
Bold Attempts and Diverse Voices that We are Seek for

Yijian Guan

New York Times

On October 16, the first formal session of US Senate Committee focusing on Finance Health Care issues had begun.

Senators from both parties actively involved in opening speeches and consultation, forming at least 2 blocs (1 in each party) for purpose of drafting working papers.

As the reporter recognized that Senators were striving for seeking solutions, the reporter also became aware of the complexity of the topic and rooms for improvement. The first sense of query came during the opening speeches, in which the opinions and resolutions were shared by Sen. Orrin Hatch, Sen. Pat Toomey, Sen. Bob Menendez, etc. However, since only few points were raised by limited number of Senators, their speeches naturally leaded to doubts of the reporter that the procedure of this session struggled an awkward silence.

This phenomenon also continued in the process of informal consultation, as blocs within the two parties followed the discussions that were initiated by Sen. Democrat Bob Menendez and Sen. Republican Orrin Hatch.

As Sen.Menendez firmly stated the importance of government-directed free market along with drug-price controlling, Sen. Democrat Mark Warner commented during a short interview: 「For some reasons, my concerns of Medicare and Medicaid were left out from discussion.」 There is no doubt that senators have had efficient and effective consultation; old attempts have been made by the minority, yet diverse voices from different parts are still being expected. The reporter suggests that senators representing each state should bear the needs of people in mind, bravely raise their opinions and achieve a more comprehensive cognition of this topic that helps with providing practical solutions.

Given an opening speech, Sen. Orrin Hatch later vigorously initiated discussion and encountered the same confrontation of diversified ideas from other Republican senators. 「A preliminary bill is drafted, yet few parts of the ideas are in coverage.」 He then added, 「senators are welcome for negotiation as we optimize the bill.」

It』s beyond questions that opinions from each senator are equally important and only if

senators with different interests stand out and raise their voices towards the same goal, could we get closer to what we expect.

Furthermore, as senators gradually submit working papers through blocs, the reporter believes that even more discussions will be generated, that necessarily means conflicts between blocs and parties will reveal. 「Balance and compromise is needed」 a senator claimed. In the next session, while holding the expectation for more active speeches and motions , we shall all take precaution that disputes may lead to dead ends.

With full confidence and enthusiasm, the reporter looks forward to more substantial progress in the next session.


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