


Some people think advertising may have positive economic effects, while others think it has negative effects on individuals because it will make people feel dissatisfied about what they have and who they are.

Discuss both views and give your own opinion.




Sample Writing:

Nowadays, advertising is omnipresent. Be it routine happenings in our daily life.It』s strong presence is considered as a double-edged sword which means that there are positive as well as negative influences. People in favor of advertisement argue that it benefits economy at all levels, whereas those oppose to it stress on the negative influence towards individual. This essay will discuss both the beneficial and detrimental effects of adverts and conclude my opinion.

omnipresent 無處不在的

routine happenings 常規的事情

presence 存在(n.)

double-edged sword 雙刃劍

detrimental 不利的

Advertising can contribute to economic development in many ways. For enterprises, it helps increase value of products and develops brand awareness, preference and loyalty, so that sales are urged and overall cost is reduced. For the whole society, advertising can encourage companies to compete and provide new products as well as better services which result in greater vitality of the market. Also, more job opportunities are created as the demand for products and services go up because of ad.

enterprise 企業

brand awareness 品牌意識,品牌知名度

brand preference 品牌偏好

brand loyalty 品牌忠誠度

urge 促進,推動

vitality 活力

On the flip side of all the great things advertising offers us, there are manynegative aspects to be seen at individual level. Advertising aims to present a product in the best light possible, and the dramatization made up of catchy jingles, ideal special effects and desirable scenes lead to people』s unrealistic expectation of the product and themselves. People can not distinguish between what they want or desire for and what they really need. Powerful, visual advertising presentations compel consumers to purchase goods, services and ideas as a way to achieve emotional fulfillment and to "keep up with the Jones". What』s more, thepersona in adverts is usually flawless which make people expect more than they can afford. For example, advertising communicates that men should be handsome, tall, athletic, caring husbands, thoughtful fathers at all times. These images are often unattainable.

flip side 反面

dramatization 戲劇化

catchy jingles 朗朗上口的音樂

unrealistic 不現實的

distinguish between … and … 區分…和…

compel 強迫,促使

emotional fulfillment 情感上的滿足

keep up with the Jones 和左鄰右舍攀比

persona 人設

flawless 無瑕疵的,完美的

athletic 體格健壯的

unattainable 不可達成的

With all these pros and cons of adverts to be considered, I am convinced that taking a balanced view is appropriate at present, since advertising industry is developing, and time will tell all. All we need to do now is to prevent the potential hazards from affecting people』s lives.

hazard 風險



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