




Do you have a seating preference? 您有較喜歡的位子嗎?

I』d like a seat with plenty of legroom. 我想要有大的腿部空間的座位。

I』ll put you in the emergency exit row.我會把你的位置放在緊急出口處。

I』d like a window seat. 我要一個靠窗的座位。

I』d like an aisle seat. 我想一個靠過道的座位。

How many bags do you want to check in?你有幾個行李要登機?

I have three.我有三個。

Any carry-one?有隨身攜帶的行李嗎?

Just one.只有一個。

On time/delay/cancel

Your flight is on time. 您的航班準時起飛。

Your flight has been delayed. 你的航班已經延誤。

How long is this flight going to be delayed? 這個航班會被推遲多久?

or How long do I have to wait?或者我需要等待多久。

Attention please.The flight has been cancelled due to bad weather in Beijing.

There』ll be no flights to Beijing until tomorrow.


But where can we stay tonight?Will you arrange a hotel for us?那我們今晚住在哪裡?你們會 給我們安排酒店嗎?


Which boarding gate should I go to?我應該去哪個登機口?

Could you please tell me the way to Gate10? 你能告訴我怎麼去Gate10 ?

Sure.Please take the escalator up to the higher level and the Gate 10 will be on your left.


When is the boarding time for this flight? 這個航班什麼時候登機?

Passengers on flight CA248 please note:your flight is now boarding at Gate 10.

航班CA248的乘客請注意:您的航班現在登機口登機10 。

On the airplane

Flight attendant空姐

Tray table餐桌

Life jacket救生衣

Could I get one more blanket?It』s so cold. 能給我一個毯子?太冷了。

May I have a pillow? 可以給我一個枕頭嗎?

May I have headphones for the in-flight movie? 我可以要一個看電影的耳機嗎?

How much longer does it take to get to Beijing?還有多久到達北京。

Will the flight get there on time?飛機能準時到達嗎?

Do you have any special meal requirements? 你有什麼特殊膳食需求嗎?

Yes,I am a vegetarian. 是的,我是一個素食主義者。

I fell sick to my stomach.我的胃有些不舒服。

I fell like I』m going to throw up.我感覺我有些想吐。

Use words

Airsickness bag暈機袋

Airsick pills暈機葯


震驚世界的英語口語萬能模板 — 求你真別再用了(第二彈)

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