 下午好,這裡是。。。,有什麼需要幫您的嗎?

Yes . Id like to make a dinner reservation for this Sunday night at six.


Were booked solid. How about seven? We will have a booth available then .


Thats fine. 好的

For how many persons , please? 請問回來幾個人?

There will be six of us. 我們6個人。

Somoking or nonsmoking? 要吸煙房還是禁煙房?

Somking. 吸煙房。

By the way , we will take the table till ti 7:15pm,since that will be a peak season.

順便說一下,我們會把位置保留到7:15,現在正是一個旺季 (slack season淡季。或者high season low season)

At a restautant

Good evening. Id like a table for four, please. 能給我一個4個人的位置么?

Do ou have a reservation , sir? 先生,你有預定位置么?

No,we have just arrived. 沒有,我們剛到。

Im affraid all our tables are taken , sir . Would you mind waiting until one is free?


Well , how long will it take ? 那需要等多長時間呢?

There will be 15 minutes or so . Would you please wait in the lounge and Ill call you when a table is free?


Ok.Thanks! 好的,謝謝


This is not what I asked for , Im afraid. 這不是我點的菜。

The soup is cold./There is something in my soup.這個湯已經涼了。/我的湯里有東西。

Waiter, I ordered my meal at least thirty minutes ago and and it still hasnt come. Why is it taking so long ?


Im very sorry ,sir.Illcheck it for you .很抱歉,我現在核實一下。

Please do hurry up! I have to leave soon.請你快點。我馬上就要走了。

Id like to speak with the manager .我要跟你們經理說話。

I believe that there is an error o my bill.我覺得我賬單有錯誤。

Pay the bill

How do you like the food ?覺得這菜如何?

Pretty good.But the steak is a bit overdone. 相當不錯。 但是這牛排有點老了。

Bring me the bill , please.把賬單給我一下。

Here you are . It totals 100 dollars,please.給您,一共100美元。

Ok, Id like to pay for it by credit card.好的,我用信用卡支付。

Thank you. Ill be right back .Do you need any to-do boxes?謝謝,我馬上回來。您需要打包盒么?

Yes , we do . Thanks.是的,我們需要。謝謝。

I have the VIP card of this restaurant . Shall I have disscount?我有這家餐廳的會員卡?可以打折么?

Can I have an invoice?可以把 發票給我么?

useful words and phases

roast VS grill:roast 是指在烤箱里烤,grill 是指在烤架上烤

cuisine/flavor/spices/seasoning 特色菜、口味、香料、調味料

Could you wrap this up for us?/doggy-bag/leftover 你可以幫我打包么?

chicken nuggets/onion rings/ketchup/pepper/mustard/French Frice/shake/soda


Order some takeout/for here or to go ? 送外賣、在這吃還是帶走

main restaurant/pravate room/banquet 大廳、包廂、宴會廳

minimum charge 最低消費

We can split the bill./We can go Dutch. 分開結賬/AA制

Its my treat./Its on me./Ill take care of the bill. 我請客,我結賬

On the house. 餐廳請客(生日)

Useful expression

Would you like a cocktail before dinner? 要先來一杯雞尾酒么?

Ill have a glass of Champagne. 給我來杯香檳。

May I take your oder? 可以開始點菜了嗎?

We will start with chicken soup. 我們先喝點雞湯。

And for the main course?點什麼主菜呢?

I want a cheeseburge.And for dessert, well have chololate mousse.Oh, bring me some coffe, too. 我想要一個芝士漢堡。 甜點的話,我要巧克力慕斯。還有,給我來杯咖啡吧。

Yes , sir . Now or after the meal? 好的,先生。是現在上呢?還是餐後上?

After , please. 餐後上吧。

useful words and phases



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