【翻譯】ACS Guide Style Chapter 4 Writing Style and Word Usage

Chapter 4 Writing Style and Word Usage

Correct Sentence Structure






? 當句子可以更加簡潔直接時,用主動語態而不是被動語態。


The fact that such processes are under strict stereoelectronic control is demonstrated by our work in this area.


Our work in this area demonstrates that such processes are under strict stereoelectronic control.

? 當動作的實施者是未知的或者不重要的,亦或者你不想指定他時,使用被動語態。

The solution is shaken until the precipitate forms.

Melting points and boiling points have been approximated.

Identity specifications and tests are not included in the monographs for reagent chemicals.



? 你或者其他人在該研究中所做的工作可以用簡單過去式(Simple past tense)來陳述。

Jones reviewed the literature and gathered much of this information.

We found that relativistic effects enhance the bond strength.

The structures were determined by neutron diffraction methods.

? 聲明事實可以用現在時(present tense)。

Absolute rate constants for a wide variety of reactions are available.

Hyperbranched compounds are macromolecular compounds that contain a branching point in each structural repeat unit.

? 結果、討論和結論的陳述用現在時或者簡單過去式都可以。

The characteristics of the voltammetric wave indicate that electron transfer occurs spontaneously.

The absence of substitution was confirmed by preparative-scale electrolysis.

IR spectroscopy shows that nitrates are adsorbed and are not removed by washing with distilled water.


Other Forms

? 使用分離不定式(split infinitives)來避免笨拙和模糊是可以接受的。


The program is designed to assist financially the student who is considering a career in chemistry.


The program is designed to financially assist the student who is considering a career in chemistry.


The bonded phases allowed us to investigate fully permanent gases.


The bonded phases allowed us to fully investigate permanent gases.

Subjects and Subject–Verb Agreement

? 使用第一人稱來表示目的或決定,它也可以保持你的意思清晰。

Jones reported xyz, but I (or we) found ….

I (or we) present here a detailed study ….

My (or our) recent work demonstrated ….

To determine the effects of structure on photophysics, I (or we) ….

然而要避免使用「we believe」、「we feel」和「we can see」等表示主觀意見的句子。

? 主語和謂語應該在人稱和數方面保持一致。Chapter 9詳細介紹了這一點。

Sentence Modifiers


? 限制性短語或從句對於句子意思的表達是至關重要的。限制性修飾語並不用逗號來分隔。

Only doctoral students who have completed their coursework may apply for this grant.

Several systems that take advantage of this catalysis can be used to create new palladium compounds.

? 非限制性短語或從句為主句提供補充信息,對於句子意思的表達並不是必要的,換句話說,基本句的意思有它沒它一樣。非限制性修飾語要用逗號分隔。

Doctoral students, who often have completed their coursework, apply for this teaching fellowship.

Several systems, which will be discussed below, take advantage of this catalytic reaction.

? 錯位修飾(misplaced modifier)是在句子中放錯位置的修飾語,它會在無意中歪曲作者的原意。


We commenced a new round of experiments unable to point to meaningful conclusions.


Unable to point to meaningful conclusions, we commenced a new round of experiments.

? 懸垂修飾語(dangling modifier)是指句子中同其他詞沒有明顯修飾關係的成分。它與修飾整個句子的獨立結構(absolute construction)不同。


Adding 2 mL of indicator solution, the end point for the titration was reached.


Adding 2 mL of indicator solution, we reached the end point for the titration. When we added 2 mL of indicator solution, the end point for the titration was reached.

Sentence Construction and Word Order

? 使用肯定句,而不是雙重否定句。

INSTEAD OFCONSIDER USINGThis reaction is not uncommon.This reaction is common.This reaction is not rare.This reaction occurs about 40% of the time.This transition was not unexpected.This transition was expected.We knew that such transitions were possible.This strategy is not infrequently used.This strategy is frequently used.This strategy is occasionally used.This result is not unlikely to occur.This result is likely to occur.This result is possible.

