
OSU建築史 (4):古羅馬建築

題圖 Pantheon


Greece statue:

idealized, governed by geometry/mathematics/cosmological balance > idea of oval, golden proportions embedded within the disposition of parts, classic demeanor, a calm universalize passive expression rather a figure who is deeply engaged with the psychological complexities

古希臘的雕塑 理想化 無表情 黃金比例的

Roman bust: individual whos being observed very closely

古羅馬的雕塑 個性化 刻畫更細緻生動

羅馬建城傳說中的 母狼 象徵著 伊特魯里亞文明(Etruscan)>

羅馬文化 為 伊特魯里亞文化和希臘文化的混合體

比如古羅馬建築中的承重牆(bearing walls)和柱式結構(columnar structures)

Roma Quadrata: Roma Camp/Town Plan/Castrum

orthogonally crossing main roads: Cardo & Decumanus



e.g. Dioceltians Palace 戴克里先宮, crucifixion 釘十字架(a symbol of Rome)

中庭式建築 Roman Atrium House(Type)

典型的私人建築(domestic architecture)

Atrium = courtyard: figural void

organization of the atrium house:fried egg scheme (the center is clear and knowable )


羅馬的工程技術 Roman engineering

羅馬人發明了混凝土(concrete) 例如城牆工藝 (「磚-混凝土-磚」三層結構)

混凝土的最大優點: 1.原料豐富,分布廣泛(隨處都有, locally availabe materials) 2.顆粒小,便於運輸

灌溉、引水技術:高架水渠(aqueduct)> 活水取代死水,減少瘟疫 > 廁所

羅馬拱(arch)> do it in a radio fashion

邁錫尼拱(cobelled arch)> do it through the displacing of element

拱石(voussoir) 拱心石(keystone)

桶形拱(barrel vault)存在側向推力(lateral thrust/loads kicking out sideways)

兩個桶形拱正交 > 交叉拱(cross vault/groin vault)


希臘人(科學家、藝術家、理論家)VS 羅馬人(工程師、設計師、實幹家)

羅馬神廟 Roman Temple(Type)

特徵: frontal,bearing wall, poche/pocket


使用承重牆(柱蛻變為裝飾,內部空間擴大)> 建築技術的進步、

牆是個「口袋」(poche)不是「表面」(surface)而具有厚度(sickness and death) > 加工裝飾的餘地

圓形廟宇 Tholos (Type)

Temple of Furtuna Primagenia, 80 BC


the space keeps contracting(縮小) from the vastness of the plane below to these increasingly narrow space (squre,theater)

a kind of hinge in renaissance, architectural promenade

Pantheon 萬神殿: Temple + Tholos 哈德良時代,118–128 AD


crenellated surface > corrugated card board (波紋紙板) > self-bracing/self-stabilizing

牆上挖「口袋」並未削弱穩定性,而形成了波狀結構(corrugation),減輕了重量,同時提高建築的結構強度(geometrys become self-bracing

e.g. Maison carree, Temple of Fortuna Virilis

characteristic of Roman urban space: the idea of a figural void as oppose to the figural object

萬神殿的異質性:figure object

庭院(atrium)、廣場(forum): figure void

Oculus of Pantheon,萬神殿之眼 為萬神殿增加了一個vertical axis/z軸/天空軸/世界軸(Axis Mundi)

spherical space: the cosmos are spherical, the heavens are spherical; the earth is rectilinear, the earth is a square.

柏拉圖《蒂邁歐篇》中的宇宙論:天圓地方 > 萬神殿結合了圓與方,即聯通天地(隱喻)

coffer (天花板鑲板) 減輕穹頂重量,且形成一種高遠的視覺效果(透視)

羅馬劇院 Roman Theater (Type)

Theater of Marcellus, 23-11 BC

Colosseum (Flavian Arena), 70-80 AD

Greek theater: gentle folding into landscape, a construction built into a landscape

Roman theater: colossal object standing above the earth, a freestanding object building gently packed into a city

Colosseum: two theaters slapping together, a roman propaganda machine



公共浴室 Roman Bath (Type)

Baths of Caracalla, 212-16 AD 公共澡堂

the vast deploy of interior space, vast vaults, cross vaults,

barrel vaults, domes

caldarium 高溫浴室 tapedarium 溫水浴室 frigidarium 冷水浴室

exedra 對話室 poche





10 Books on Architecture (De Architectura) Vitruvius, c.27 BCE

古羅馬的建築理論 《建築十書》 維特魯威

archi-: all encompassing > architect: the maker of everything

strong connection between Roman thought and Greek thought:

certain geometrical forms are ideal and carry with them special meanings

e.g. the circle is a kind of diagram of the cosmos > Vitruvian Man

Platonic geometry:

circle > cosmos, heavens, superlunary (above the moon), imortal

square > earth, mundane, sublunary (down the moon),the changing, corrupted by time

達芬奇的維特魯威人(c.1500)最為經典: 不同心(但同底線)的方與圓,方的形心乃生殖器(世俗、肉體),圓的形心乃肚臍(神聖、靈魂)

Classical thought: theres a kind of dissonance between things in the world.Things trapped in time and material corrupted and rot

維特魯威人 > microcosm: theres little image of the world on earth that we can understand. A little cosmos, microcosm that reflect the order of the divine

Architectures 3 qualities by Viruvius

firmitas (strength) 堅固

utilitas (functionality) 實用

venustas (beauty) 美觀

What is venustas?


symmetry(similar measure), 不一定為通常意義的軸對稱,可能包含局部對稱

rhythm (eurythmia),

decorum (appropriate),符合身份,類型的意義 > certain types carry with them certain meanings

The Orders in Colosseum: stack The Ordersas ornament, as articulation, not as structure

Roman Orders:







etymology of the word of Orders: ornament

凱旋門 Triumphal Arch (Type)

2 ways of makeing surface: arcuated system (arch), trabeated system (column & entblature)

公共廣場 Forum (Type)

羅馬的Forum 起源:七丘下各個部落進行交易的低地 > 公共廣場的原型,市場(marketplace),agora in Greece,forum in Rome

Forum, 曾經的市場,現在的政治中心,


特點 having leaky space/not sealed

Basilica: a meeting hall with nave (big hall in the middle), aisle (around the side),clerestory (through which the light coming in high)

早期基督教堂 巴西利卡(會議廳)

帝國時期的廣場 Imperial Forum: temple + columnated courtyard


Hadrians Villa,Tivoli 118 AD

熱愛建築的皇帝之一 哈德良


Piazza d『 Oro

Clearly defined courtyard and around the edges of the courtyard, almost anything can happen




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