


1 Kiehls Calendula toner

All Chinese medicine ingredients, calm anti-inflammatory oh! Oh, no alcohol! Acne artifact! Ask you who else?! Since it cant wait to go back to the dormitory face, is the creation of the world giant huge changes in turn the world upside down on the huge one evening class lying in bed the corpse of the dead house is lazy brown! Looking at the petals of marigold in the bottle, I feel that the whole person is as beautiful as a little princess.

1 科顏氏金盞花爽膚水


2 snail facial mask

Deep moisturizing currently used the best natural skin care mask, the mask is called snail dope skin care liquid gold, popular in Europe and the United States, at present, the real snail farming factory complex operation, calls for a very high environmental temperature and humidity, so many big companies such as South Korea, Ian Jiao Yun Poetry, such as Estee Lauder. Are imported China Henan and Switzerland and other countries by Xuan snail, snail dope mask is a Henan brand manufacturers, moisturizing, repair acne, blemish effect makes you feel has been a godsend for skin care products.

2 宣致蝸牛面膜


3 Estee Lauder pomegranate Night Cream

It can deeply enter the bottom of the skin at night, and achieve the effect of nourishing and moisturizing. It can replenish enough water for the skin, and help the skin speed up the repair and self-renewal at night. Contain very rich vitamins and fruit extracts, inhibit the persecution of free radicals, to the skin to bring the nutrients and energy needed.

3 Esteelauder雅詩蘭黛紅石榴晚霜


4 Avene moisturizing cream

It has significant soothing, calming and moisturizing effects. Help skin relieve skin allergy phenomenon, it is suitable for sensitive skin crowd use. Natural moisturizing factor and live water synergy, contain vaseline and plant squalane, to help the skin to enhance the ability to repair, so that the skin back to health, glow.

4 Avene雅漾修護保濕霜


5 OLAY Regenerist micro sculpting can live in water

This excellent moisturizing toner moisturizing effect, elegant fragrance, clear and translucent and absorbent, painted on the skin quickly absorbed, fresh and not greasy, add new technology components to enhance skin cell activity, amino acid containing peptide complex composition and collagen protein, help deep penetration of the skin.

5 玉蘭油新生塑顏金純活能水


6 Borghese mineral potent emollients

Borghese from Italy, the pursuit of seamless integration of science and technology, the mineral SPA SKIN concept into the product, very world-renowned. The Borghese ACQUA DI contains a potent mineral ingredient, VITA mineral dimension Borghese unique he mixed ingredients, a variety of plant extracts ingredients can effectively improve skin transparency and gloss level, will enhance the ability of skin to absorb nutrients to the highest, known as the "God of water".

6 貝佳斯礦物強效潤膚劑

貝佳斯來自意大 利,追求天然與科技的無縫結合,將礦物溫泉療膚的概念融入產品之中,非常具有世界知名度。貝佳斯這款礦物強效潤膚劑,蘊含貝佳斯獨有的 ACQUA DI VITA礦物維他混合成份,多種植物精華成分能有效改善肌膚的透明度和光澤程度,將肌膚吸收養份的能力提升至最高,素有「神仙水」之稱。

7 Mamonde stretch Essence Cream

The pursuit of Mamonde for women around the world to create a dream like makeup, deeply affects thousands of MM, the Mamonde lifting essence is Mamondes research experts breakthrough from the spring in the nature of inspiration, the essence of soybean, pumpkin, rye healthy active ingredients, SPR-ING Complex unique essence formula developed, before the birth of the star of a single product.

7 夢妝彈力提升精華露

夢妝追求為全球女性打造出像夢境般的妝容,一直深深牽動著萬千MM的心,這款夢妝彈力提升精華露是夢妝的科研專家突破性地從春天的大自然中獲得的靈感,精萃大豆、南瓜、黑麥中健康的有效成分,研製出獨特的SPR-ING Complex精華配方,才誕生了這款明星單品。

8 SK- II repair essence

Can bring rich and moist skin, but also with repair function, when painting with the upper part of massage, the local dry lines have a good moisturizing effect. SK-II repair cream, containing concentrated Pitera living cells of yeast extract, can strengthen skin repair fine lines and dry lines, firm and smooth skin, reduce wrinkles, combing the skin texture, eliminate edema, improve facial relaxation, re shaping the firm smooth facial skin, facial contour clear outline. With moisture lock essence and special moisturizing ingredients, it can also achieve water replenishment and lock water function, special repair dry skin, help to reduce dry caused fine lines.

8 SK- Ⅱ修護精華露

能為肌膚帶來豐潤的滋潤同時具有修復功能,塗抹時配上面部按摩,對局部干紋有很好的滋潤效果。SK-II修護精華露,內含濃縮Pitera?活細胞酵母精華,能鞏固肌膚 修復細紋及干紋,緊緻平滑肌膚,減輕皺紋,梳理肌膚紋路,有效消除浮腫,改善面部鬆弛,重新塑造緊實幼滑的臉部肌膚,勾勒輪廓清晰的臉部曲線。 含滋潤鎖水精華及特效保濕成分,能同時達到補水與鎖水功能,特效修護乾澀肌膚,幫助減少因乾燥引起的干紋細紋。

9 Fresh rose moisturizing toner

France Fu Lei poetry skincare brand LVMH is a French groups high-end skin care brand, their home products packaging will love, even if experience is installed, will attach a letter in hand bag, light blue is very beautiful, quietly elegant nama. In my impression on television is rarely seen Fresh ads, but its natural product, is subject to a lot of stars and the pregnant mothers love, also is a large group of ordinary skin care lovers trust.

9 Fresh玫瑰潤澤保濕花水


10 Clarins CLARINS orchid facial care oil

Nourishing effect praise! After using the skin smooth, smooth, full of elasticity, used in the face will shrink pores, especially good. Long term use will find that the pores will gradually become small, not changed. But pay attention, orchid oil is only used at night, when the sun will react with the sun, there will be oxidation reaction.

10 Clarins嬌韻詩蘭花臉部護理油

滋養效果贊!使用後的肌膚光滑平整,充滿彈性,用在臉上也會收縮毛孔特別的好。長期使用就會發現,毛孔會慢慢變小變沒。 不過要注意,蘭花油是只能夜間使用的,有陽光的時候會和陽光發生反應,會有氧化反應。



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