? 注意單詞「Only」的位置,它處在句子中的不同位置時有不同的意思。

Only the largest group was injected with the test compound. (Meaning: and no other group)

The largest group was only injected with the test compound. (Meaning: and not given the compound in any other way)

The largest group was injected with only the test compound. (Meaning: and no other compounds)

The largest group was injected with th e only test compound. (Meaning: there were no other test compounds)

? 確認代詞所指明確,換句話說,在使用代詞(「he」, 「she」, 「it」, or 「they」)時,它所指代的名詞應當是明顯的,比如 「Isaac Newton」, 「Marie Curie」, 「the compound」, or 「the research team」等,特別是對於「this」 和「that」的使用。如果有可能產生歧義,那就使用名詞來闡明你的意思。


The photochemistry of transition-metal carbonyl complexes has been the focus of many investigations. This is due to the central role that metal carbonyl complexes play in various reactions.


The photochemistry of transition-metal carbonyl complexes has been the focus of many investigations. This interest is due to the central role that metal carbonyl complexes play in various reactions.

? 使用合適的從屬連詞(subordinating conjunctions)。(連詞連接句子的不同部分;從屬連詞連接主句和從句。)「While」和「since」有強烈的時間內涵,不要在你想要表達「although」, 「because」, or 「whereas」的意思時使用它們。


Since solvent reorganization is a potential contributor, the selection of data is very important.


Because solvent reorganization is a potential contributor, the selection of data is very important.


While the reactions of the anion were solvent-dependent, the corresponding reactions of the substituted derivatives were not.


Although the reactions of the anion were solvent-dependent, the corresponding reactions of the substituted derivatives were not.

The reactions of the anion were solvent-dependent, but (or whereas) the corresponding reactions of the substituted derivatives were not.


排比,或者說平行結構,是使用同語法等級的詞語或片語。同語法等級意味著詞語只和詞語連接,短語只和短語連接,從句只和從句連接,句子也只和其它句子連接。 通過並列連詞(coordinating conjunctions)、關係連詞(correlative conjunctions)和關係結構建立排比的結構。

? 並列連詞是單個的辭彙,比如「and」, 「but」, 「or」, 「nor」,

「yet」, 「for」等,有時「so」也算。


Compound 12 was prepared analogously and by Lees method (5).


Compound 12 was prepared in an analogous manner and by Lees method (5).

? 關係連詞是成對的辭彙,比如「either … or」、「neither

… nor」、「both … and」、「not only … but also」和「not … but」等。


The product was washed either with alcohol or acetone.


The product was washed with either alcohol or acetone.

The product was washed either with alcohol or with acetone.


It is best to use alternative methods both because of the condensation reaction and because the amount of water in the solvent increases with time.


It is best to use alternative methods both because of the condensation reaction and because of the increase in the amount of water in the solvent with time.


Not only was the NiH functionality active toward the C-donor derivatives but also toward the N donors.


The NiH functionality was active not only toward the C-donor derivatives but also toward the N donors.

The NiH functionality was not only active toward the C-donor derivatives but also active toward the N donors.

Not only was the NiH functionality active toward the C-donor derivatives, but it was also active toward the N donors.

? 關係結構是使用「as … as」的句子結構,比如「as well as」。

He performed the experiment as well as I could have done it.

? 當「but」不作為並列連詞時,不要在它附近使用排比結構。

Increasing the number of fluorine atoms on the adjacent boron atom decreases the chemical shift, but only by a small amount.

The reaction proceeded readily, but with some decomposition of the product.

? 在序列和列表(series and lists)中使用平行結構,包括章節標題和副標題以及圖的說明(figure captions)中的表格和列表等。


? 表示比較的介紹性短語要指向句子的主語,並在其後接一個逗號。


Unlike alkali-metal or alkaline-earth-metal cations, hydrolysis of trivalent lanthanides proceeds significantly at this pH.


Unlike that of alkali-metal or alkaline-earth-metal cations, hydrolysis of trivalent lanthanides proceeds significantly at this pH.

Unlike alkali-metal or alkaline-earth-metal cations, trivalent lanthanides hydrolyze significantly at this pH.


In contrast to the bromide anion, there is strong distortion of the free fluoride anion on the vibrational spectroscopy time scale.


In contrast to the bromide anion, the free fluoride anion is strongly distorted on the vibrational spectroscopy time scale.

? 「compare to」比較兩者的相似點,「compare with」比較兩者的不同點。只有同類的事物才能進行比較。

Compared to compound 3, compound 4 shows an NMR spectrum with corresponding peaks.

Compared with compound 3, compound 4 shows a more complex NMR spectrum.

? 不能忽略那些影響比較的完整性的詞語(比如"that", "those"等),也不要用混亂的語序。從屬連詞 「than」在比較中用於引入第二個元素,其後跟隨一個形容詞或者副詞的比較級。


The alkyne stretching bands for the complexes are all lower than the uncoordinated alkyne ligands.


