

2 複雜系統如何構建



In an age of smartness and superintelligence, the most intelligent control methods will appear as uncontrol methods. Investing machines with the ability to adapt on their own, to evolve in their own direction, and grow without human oversight is the next great advance in technology. Giving machines freedom is the only way we can have intelligent control.(在智能和超智能時代,最智慧的控制模式將是失控的模式。機器將在新一輪的技術進步中生成無需在人類監管下自我適應、自我進化的能力)

—Kevin Kelly (1998a)

Kevin Kelly 在《失控》的第二十四章為他的想法做了一個總結,提出了大自然無中生有(即產生複雜系統)的九律:分散式、自下而上的控制、遞增收益、模塊化生長、邊界最大化、鼓勵犯錯誤、不求最優解、但求多目標、謀求持久的不均衡態、變自生變。




實際上建築學天生就在處理複雜的問題,儘管並非是複雜科學所研究的那類問題,但依然可能是探尋複雜系統的窗口。這也是為什麼 Christopher Alexander 在 Overview 中提出:建築學將不再是科學知識的被動接受者,而會反過來推動複雜性科學的發展。

We thus have a situation, perhaps new, where archtecture, generally, in the past very much the recipient of receivedwisdom from the natural sciences, is now generating new material, and new ideas of its own, which have direct bearing on the solution of problems now classed as "complexity theory", and doing so in ways which, though obviously helpful to anyone concerned with building, have not arisen before in the mother fields of science itself.


That is why we must start paying attention to architecture, as a major source of insight in the field of complexity. The creation of fine-tuned, well-adapted complexity — as encountered for example in architecture — must now take shape as a major topic of theoretical science.Our ability, or failure, to master this science, is crucial to our survival.

3 New Concept In Complexity Theory

下面我們就來看看 Christopher Alexander 是如何聯繫複雜科學和建築學的吧。原文可以在這裡下載。


In 1954, he was awarded the top open scholarship to Trinity College, Cambridge University in chemistry and physics, and went on to read mathematics. He earned a Bachelors degree in Architecture and a Masters degree in Mathematics. He took his doctorate at Harvard (the first Ph.D. in Architecture ever awarded at Harvard University), and was elected fellow at Harvard. During the same period he worked at MIT in transportation theory and computer science, and worked at Harvard in cognition and cognitive studies.

在劍橋拿到化學和物理的獎金,拿了建築學學士、數學碩士,哈佛的建築學博士,並且在 MIT 搞交通(?)理論和 SC,在哈佛搞認知研究……

Christopher Alexander

他比較著名的書還有一本《模式語言》(A Pattern Language),在豆瓣上評分還是挺高的,系圖有中文版,可以一看。

從這篇《THE NATURE OF ORDER》的 Overview 中可以發現,Christopher 事實上是在建立新的建築學框架,正如他所說的:

Facing problems of architecture frankly, required conceptual breakthroughs in several areas, because one could not honestly confront the questions of human feeling, spirit, beauty, and above all two areas of content: the nature of configurations themselves, and the genesis of new configurations (i.e. the processes by which buildings are conceived and made)


3-1 如何度量一個複雜系統的成功——價值/美學


作者的觀點是「美是觀察更深層級的一種方式(Aesthetics is a mode of perceiving deep structure.)」在他看來科學和美的邊界並不那麼清晰:

But there is a very thin line -in fact, I would argue there is no substantial line at all -- between the issues of relative coherence of subsystems in a physical-mechanical system, and the more complex distinctions of coherence in an aesthetic entity - the phrasing of a piece of music for example.(強翻:我認為在物理層面的次級系統的相互和諧與美學上的相互和諧有什麼大的區別,譬如樂曲)


The relative coherence of more complex entities — the relative beauty of one column in a building, versus another, uglier column — is susceptible to precise observation, and can be made a part of science by new kinds of experiment, using the human observer as a measuring instrument. If we can construct these experiments in such a way that we get agreement among different observers, and thus obtain hardnosed observations of relative coherence in these more complex cases, in what way is it helpful to call these judgments subjective?(人類的主觀觀察能夠作為一種度量的工具,如果我們能從不同的觀察者中取得一定的共識)


3-2 嵌套的組合與深層適應


Deep adaptation is the process whereby the landscape,or a system, or a plant, or a town, proceeds by a series of spatially organized adaptations in which each part is gradually fitted to the parts near it: and is simultaneously fitted by the whole, to its position and performance in the whole.

當然任何複雜結構要想成功的話是離不開遺傳的,作者在 BOOK 2 中提出了將遺傳規則應用於建築的方法(在這篇文章中沒有提到),其中很重要的一點是保留結構的轉換(Structure-Preserving Transformation)。這和上面提到的各個層級的相似性有關。


在維基百科《THE NATURE OF ORDER》中可以更完整地看到四本書的主要內容。

Christopher 首先在第一卷中提出了好的系統的15種屬性,在第二卷中提出了保留形式的轉換的方法作為找到好的系統的有效方法,第三卷介紹了一些實例,第四卷主要是價值觀——精神、情感和個人基礎必須是所有建築和製造的基礎。

說到這差不多也該結尾了。要說這些東西要怎麼轉化到設計中我其實也不是很明白,你還是問問Christopher Alexander 比較靠譜,我相信深入閱讀之後能有一些可操作的方法。這種觀念事實上是對我們所熟知的建築學的反動,是對控制、簡潔、乾淨等等陳詞濫調的批判,它導向了一種新的人文主義與科學方法,是科學與審美、物質與意識的一種更深層次的疊加。




複雜性科學是研究複雜系統行為與性質的科學,具有統一的方法論———整體論或非還原論。複雜性科學誕生的標誌是一般系統論的創立。依據研究對象的變化,我們可把複雜性科學的發展歷史大致劃分為 3 個階段,它們分別是:第一階段,研究存在(一般系統論 ,控制論和人工智慧);第二階段,研究演化(耗散結構理論、協同學、超循環理論 、突變論、混沌理論、分形理論和元胞自動機理論);第三階段,綜合研究階段。



[美]梅拉妮·米歇爾著:《Complexity: A Guided Tour》,湖南科學技術出版社,2011年版



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