


Necklace of Sithathoryunet

Pectoral and Necklace of Sithathoryunet with the Name of Senwosret II, Middle Kingdom. 12th Dynasty during the reign of Senwosret II, from Egypt, Fayum Entrance Area, el-Lahun (Illahun, Kahun; Ptolemais Hormos), Tomb of Sithathoryunet (BSA Tomb 8), EES 1914. Gold, carnelian, lapis lazuli, turquoise, garnet (pectoral) Gold, carnelian, lapis lazuli, turquoise feldspar.



The Treasures of Nubian Queen Amanishaketo (10 BC - 0) | In 1832 her pyramid at Wad Ban Naqa was leveled to the ground by the explorer Giuseppe Ferlini. | This armlet was one of the treasures found; Gold with fused-glass inlays. Worn either on the upper arm or wrist, this ornament was closed by means of a fastening element of leather or linen, thus it did not extend fully around the arm.

Beaded Armlet Period: New Kingdom Dynasty: Dynasty 18 Date: ca. 1550–1525 B.C. Geography: Country of Origin Egypt Medium: Gold, carnelian, lapis lazuli, blue and green glass, faience on bronze or copper wire

This piece is a bracelette that belonged to Queen Ahhotep, it is gold over a lapis lazuli background and was found in her tomb along with other treasures. This bracelet depicts the god Geb - representing the earth - wearing both crowns of Egypt and giving his blessings to the kneeling king.

Wristband, Tanis-Protective eyes of Horus adorn bracelets found on Pharaoh Sheshonq IIs mummy, but engraved names indicate they were made for Sheshonq I, who is mentioned in the Bible.

Gold and turquoise bracelet from the Tomb of Tutankhamun. Heavy gold bracelet set with a piece of Sinai turquoise, symbol of the sky and sacred of goddess Hathor. Located in the Egyptian Museum, Cairo, Egypt。

Solid gold bracelets set with lapis lazuli and bearing the cartouches of Ramesses II. The lapis lazuli forms the central body of a goose, which has two heads and a tail worked in gold.



Earring from Egypt, the New Kingdom, Ramesside period - Dynasty 19, ca. 1295–1186 B.C. Gold, lapis lazuli.

Cloisonne earring from tomb of Tutankhamun The central feauture is described as a falcon with a ducks head its wings creating a sweeping circle around its head and its talons clutching shen rings, beneath the tail feathers is a bar decorated with circles from which hang five strings of gold and glass beads ending in pendant uraei.


古時的戒指有多種用途,除了用於裝飾外,還常用來在文書、信件上籤蓋印章。金屬印章最早用於新王國時期,呈馬鐙形,但到了後王國期,一種新型的金屬印章開始流行起來。 在所有出土的古埃及首飾中,最著名且經年代確認的是一枚蜣螂型印章金戒指,大約是在公元前1000年以前製作的。戒指由純金打造,上面刻著一隻蜣螂,戒指後面刻有主人的名諱和"永生"的象形文字。古埃及人視蜣螂為死後再生和生命力的象徵,於是在埋葬死者時,就將這枚戒指放在木乃伊的心臟部位。在古埃及第18王朝國王圖坦卡門的陵墓中,這位國王的心臟部位也佩戴有蜣螂型的胸飾。而且據說在這位年輕國王的無名指上戴有藍水晶戒指,中指上戴著金戒指。統治者希望能通過這些護身符使自己在進入死亡世界後獲得新生,實現繼續掌握權望。後來,蜣螂的形象也傳播到了希臘,對歐洲的裝飾風格也發生了影響。

CARAB SWIVEL RING, EARLY 18TH DYNASTY, 1540-1400 B.C. with solid gold hoop, the spiral wire wound around the shoulders and through the convex terminals and turquoise-glazed scarab, the scarab carved underneath with a decorative device composed of stylized lotus and papyri.

Ancient Egyptian jewel The cobras of protection on each side wearing the crown of Upper Egypt; the lotus & suns on bottom edge represent immortality; the lapis lazuli representative of the sky & stars; the turquoise is for long life; the carnelian for protection. The shen is for immortality & protection; the crook represents power. The square is the earth & the 3 bars are for the cycle of birth, death & rebirth.

The scarab sits atop the mountain or afterlife.




Flexible collar of Nebti, combination of Nekhebet and Buto (vulture and winged serpent) with superb workmanship. Made up of 171 gold plaques inlaid with polychrome glass and threaded together with borders of tiny beads. Each plaque has a tiny eyelet at its top and bottom and these were threaded together to make the whole piece whole. Tutankhamuns Death Mask and funerary goods.

Gold necklace of Psusennes I (detail), Dynasty XXI, 3rd Intermediate period, Tanis .



Tutankhamun So old and so pretty. Im fascinated by this jewelry

Reign of Tutankhamun 1336-1327 BC

These daggers were from within Tutankhamuns burial wrappings. The top one of made of gold and the lower, significantly rarer, made from Iron. Its pommel is made from rock crystal.

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