The alkyne stretching bands for the complexes are all lower than those for the uncoordinated alkyne ligands.

The alkyne stretching bands are all lower for the complexes than for the uncoordinated alkyne ligands.


The decrease in isomer shift for compound 1 is greater in a given pressure increment than for compound 2.


The decrease in isomer shift for compound 1 is greater in a given pressure increment than that for compound 2.

The decrease in isomer shift in a given pressure increment is greater for compound 1 than for compound 2.

? 比較中常用的習語有 「different from」, 「similar to」, 「identical

to」, 和「identical with」等,一般不能分開來用。


The complex shows a significantly different NMR resonance from that of compound 1.


The complex shows an NMR resonance significantly different from that of compound 1.


Compound 5 does not catalyze hydrogenation under similar conditions to compound 6.


Compound 5 does not catalyze hydrogenation under conditions similar to those for compound 6.


The single crystals are all similar in structure to the crystals of compound 7.

Solution A is identical in appearance with solution B.

? 像「relative to」, 「as compared to」,和「as compared with」之類的短語以及「versus」之類的詞語也可以用來引入比較中的第二個元素,被比較的事物必須是相似的。

The greater acidity of nitric acid relative to nitrous acid is due to the initial-state charge distribution in the molecules.

The lowering of the vibronic coupling constants for Ni as compared with Cu is due to configuration interaction.

This behavior is analogous to the reduced Wittig-like reactivity in thiolate versus phenoxide complexes.

Correct Word Usage



本章僅僅給出了少量在學術寫作中常常被誤用的一些詞語和短語,請自行查閱關於辭彙用法的參考資料以獲得更全面的幫助。(Chapter 18 「References on Scientific Communication」 標題下羅列了一些這樣的參考文獻。)

Grouping and Comparison Words

? 使用「respectively」讓兩個序列在同一個句子中聯繫起來。

The excitation and emission were measured at 360 and 440 nm, respectively. (That is, the excitation was measured at 360 nm, and the emission was measured at 440 nm.)

? 使用更精確的措辭,比如「greater than」或者「more than」而不是不精確的 「over」或者「in excess of 」。

greater than 50% (not in excess of 50%)

more than 100 samples (not over 100 samples)

more than 25 mg (not in excess of 25 mg, not over 25 mg)

? 使用「fewer」來陳述數字;使用「less」來陳述數量。

fewer than 50 animals

fewer than 100 samples

less product

less time

less work

? 然而,對於帶單位的數字,要使用「less」,因為它們被認為是單數。

less than 5 mg

less than 3 days

? 對於兩個命名對象,使用「between」;s;對於三個或更多的命名對象,使用「among」。

Communication between scientists and the public is essential.

Communication among scientists, educators, and the public is essential.

Communication among scientists is essential.

Commonly Confused Words and Phrases

?根據你的意思選擇「myself」和「me」。「Myself」 是一個反身代詞,僅僅用於主語是「I」的句子,而「me」 用作直接或間接賓語,或者介詞的賓語。 「Myself」從來都不是「me」的替代品。

Please give a copy of the agenda to Anne and me. (not to Anne and myself)

I myself checked the agenda.

Cheryl and I checked the agenda. (not Cheryl and myself)

The agenda was checked by Barbara and me. (not by Barbara and myself)

? 「due to」的意思是「attributable to」,僅用來修飾直接在它前面的名詞或代詞,或者跟在動詞「to be」的形式之後。

Cutbacks due to decreased funding have left us without basic reference books.

The accuracy of the prediction is due to a superior computer program.

? 根據你的意思選擇「based on」和「on the basis of 」。以「based on」開始的短語必須修飾直接在其前面或後面的名詞或代詞。用以「on the

basis of 」開始的短語來修飾動詞。

The doctors new methods in brain surgery were based on Ben Carson』s work.

On the basis of the molecular orbital calculations, we propose a mechanism thatcan account for all the major features of alkali and alkaline earth catalyzed gasification reactions. (not Based on …)

? 根據你的意思選擇「assure」、「ensure」和「insure」。「to assure」意思是「to affirm」,證實,肯定;「to ensure」意思是「to make certain」,確定,落實; 「to insure」意思是「to indemnify for money」,保險.

He assured me that the work had been completed.

