
The Great British Mystery: Why cant we cope with bad weather?


Roads and railways came to a complete standstill last week in the UK after snow and high winds hit much of the country. But why do we struggle to cope with the effects of bad weather?


Year after year "extreme" weather is blamed for severe delays and cancellations on our transport system; schools are closed and people are told to take days off work. This has become one of the great mysteries of British life: why cant we cope? The average Canadian or Norwegian would hardly blink at weather conditions 10 times worse than ours. Why is a country known for its cold weather so unprepared for snow? If other cold countries can carry on as usual through extreme blizzards(暴風雪), why cant we?

The problem is not that we get too much severe weather, but we dont get enough. When it does come, its very quick and unexpected. In countries like Canada it sits on the ground for months and because they know its coming, the same procedures(規程,程序) go into place every year.


The reality is that investing in the infrastructure(基礎設施) and equipment to make it easier to cope with snow would be extremely expensive for the UK, considering how little snow we actually get. Because snow is relatively rare for the UK, it is possible that much of the chaos arises from not being well-practised in driving or walking in slippery(光滑的) conditions – and no amount of(再...也不...) spending is going to cure that.


Add to this that the British are a stubborn lot. We are told to stay at home; take the day off work or school. But we ignore it, pile onto the roads and trains and thats when the problems start.


▍What we have learned today

1. The British press, for the last two weeks, has been full of stories about the cold weather.


2. In the UK, we cannot cope with snow. When snow comes, the country comes to a complete standstill.


3. London is not foggy. The UK gets some fog, but the UK gets ALL types of weather, all the time.


4. Our weather is unique because it changes so much. And this is because of our special geographic location.


5. The British DO like to talk about the weather, but usually just to start a conversation.



TAG:英國 | 天氣 | 經濟學人TheEconomist |