The procedure ensures that clear guidelines have been established.

You cannot get a mortgage unless you insure your home.

? 根據你的意思選擇「affect」、「effect」和「impact」。當「affect」被用作動詞時,它的意思是影響(influence),調整(modify)或改變(change)。 當「effect」被用作動詞時,它的意思是效果(to bring about),而作為名詞,則是後果,結果(consequence, outcome, or result)。「Impact」是一個名詞,意思是顯著的後果。

The increased use of pesticides affects agricultural productivity.

The use of polychlorinated benzenes has an effect on the cancer rate.

The effect of the added acid was negligible.

The new procedure effected a 50% increase in yield.

The impact of pesticide use on health is felt throughout the world.

The acid did not have a great impact on the reaction rate.

? 使用「whether」來引入至少兩個選擇(alternatives),無論是聲明的還是暗示的。

I am not sure whether I should repeat the experiment.

I am not sure whether I should repeat the experiment or use a different statistical treatment.

I am going to repeat the experiment whether the results are positive or negative.

使用「whether or not」來表示無論如何(「regardless of whether」)。


I am not sure whether or not to repeat the experiment.


I am not sure whether to repeat the experiment.

Whether or not the results are positive, I will repeat the experiment.

Whether or not I repeat the experiment, I will probably leave the laboratory late tonight.

? 使用「to comprise」來表示包含(「to contain」)或組成(「to consist of 」)。它並不是「to compose」的同義詞。整體包含(「comprise」)部分,或者說 整體由部分組成(「composed of」),但是不能說整體由部分包含(「comprised of」)。永遠不要使用「is comprised of 」。


A book is comprised of chapters.


A book comprises chapters.

A book is composed of chapters.


Our research was comprised of three stages.


Our research comprised three stages.

Use of 「A」 and 「An」

? 根據它們之後單詞或縮寫的發音來選擇冠詞「a」和「an」 。化學元素和同位素之前a」和「an」的用法見257和264頁(Chapter 13)。

a nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometer

an NMR spectrometer

? Use 「a」 before an 送氣音(aspirated )「h」之前用「a」;母音字母a、e、i、o,以及軟的或短的u和y之前用「an」。

a house, a history (but an hour, an honor)

a union, a U-14C (but an ultimate)

a yard (but an ylide, an yttrium compound)

? 根據第一個字母的讀音選擇以下頭銜的合適冠詞:B.A., B.S., M.A., M.S., and Ph.D.。

a B.S. degree

an M.S. degree

a Ph.D.

Words and Phrases To Avoid

? 不要用俚語(Slang)或者行話(Jargon)。

? 要簡短精要。廢話連篇會掩蓋你的信息,使你的讀者感到厭煩。

? 避免空洞的短語,比如

As already stated

It has been found that

It has long been known that

It is interesting to note that

It is worth mentioning at this point

It may be said that

It was demonstrated that

? 避免多餘的話。

INSTEAD OFCONSIDER USINGIt is a procedure that is often used.This procedure is often used.There are seven steps that must be completed.Seven steps must be completed.This is a problem that is ….This problem is ….These results are preliminary in nature.These results are preliminary.

? 使用單詞而不是短語來更簡潔精確地表達。

INSTEAD OFCONSIDER USINGa number ofmany, severala small number ofa feware found to beareare in agreementagreeare known to beareat presentnowat the present timenowbased on the fact thatbecauseby means ofbydespite the fact thatalthoughdue to the fact thatbecauseduring that timewhilefewer in numberfewerfor the reason thatbecausehas been shown to beisif it is assumed thatifin color, e.g., red in colorjust state the color, e.g., redin consequence of this facttherefore, consequentlyin lengthlongin order totoin shape, e.g., round in shapejust state the shape, e.g., roundin size, e.g., small in sizejust state the size, e.g., smallin spite of the fact thatalthoughin the case of …in …, for …in the near futuresoonin view of the fact thatbecauseis known to beisit appears thatapparentlyit is clear thatclearlyit is likely thatlikelyit is possible thatpossiblyit would appear thatapparentlyof great importanceimportanton the order ofaboutowing to the fact thatbecauseprior tobeforereported in the literaturereportedsubsequent toafter

? 科技論文中不要使用縮寫。


The identification wasn』t confirmed by mass spectrometry.


The identification was not confirmed by mass spectrometry.

? 不要用「plus」 或者加號作為「and」的同義詞。


Two bacterial enzymes were used in a linked-enzyme assay for heroin plus metabolites.


Two bacterial enzymes were used in a linked-enzyme assay for heroin and its metabolites.

? 在你想要表達separately」 或者「independently」D的時候,不要用「respectively」。


The electrochemical oxidations of chromium and tungsten tricarbonyl complexes, respectively, were studied.


The electrochemical oxidations of chromium and tungsten tricarbonyl complexes were studied separately.

? A避免濫用由「with」引入的介詞短語。


Nine deaths from leukemia occurred, with six expected.


Nine deaths from leukemia occurred, and six had been expected.


Of the 20 compounds tested, 12 gave positive reactions, with three being greater than 75%.


Of the 20 compounds tested, 12 gave positive reactions; three of these were greater than 75%.


Two weeks later, six more animals died, with the total rising to 25.


Two weeks later, six more animals died, and the total was then 25.

? 不要用斜線表示「and」 或「or」。


Hot/cold extremes will damage the samples.


Hot and cold extremes will damage the samples.

? R不要用「and/or」 ,而是根據你的意思選擇「and」 或「or」。


Our goal was to confirm the presence of the alkaloid in the leaves and/or roots.


Our goal was to confirm the presence of the alkaloid in the leaves and roots.

Our goal was to confirm the presence of the alkaloid in either the leaves or the roots.

Our goal was to confirm the presence of the alkaloid in the leaves, the roots, or both.

? 如果你已經在會議上展示了你的結果,而現在要把這些結果寫成文章來發表,那麼你需要刪去所有與會議相關的詞語,比如「Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen」, 「This morning we heard」, 「in this symposium」, 「at this meeting」, 以及「I am pleased to be here」等等。這些詞語僅僅在你準確記錄演講的時候才合適。

? 避免使用「recently」。 你的文章或書籍會存在很長時間,但是這個單詞會讓它看起來在很短的時間內就會過時。


It was recently found that these effects enhance the bond strength.


Harris and Harris (2006) found that these effects enhance the bond strength.

Gender-Neutral Language


neutral language)。中性語言也是許多化學家的目標。 最近樣式指南和寫作指南敦促編輯和作者來選擇過時的強調性別角色的說法。中性語言是準確的,無偏見的,並不會產生尷尬。問題最大的詞語是名詞


? 用「people」, 「humans」, 「human beings」, or 「human species」等詞語來替換「man」。


The effects of compounds I–X were studied in rats and man.


The effects of compounds I–X were studied in rats and humans.


Men working in hazardous environments are often unaware of their rights and responsibilities.


People working in hazardous environments are often unaware of their rights and responsibilities.


Man』s search for beauty and truth has resulted in some of his greatest accomplishments.


The search for beauty and truth has resulted in some of our greatest accomplishments.

? 使用workers」, 「staff 」, 「work force」, 「labor」, 「crew」,

「employees」, 或者「personnel」來替換「manpower」。

? 使用synthetic」, 「artificial」, 「built」, 「constructed」,

「manufactured」, 或者「factory-made」來替換「man-made」。

? 使用複數形式(「they」 和「theirs」) 或者第一人稱(「we」, 「us」和「ours」)來替換「he」 和「his」。或者,用「a」或「the」來代替它,甚至直接把它刪除。「His or her」在沒有濫用的情況下也是可以接受的。使用被動語態或者第二人稱有時也是可以的。


The principal investigator should place an asterisk after his name.


Principal investigators should place asterisks after their names.

If you are the principal investigator, place an asterisk after your name.

The name of the principal investigator should be followed by an asterisk.

? 不要在單數的先行詞後面使用複數形式的代詞。


The principal investigator should place an asterisk after their name.


The principal investigators should place asterisks after their names.

? 用「family」 或者「spouse」 來替換「wife」。


The work of professionals such as chemists and doctors is often so time-consuming t their wives are neglected.


The work of professionals such as chemists and doctors is often so time-consuming that their families are neglected.


the society member and his wife


the society member and spouse

[1]:男女平等,反對性別歧視在美國是政治正確的,這也許是文明的體現吧。國內也有用Ta來表示無性別的第三人稱,然而古代漢語中表示第三人稱的是之字,本無性別之分。他和她都是西學東漸之後白話文運動時才產生的。同時產生的還有妳,不過只有台灣還在使用這個字了。 ?



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